Which of the two forum colors do you use?

Which of the two forum colors do you use?

  • Old Blue Style

    Votes: 23 31.1%
  • Light Tan Style

    Votes: 51 68.9%

  • Total voters

Thadius Dean

Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
For those of you who don't know, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and in the left corner there will be a drop down menu. Use that to change the forums colors.

EDIT: I am currently useing the Old Blue Style, but to only see what it looks like. I have been using the Light Tan Style for a long time now.
i switch every now and again so i don;t get bored
Tan, because blue looks so weird now.
I didn't even know you could change the colour. Now I changed to the old blue style and I it looks pretty weird. Was this how the forum looked before the tan colour?
Seppo said:
I didn't even know you could change the colour. Now I changed to the old blue style and I it looks pretty weird. Was this how the forum looked before the tan colour?

Sort of, though the forum was not as wide.
I think I remember back when the poster information was on the left side of the page like most forums, and not on the top. I remember I was like freaking about about the new layout but it works surprisingly well. I've grown attached to it. :)
Light tan, the blue was down for so long that when it was finally back i was used to the tan and the blue looked weird and really dark.
We need more colors damn't!

I demand it!

Also I think the site should get a new layout...this one is boring. :(
:| I leave it on the default, so light tan for me.
crushenator 500 said:
Light tan, the blue was down for so long that when it was finally back i was used to the tan and the blue looked weird and really dark.

same here... but a week ago I decided to switch (out of pure boredom), and it's now completely the other way round :D
Tan, although I prefer the blue we used to have.
I hate the tan. It is not HL2.net if it isn't blue and gray! :)
blue. I got used to it and it's clearer. besides when I had IE the text ads weren't as much visible as in the tan style. now that I switched to FF it's not an issue any more, but I still like the blue more.
Old blue isn't so old! I remember back when the forum was white, and we had turquoise writing for titles and stuff....

The front end of the site was closer to how it is now, in terms of colour.

I don't like the blue now, it doesn't match my room, in so much that its too strong. :p
I remember when everyone was crying about how bright the tan was, I've had brighter poos!

I flicked to the blue one earlier, doesn't work very well with my eyes
Murray_H said:
I remember when everyone was crying about how bright the tan was, I've had brighter poos!

I flicked to the blue one earlier, doesn't work very well with my eyes

Yeah at first I was unsure of Tan, but I quickly got used to it. I much prefer the lighter colour actually. Strangely, its easier on my eyes.
The Thing said:
Tan, because blue looks so weird now.

same here.

once the oppression of the tan set in, I got used to it :p

btw, I was thinking of starting this exact same thread; I just never got around to it.
what happened is that the blue style was changed, unlike the original. the new blew style is darker. i miss the original blue style, with narrower pages.
Evil^Milk said:
what happened is that the blue style was changed, unlike the original. the new blew style is darker. i miss the original blue style, with narrower pages.

yeah, the new one is of much higher contrast, which makes it harder to read (for me at least)
Dark blue you modern sods.
i like the blue, simply because bright colors burn my eyes out. Even my theme has no whites in it, all light greys, only because some progs dont use the system default, but are always black.
Blue style. The tan style has some blue in it as well which makes the style look ugly. So I use the blue style as it's the only alternative. The truly old blue style from back before the redesign is still the greatest.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I think there's a firefox plugin that lets you specify your own stylesheet for a site. I could emulate the old-old-blue style and use it for hl2.net. But I'm too lazy.