Which will happen first?

Which will happen first?

  • Jesus descends from the heavens

    Votes: 31 68.9%
  • Duke Nukem Forever goes gold

    Votes: 14 31.1%

  • Total voters
"Has it gone gold yet" asked Jesus.
"No, my lord" answered Man.
"To HELL you go" shouted Jesus and burned down 3D Realms.

"PLEASE, my lord, we just switched to Source! It's almost done" pleaded 3D Realms.
-The presidential elections...
-The colonization of Mars...
-Then the Mars presidentail elections...
Pigs will fly
elected presidents will actually take office (usa)
fenric will grow pubic hair

things MIGHT happen before DNF come out
Earth becomes galactic superpower.

Earth blows up after another galactic superpower decides it hates us.

Remaining 3D Realms studio-cum-colony goes into a 44-millenia overdrive to continue last minute conversion to the Unreallifedoomsource 3 billion engine.

I will form an enduring and wholesome relationship with a beautiful woman.

DNF appears.

Universe ends.

...I think we're running out of ways of mocking Broussard and co. Should we give them a break?

Nah. Let's go get some cricket bats.
I would say that DNF will go gold when people start caring again
Dalamari said:
I would say that DNF will go gold when people start caring again

if they give us a new screenshot in 2 months i will buy everyone in this thread a copy of the game
DNF would suck...I mean come on...no story or anything. Why would they even waste their time on it? They could just make an awsome totally new game that is unique and not crap from 15 years ago.
Jesus will descend from heavne WITH laser eyes.
I'm rather atheist, but I had to go with Jesus descends from the heavens. :)
I'd be more impressed if it were God himself, but yeah I'm with Jesus all the way.
Foxtrot said:
DNF would suck...I mean come on...no story or anything. Why would they even waste their time on it? They could just make an awsome totally new game that is unique and not crap from 15 years ago.

You could say the exact same thing for Doom 3...

point is, you don't know what Mr. Broussard has up his sleeve!
Shuzer said:
You could say the exact same thing for Doom 3...

point is, you don't know what Mr. Broussard has up his sleeve!
I am just saying, it would be easier to just make a new game. And I think Doom 3 was a bad idea, they should have just made a new game. There is no reason to make a Doom 3, the story BLOWS!!!!!!!!!! and it could be much better if they just made a new game, and it would also be easier to add new features and change thing stuff without straying from the continuity of the series.
Foxtrot said:
DNF would suck...I mean come on...no story or anything. Why would they even waste their time on it? They could just make an awsome totally new game that is unique and not crap from 15 years ago.
You sir have no shame.

Duke 3D was the only game to surpass Doom in the quasi-3d gaming world.
Dr. Freeman said:
hmm.. can't both things happen at the same time? :p :LOL:

Citizen 1: Hey look everybody it's Jesus.
Citizen 2: where? where?
Citizen 3: Hey Jesus what are you doing down here?
Jesus: Getting my copy of DNF from EB.
Kyo said:
Citizen 1: Hey look everybody it's Jesus.
Citizen 2: where? where?
Citizen 3: Hey Jesus what are you doing down here?
Jesus: Getting my copy of DNF from EB.

see? it all works out perfectly haha :thumbs:
Duke Nukem and Hl2 are bundled for release to boost sales...
Foxtrot said:
And I think Doom 3 was a bad idea, they should have just made a new game. There is no reason to make a Doom 3, the story BLOWS!!!!!!!!!! and it could be much better if they just made a new game, and it would also be easier to add new features and change thing stuff without straying from the continuity of the series.

Not to flame id, Carmack, Doom 3, and its fans, but... Well it's just what I think.

[edit] Oh yeah. :thumbs: Kyo, that was pretty funny :)