Which Weapon ?


Apr 30, 2004
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Which Weapon looks the most promising/unpromising to you from the E3 2004 video ?

I'd personally say the shotgun, as it seems to be able to fire of without having to reload for a long time (like in HL1), and it kills antlions and Combine in 1 shot ! The most unpromising weapon seems to be the MP7 (?), because it seems underpowered now ... :frown:

What do you guys think ?
Rapid fire, with a 20mm Grenade launcher, I think the MP7 is plenty powerful.

Anyhow for me its the alien pheromones :)

Come my pritties, kill kill, kill them all.
That Plasma gun with bouncing projectiles looks promising.
The Magnum and I are going to be having some fun times together :D
I think the shotgun looks very promising, that and the XM-29 SABR OICW (Objective Individual Combat Weapon)

Not that fond of the magnum , looks a bit 'out of place' with the atmosphere of the game (well the e3 vids anyway) imo
Am I the only one who thinks the manipulator looks to be one of the most promising guns of HL2? Or does that not count as a weapon?
ill go with f0rked with the manipulator since then everythings a weapon
The magnum thingie.. it just seems to have that absolutely PERFECT feel and weight when you shoot and look around with it.. I'm in love.
I liked the flare gun/incendiary grenade launcher from e3 2003 personally :)

The manipulator's gonna rule the crowbar though.
I didnt wanna hoose the manipulator , coz i thought every 1 els wuld lol

The Manip looks good dnt get me wrong but i dnt think u can class it as a weapon, more of an accesorie (sp?) in combat and fun
The personal defence weapon that Gordon is usually using in the battles against the striders/combines on the streets.
Yeah, the manipulator is gonna be fun. I mean, those of you who saw that saw-blade part of the E3'04 video know what i'm talking about. And yes, IMO, it is a weapon, not an accessory. It's like your 'outta ammo' weapon. When you run out of ammo with all guns, there has to be a last backup. HL1 = the crowbar. HL2 = both crowbar and manipulator.
if you could may be throw your crowbar.....

well, i think the most entertaining weapons will either be the pheromones or the manipulator, then again you might have some seriously uber fun with the physics with the rpg also, not only the manipulator
I think the shotgun is realy promising and its gonna be fun blasting people away with it!!
CrazyHarij said:
The magnum thingie.. it just seems to have that absolutely PERFECT feel and weight when you shoot and look around with it.. I'm in love.
I agree, I can't wait to see the reloading animation (gordon putting in the six bullets) of the magnum, seems that it's gonna really be fun times.
i love all Hl2 weapons. Just like SoF2 they have a very wholesome feel to them. especially the sound effects. sound effects for weapons like the shotgun are very important.

So for me, shotgun all the way. such a wonderful weapon, such a wonderful sound. and soo good at close range. It's just like "BANG!" and the person's down. One shot to the chest.

Chest! what about headshots! oo yeah. cant beat a good ol' fashioned headshot. Though i'm not sure which i'd prefer. The enemies head to explode or his head to just have a massive bloody indentation in it. maybe if the head could like have the visible damage and kinda be half falling off.
If that OICW has different ammunition types for the 20mm cannon, then it's winning my heart.
I doubt that will happen ....
In the E3 2004 videos, the shotgun took out Ant Lions in 1 shot, and Combine in roughly 1/2 shots, depending on how many shells connected. The MP7 (?) seems to have to hit an Ant Lion 5/6 times before it dies, but the grenade launcher is quite good (took out 2/3 Antlions in 1 shot). The Magnum is probably the most accurate weapon in the HL2 Weap. Selection (Apart from a Sniper Rifle, which may feature .....), and it took out a barrel in 1 shot.
Brian Damage said:
I like the new, smarter, RPG launcher.
Ehm, how is it smarter? It is exact the same one as in HL1
Esquire said:
i love all Hl2 weapons. Just like SoF2 they have a very wholesome feel to them. especially the sound effects. sound effects for weapons like the shotgun are very important.

So for me, shotgun all the way. such a wonderful weapon, such a wonderful sound. and soo good at close range. It's just like "BANG!" and the person's down. One shot to the chest.

Chest! what about headshots! oo yeah. cant beat a good ol' fashioned headshot. Though i'm not sure which i'd prefer. The enemies head to explode or his head to just have a massive bloody indentation in it. maybe if the head could like have the visible damage and kinda be half falling off.

You sir, are a sick man :naughty:
Personally I see myself using the Manipulator, Magnum and Mp7 along with the other pistol. Of course, there is probably alot of weapons we haven't seen yet sooo... :)
EVIL said:
Ehm, how is it smarter? It is exact the same one as in HL1
It goes to the actual surface that the red dot its on, not just the direction the launcher is facing.

Try it in HL1, and see for yourself, then look at the E3 2k3 demo. Or in the 2k4 demo, during the strider video where the rocket whips around because it missed the Strider.
disruptioN_ said:
The manipulator.
But the MP7 looks cute.

You did not just call an instrument of death "cute"..... Damn you did
;( I hope you are a girl at least. ;) lol j/k.

If the Manipulator is a "weapon" that is gonna be way too much fun. If not, I'm going to be having fun with the revolver. I like the challenge of few shots. But powerful so you have to place it well.

Although I thought the RPG was like......fly-by-wire type design. In the E3 video when Godron shoots the dude on the crane and he goes flying through the air it looks like he controls it..... I'll have to watch it again. Damn, how unfortunate for me :-D
Manipulator (making everything your weapon)
The .357 magnum looks spiffy, and I love the mp7.

rocket launcher looks silly, mainly due to the poor reload animation... cmon this aint goldeneye.
call me old fashioned if u want, but i wanna use the crossbow in HL2 :cool: :cheese:

now i have no clue if the Spore Launcher can/is part of HL2, but with pyhsics, imagine the secondary firing of those spores? :cheese:

ya know.. it be fun watching a battle of the snarks from HL1 vs the Ant Lion(snarks?) from HL2.. hehe :)