Which other forums do you post on?

Mostly gaming related forums. I've lost count of how many forums I've registered on, must be over a hundred now. But I'm only active on a few at a time. Right now, I'm posting on...

MafiaScene - Fansite dedicated to the game Mafia. I'm on the staff - gallery admin.
The Escapist Magazine forums - I signed up because there are quite a few interesting topics in the forum. I haven't posted much yet but I plan to.
Official Red Orchestra forums - Official forums for Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 (It's a team-based tactical shooter)
Gamespot forums - I post on here occasionally. Usually the Half-Life 2 sub-sections.
Facepunch Studios - I mostly lurk here, only posting occasionally.
I really don't go on forums that much anymore.
I used to go on Gameshout but lost interest as a lot of people stopped using. Then started going on the local internet cafe's until they shutdown from bad business. Moved to another local internet cafe forum but stopped using that as everyone was really lame and immature. No good conversations. I look at Steam forums every now and again but rarely post anything.
Only started this on this forum because Someone mentioned it to me so I looked at it and liked it.
Ranked from most frequented to least:
Steam Forums
Digg - That is if you call their comments a forum.
Used to post on:

Lionhead Studios Board (until it went batshit insane)

Now post on:

Gamespot. (very rarely)
At least browse the Animal Collective boards.
Australian Dystopia fansite.
Browse an old guild website.

About it I think.