Which weapon would you like to see in a tutorial


Jul 18, 2003
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After I finish my subway, I was thinking about making a tutorial of higpolymodeling a USP Match ( Prefferably something a bit more rare though, but... ) I'm not sure what kind of tutorial it will be. I will brobably write it article-like with hints/tips I have learned after screwing up alot in the past... I'd also have to go through techniques used to solve different parts. A step by step tutorial you will never learn anything because you take the focus away form the form and move it to the numbers... Bad! I have heard requests from the Steyr AUG, but reference is kind of hard at the moment. Should probably be able to get it somehow.
Weapons I have easy access to are:
-Glock 20 (won't make tutorial on that one I think)
-Deagle .45 (Boring gun, seen too many times)
-Ruger .22
-Possibly mp5

If you have any other suggestions I'll take them into consideration.

And anyone who says m4, m16 or simular will recieve so much spam they will die inside :angry:
I can get you refences of almost anything you want...

for example, I cna get you 60 refs of the AUG. (thanks to Deicide)
I'd like to see a Witch's wand plz.
You should do it VTM style. I'm sure one of the major HL2 sites would be willing to host the files. Maybe PHL could get you some Fileplanet space. Or hl2files.com.

What's the name of the program ItchI used?

Edit: If you DO do it VTM style, I'd suggest a smaller weapon, because of the time restraints.
I could sure ly do it VTM style. It wwould save me a lot of time too. Camtasia will capture the screen for me.

Witchwand, haha. You just made my day:)
what program are you using ?
id really like to see this being made in xsi, because im hitting my head in the wall trying to learn the exp version
I think the steyr aug would be a good idea because the shapes are harder to create than with the other guns.

PSG-1 sniper... I don't know. Really don't like that rifle too much. I have to have some fun while I do this ;)

I will be using Maya 6.0, but you should be able to adapt the steps. If you can't do that..... You have to be able to do that later on in life as a 3d artist, trust me!

I actually think the AUG is a good idea myself. I'll see how much reference I can manage to get...
id be able to do it in 3dsmax, no doubt
problem is with xsi, ill need some practice to see how things go over there
anyway, taking a look in tutorials never harms! ill take a look into yours once its done
Getting used to new software can be a pain sometimes... I'm glad maya is so flexible as it is. But I won't really go packagebased anyways. I hope as many as possible can be able to use it.
I would persoanlly like to see a rifle be modeled, maybe a HK G36 series rifle? http://world.guns***/assault/as14-e.htm
If you're going to do a USP don't do the match, the compensator is ugly and it doesn't do anything, do a USP Tactical or a regular USP .45. The G3 would be cool, too.
USP and G3 are good alternatives since I have access on good reference.
do a g36 or g3 becuase there arent many assualt rifle tutorial around and that the first thing beginner modellers usauly wanta learn how to do anyways p.s the g3 has a more widestream body style
G3A3, og skriv den på norsk til Spillmodding.no :D
I would like to see a Steyr Aug, but as you said that might be hard.

If not then id like a nice SMG, possibly some sort of varient of the MP5.

Would someone with no experience moddeling ever be able to pic something like this up and run with it?
If I can get my hands on the blueprints for the AUG, I think I'll go for that. And rammstein. It will not be a step by step tutorial, but more like an article with extra explainations. I recon you'll be able to learn much about smart ways to think, good planning, good approach on the model. And I'll explain every tool I use so you don't get stuck there. Because that sucks :) If I explain how I use them well enough, I would believe you should be able to adapt.
Ah ok, i'll keep an eye on your activities then haha

Hey Mika, I'd love to see you model something (not a gun) in high detail. Something with a good mix of organic / non-organic shapes. (a car maybe? the delorean maybe??? :p)

Edit: a VTM (specially if you're going to use Maya) would be more beneficial to me than written text too.
craig: I'll model a subway later and I am modeling a Nokia 6600 at the moment... Some organic stuff might pop up later. Maybe some of it will be VTM. Some of the tough parts maybe...

I will go for the aug this time. You hear that?! AUG IT IS. I have searched for blueprints today, but I have onli found a lowres sideview and a bunch of manuals pluss some images. What I need is the manufacturer blueprints with all the views. I will e-mail 4-5 retailers and the manufacturer tomorrow. If anyone has blueprints or know where I can find them, please let me know...
That depends. Do you want it part by part? Say I finish the reference ,setup and caging, release that so you can stumble around with that while I write the second part and so on and so forth. Or do you want the whole package at the same time. I have spent 3 days collecting referencematerial.Just today I heard that there is a guy nearby that actually has the rifle. That means I might be able to get some good reference shots and won't need the blueprints. We'll see. I have also spent a couple of days reading manuals and maintanenceguides so I know what all the parts do and how they operate. Writing tutorials is very timeconsuming so it will probably take a month or two to complete, but as I said, if you want to I can release it part by part.
Release them all at the same time and stay quite until then. There is nothing worse than having people waiting. Trust me I have bad experiances of this :O
yeah i kinda know what u mean .....people get so worke up about it.

i think that you should make the tutorials in parts and release them as a set.
and provide the references u use in the tutorial
OK, Then I'll do it in parts and release the whole package when it's done. I'll keep you updated so you know where I am without releasing it so you can see I haven't fallen asleep :) I will get some copyrightissues when it comes to reposting reference. Where that happens I'll direct you to the place I found it.
Ok i know it is going to be the AUG, BUT if you ever wanted to do another, do the Israeli Jericho Pistol, its ubbbeeerlicious.
It's a very beautiful pistol! But I don't think it would make a good tutorial... too specific.

(yeah, and I don't want it to be overused then :|)