Which will come out first?


Sep 13, 2003
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There are 3 huge FPS titles on their way with ambiguous release dates. They are Half-Life 2, Doom 3, and Halo 2. My question to you guys is, which one will come out first. I was also going to ask which game will be the best, but considering this is a Half-Life 2 forum, that would be somewhat pointless.
Doom 3, then Half-Life 2, then Halo 2 at the end of the year (perhaps on XBox anniversary of November 15th)
Well DOOM3 is pretty darn close, so we'll likely see that one in the near future.
Half-Life 2 is on track for summer, so thats probably next.
And Halo 2 has a long ways to go, and could very well not even see the store this year.
i say it comes in this order.

3-stalker (who cares about halo 2?)
Soundwave said:
Doom 3, then Half-Life 2, then Halo 2 at the end of the year (perhaps on XBox anniversary of November 15th)
Sounds right to me.

Isn't Doom 3 supposed to come out in like a week or less?
Its coming out soon enough that they don't feel the need to present at E3. That said they haven't announced a Gold Copy, so likely not for a few weeks yet.
HL2/halo2/doom 3 i think. hehe.

i think hl2 and halo are gonna be close
Wow, I would have thought Half-Life 2 would beat Doom 3. Where have you guys heard that Doom 3 is coming soon (I haven't really followed Doom 3 that much.)
i keep hearing june 15th for doom3. sounds about right to me. especially if it were to go gold around the end of this month.
I think you're forgetting one.
Although it's not been designed by some big-shot company, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is ready to be the sleaper hit of 2004 (not as great as HL2 mind you :D )
I'm looking forward to exploring the Chernobyl site, and kill some mutants. I hope they can live up to the previews i've read so far.

Of course nothing can beat HL2, but this could be a good hold over if it's released before "the big one".


/edit: okay, so i'm really REALLY tired and can't read. But a full day of Airsofting can do that to a couch potato :D
/edit2: more proof that i should get to bed: when i wrote the post there were only 2 replies, ergo i didn't see yours until after I posted, on a sidenote, i discovered muscles that i didn't know i had before. Go me :D :D
Yeah I didnt know Doom III was that close(Though I havent followed it much)It'd be cool though,a definate game to tide me over till HL2 if its out before though I would have bet me new comp that HL2 would be out first.
halo 2 doesnt impress me like doom3, hl2, and stalker does. sorry if i offended you tho.
Stalkers developer said last week not to expect the game till 2005.

ID has told magazines to run there Doom3 reviews in early June
x84D80Yx said:
Lobster, you got a quote on those?

I shall dig around for where i heard them lol.

I'll tell you one thing though, Stalker will no longer have coop support, which SUCKS!
I hope Halo 2 has those extra-features the previews said might get added if they have enough time before Christmas, namely gameplay and level design. But I'm not holding my breath.

I had no idea doom 3 was so close! Yea!
yeah i heard about the no co-op thing. i dont see why developers realize its pretty much the best game mode out.
According to GameSpot (which may be filled with crap)...

Doom 3 is slated for Q3 of 2004.

STALKER is coming out 9/14/04.

Halo 2 is coming out Q4 of 2004.

So my guess is that the order of the 4 games in question is Doom 3, Half-Life 2, STALKER, and Halo 2. But this is just according to GameSpot and my guesstimations.
halo2 doesn't impress me one bit. i had halo ok it was good. but wasn't hype before and during play. was ok that is all really.
I think we're mostly hyped for Halo 2 because we want to see it fulfill Halo's potential. The early word on the block has been that it just might.
commando said:
halo2 doesn't impress me one bit. i had halo ok it was good. but wasn't hype before and during play. was ok that is all really.

When i saw the 10 minute trailer for halo back before the XBOX, i wanted the game so badly, then when i finnally played it, it was a major let down from the video, but still the best console FPS ive played.
stalker has all of the graphic greatness of hl2 plus its an action rpg
Id also be interested in Lobster's sources! Early June sounds exciting for Doom 3, although I wont be able to play it til July/August when the X880 xt's come out...

edit: I don't care about Halo either. Never really got into it. Maybe the second one will win me over.
x84D80Yx said:
i say it comes in this order.

3-stalker (who cares about halo 2?)
Who does care about Halo2?
SaltyCrackers said:
Id also be interested in Lobster's sources! Early June sounds exciting for Doom 3, although I wont be able to play it til July/August when the X880 xt's come out...

I saw an article on a site, about the magazines being asked to review the game but not say anything untill after it goes gold, but this one german magazine said the game is coming out on May 31st and its review would be out on the second of june, there was also a rumor that ID were skipping E3 as it was so close to release.

Although, Activisionsl 2004 release list does not include Doom3, (not even as a TBC) so we will just have to wait and see, if its true though, you can expect a gold or some sort of announcement within the next 2 weeks.
AgentXen said:
Who does care about Halo2?

Hear, hear!

Besides, who wants an Xbox. I don't have the room, maybe I can fit it in the yard, maybe it would just fit in the garage if I cleaned everything out... :D

Don't get me started on the controllers...
Lobster said:
I saw an article on a site, about the magazines being asked to review the game but not say anything untill after it goes gold, but this one german magazine said the game is coming out on May 31st and its review would be out on the second of june, there was also a rumor that ID were skipping E3 as it was so close to release.

Although, Activisionsl 2004 release list does not include Doom3, (not even as a TBC) so we will just have to wait and see, if its true though, you can expect a gold or some sort of announcement within the next 2 weeks.

very interesting :cool:
Synthaxx R-or said:
Hear, hear!

Besides, who wants an Xbox. I don't have the room, maybe I can fit it in the yard, maybe it would just fit in the garage if I cleaned everything out... :D

Don't get me started on the controllers...

Oh god....
Lobster said:
there was also a rumor that ID were skipping E3 as it was so close to release.

That wasn't a rumor, it was confirmed by Gamespot.
Doom doesnt seem like much to me anymore, especially after Far Cry. The weak story also turns me off big time.
HL2 is the most anticipated game evar for me.
Halo2 is somethin I REALLY want. However I lack an XBOX. So if it comes to PC you can bet I'll be getting it. I loved the original.
STALKER also looks quite promising. Looking forward to that.
SnowBall said:
Doom doesnt seem like much to me anymore, especially after Far Cry. The weak story also turns me off big time.
...Halo2 is somethin I REALLY want. However I lack an XBOX. So if it comes to PC you can bet I'll be getting it. I loved the original.
STALKER also looks quite promising. Looking forward to that.

Gaaa...weak story? What do you call Far Cry's story, a novel?

I am really not interested in Halo 2. Looks like more of the same old gameplay. I think the X-Box is going to run out of gas if it want's to compete with Doom 3 and HL2 in terms of graphics and lighting. I don't think Halo 2 will have a strong enough story to save itself.
x84D80Yx said:
i say it comes in this order.

3-stalker (who cares about halo 2?)

I'm glad someone finally mentioned stalker, but I predict you will get 2 and 3 mixed up :D
I hope it does come out soon, be good to tide me over till HL2 comes out.
I think Halo 2 will be the most beautiful game out there, in an artistic way. Ok, maybe it doesn't have the same visual quality of HL2 or doom3, but halo 2 looks like a very beautiful painting, and has the coolest weapons and monsters.

But anyways, I can't wait to start throwing everything around with the manipulator in HL2.

Even if stalker goes out this year, anyone knows what will be the hardware requirements ? from the screenshots it looks like youll need a super-computer to run it.