Which year did you join the forums?


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The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
I wanted to confirm my suspicions that it's mostly the old timers that are knocking about here. The influx of new blood is pretty low I reckon.
07 was a golden year. Ep 2, Portal, TF2. It was all going on.
I didn't join the forums; the forums joined me.
I have no idea when I joined.
Joined in the middle of '09. I'm probably one of the only ones (except Darkseid oh yeah I just went there and it felt marvelous) from that year that's still here and posting today. This place is my home, and you are all my children. Dine with me.

My number is 76650.
I think I put the wrong year.

EDIT: Yep. I put the wrong year.
I think he was being sarcastic. If not, well... I've got nothing more to say. Good day.
I joined on the date that it says next to my name. Consequently, I don't know so I will find out when I make this post.

EDIT: January apparently.
Been here since I was 13. I'm 18.
Been here since I was 13 as well, very nearly 17
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.

joined when I was 13 I am now 19 hue
More than half from 2003 and 2004.

Suspicion confirmed.

That will be all, you may carry on with your business.
I was 20 when I joined. I am now 20.
Dunno when I joined, but I'm pretty sure it was 06 or 07.

EDIT: Oh, OK. August 2007.

What a curious curve, the lion's share is in 2003 and 2004, then a normal bell curve from there on out. Maybe it was the Orange Box?
2008, I arrived at the end of the party.
Even though we might've been late to the party, we were still the life of it.
May 2003, 5th person to join (If the members list is correct) It was just an IRC channel back then, waiting for a certain set of E3 videos to appear.

The Image that began the chaos!
Early December of 2004, I knew I was getting the game for Christmas so I joined the forums for the hype train.

Now I don't really care about any future releases or about Valve all that much any more.
Joined in May '04, lurking long before that, however. I miss the early years, rich in nostalgia.
Huh I remember bad mouthing The Orange Box so 2007

It was Ep 1 that actually got me posting here, I remember not liking HL2 that much but liking the story alright. Ep 1 really got me interested, short and sweet