Which survivor?


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Louis in second, but noses ahead into first when he's got red on him.
Bill as my name is Bill which makes it confusing when they start saying his name when im playing Louis!
Bill or Louis. I don't mind being any survivor though, they are all awesome.
I go with Zoey.

Particularly so PiMuRho will comment favourably on my ass.
Louis. I love his silky brown lips and communist agenda! They say he's all speeches and no action but they LIE
Bill. Seems I'm not cool, I'm with the majority.
I like playing as Francis but Bill is my favorite.
Louis, just so black guy doesn't die first.
I always play as Francis because he makes me laugh. But Louis is definitely order of the day in regards kick-ass-ness.
Then his partner must be dead, because Louis would shoot his cock off.
But he has the girliest scream ever.

He has the saddest scream in the game. I once left him to die in a horde of zombies and I couldn't bear to hear him cry.
Zoey or Bill. Bill has the best grumpy old man attitude :D
Francis gets a molotov bonus because he is so flaming. GET IT?!?!
Valve obviously did something right, the results are almost exactly equal :D