Which newspapers do you read?


Jan 6, 2004
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Which are your favourite newspapers (real papers, not just their websites ;)) and are you to which are you subscribed?

I hope for a lot of answers, also from people who live in countries other than the USA or UK, who post the names of their favourite local newspapers. :)
I don't read any newspapers really (only the odd article here and there that interests me). Usually I just grab the paper, rip out the TV Guide and chuck the mangled remains in some obscure place.
I don't read papers anymore. Occasionally, I'll pick up a Metro, but that's it.
Independant and the Mirror for sport if my dad doesn't leave it on the train.
The Independent, occasionally The Times, and occasionally The Guardian.
I don't read the papers :hmph: I get BBC RSS feeds in my inbox and I just read those.
The Times, The Indie :D and local papers
Actual real papers and no national news websites? Well...

Denver Post
Rocky Mountain News
Also, the real The Onion :D I like that version better, it has a ton more stuff.

Other than that, I read a whole lot of online stuff and not a lot of paper ones.
Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten (abbreviated Sydsvenskan) :)
The only newspaper I read daily is the Süddeutsche Zeitung. (every Monday this paper contains a few English articles from The New York Times, of which I usually read one or two)
Never buy newspapers (well not often anyway), I read online editions of pretty much anything, doing a google news search.

I read the Metro, or other freebie papers sometimes though.
I don't buy papers, but my family do. So reading's limited to The Sun. Page 3's nice, so I'm quite happy.

-Angry Lawyer
I find the whole concept of newspapers very old fashioned and pointless. In an age where a world of information/news is accessible almost instantly, almost real-time, people still want to read news that was written in the early hours of the morning. Why? It's a useless waste of natural resources imo.

I get my news off my mobile, off the net, via RSS feeds direct from BBC news.
i read the guardian and the indipendant on sunday. sometimes the indipendant in the week. they're the newspapers we get in our flat, if there's a current one i just read that.
What are these newspapers you speak of?
What are these newspapers you speak of?

english newspapers, briliant, well written, great, left wing newspapers. and in the case of the guardian, very badly spell-checked.
Read the Times mostly, and sometimes the Guardian (thats what my parents get).

If any of you get the Daily Mail, you are fascist. No joke.
it's an extremely right-wing newspaper which is predjudiced in every way they have a name for, primarily racist. widely known for it's conservative following and anti-immigration stance.
there's a london tradition: when you see someone reading it, casually walk up to them. smile. pull down their paper, and spit in their face.
I see quite a few unlikely people reading/buying it.

Notably illegal immigrants.
Daily Mails makes me sick. It should be banned.

My mam buys the Mirror.