Who all is upgrading for HL2?

  • Thread starter Thread starter WermerSkoch
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I'm prolly going to buy a whole new comp for HL2. But at LEAST I'll upgrade. Going to wait until I know its coming out, maybe even until I have it in my hands.
:hmph: Yea, i'm definately going to upgrade. I'm currently saving up, in the summer I intend to get a job too. But I want to get a new Mobo(ram too), most likely PCI Express. Upgrade to one of the upcoming ATI or Nvidia cards and probably a 3.06 P4.

My current rig is a VAIO pre-made(sucks) but with the Antec SOHO1080 case. My mobo is from ASUS based off the intel865G w/512 DDR-2700. Radeon 9800 Pro. Pentium 4@ 2.8C HT. Although this is pretty much "High End" to play those upcoming games, I WANT RAW POWER! :flame: :naughty:
i am
plan to have a 9800 xt and a new sound card + more ram by the summer
I'm planning on upgrading my video card the day HL2 is released.
Im gonna keep this rig, just for fun.

Athlon 850Mhz
GeForce 2 Mx 400 32Mb
XP Pro SP1

Kick ass :sniper:
At the moment I am runnning

p4 2.8ghz 800mhzfsb hyperthreading
2x256mb pc3200 (dual channel)
DFI infinity pro875 motherboard
radeon 9800xt
Sound Blaster Live 5.1 Platnium

By the time HL2 comes out I hope to have upgraded to 1gb pc3200 and have a better sound card... I am thinking audigy 2.
Its not that people are upgrading for 'HL2' (well at least the masses)

Its more of, people will upgrade around the time the new games are released (HL2,DooM3)..

It works out much better cost wise, and usually can get a bargain with the longer wait..
I upgraded late december last year and got:
// 512DDR 400mhz corsair
// 3000+ AMD and ASUS mobo

Not specifically for HL2 but gaming in general (still got a pooey gf4200)
I honestly wont be trying to run HL2 with max settings, at least for the first time i play. 1024 x 768, with medium to high settings have always kept me at bay on any medium (game).

But obviously more beefier card - more detail..
My current system:
P4 2.4
512mb PC2700
64mb GF3Ti200

Will probably get a 9800Pro at some point - one online retailer recently had 128mb 9800pros for £135 inclusive, decided to wait a bit longer though...
I think i'll retire my 9700 after the summer.
I need a new processor to run my DDR400 ram to it's full potential (cba with OC my AthlonXP 2200+, I'll buy a 3200XP). I bought a Hercules 9800 Pro 128mb about a month before 30th Sep '03 so I was one of the many irritated punters when the delay was made public. I'm happy with the Abit NF7 mobo and all the rest. I'll upgrade the whole rig to 64bit powah when PCI-E and WinXP64 are available.
My specs are:
Athlon XP 2800+
512 PC3200 DDR
Radeon 9600 Pro AiW

I might upgrade the ram to 1024 in the near future

Anthraxxx said:
i need to scrounge up the money.

two words: Man Whore.
Just upgraded this week in fact, but not just for HL2. Man, I wish I had the money people have to be able to upgrade for a game or two...have to pick and choose every 3-4 years when I can afford it.

Went from a Duron 600 (yes that's right LOL) with 192ram ...to: Asus A7N8X-E "Deluxe", AMD XP Barton 3200+, 512 meg Mushkin PC3200, and already have a pretty Oc'ed 9500Pro which runs everything just fine.

Was going to go AMD64 but it's just not worth it at this time in my eyes.
I bought a 9700pro for £180 in the summer for HL2. I could get a 9800pro for that now.
Ive upgraded the whole shabbang.

for the next generation games.

1st one to come will be BF:Vientam next week.

Dougy said:
Ive upgraded the whole shabbang.

for the next generation games.

1st one to come will be BF:Vientam next week.


Then comes FC
/me can't wait
I'll be upgrading just for HL2 (although I don't mind playing all the other new games with full details either!) but only when I KNOW it's in the stores, not a second before.

I've got 1400mhz thunderbird, 256m ddr and a radeon 9500pro. The video card is the only thing I'm going to keep, everything else goes. Getting a new mobo, 512-1024mb of ram and either an athlon64 or a P4 ~3Ghz. The 9500pro should be able to run HL2 without any problems but I'll still probably upgrade the video card as well in the near future. I'll see what both ATI and NVIDIA have to offer after summer.
I am actually going to buy a COMPLETE new computer for HL2 and not just an upgrade. Since I have some spare change this time around I think I'm just going to buy a completely insane Alienware, only because I used to want one years and years ago and never could afford one.
umop-apisdn said:
I am actually going to buy a COMPLETE new computer for HL2 and not just an upgrade. Since I have some spare change this time around I think I'm just going to buy a completely insane Alienware, only because I used to want one years and years ago and never could afford one.

Alienware owns! Beautiful cases :p


Wow, just wow.
Yup im up graded 3.2 gig bich with 1 gig of ram and 256mb ati pro to boot :)
I built (to save money) the computer in my sig. Cost me around $900- 1k. I should have waited to buy stuff.
I'm not upgrading untill some of the games come out that require it.

The real problem im struggling with is that in the near future you will get PC's with PCI express...making everything out today pretty much absolete.
Im not verry happy I bought a 9600XT Extreme 3 or 4 days ago and not until it came i realised that the HL2 offer finnished December last year. Now i need to save up more to buy HL2 aswell.

There is no justice in this world.
I bought a Saphire radeon 9600 atlantis XT in begin january, but i did get hl2 with it :) :) :)
One year ago: Athlon XP 1700+, 128 DDRAM 2700, GF4 MX 440 - 64Mb
Now: Barton 2500+, 768 DDRAM 3200, ASUS FX 5600 - (128Mb of course)
In about two weeks I'll get an FX 5900 XT, and soon when The Radeon 9800 Pro will become real cheap, well, you know... baby steps. I only throw small amounts of money out the window, and only when the time is right.

And I'm definitely not upgrading for HL2. I care a lot more for STALKER and Doom 3.
I have already upgraded for this game in september LOL
I am not upgrading anymore until btx and pci express come out
staddydaddy said:
I built (to save money) the computer in my sig. Cost me around $900- 1k. I should have waited to buy stuff.

Jesus, I wish I got something like that for only 1k....

but anyways im probably going to upgrade my cpu to a Athlon 3000+ or a P4 3.0Ghz. Either way I'm upgrading my mobo. Should be less than 300 bux. I might also upgrade another 512MB of RAM to make 1 gig, or I might just save up some in the future and get 1 Gid of PC3200......I still have plenty of time to think about it though, so I'm in no big hurry
hehe, im upgrading my computer with:
An Amd Athlon XP 2800 cpu
A7N8X Deluxe mobo
oh and of course getting small little upgrades..like a new mouse..new case..new power supply..new fans (blue leds) hehe
I'm upgrading from my XP 2000 to XP 2200. Doesn't seem like much, but I get the 2200 absolutely free. Also, I get an additional 512 DDR ram, also free. :)
i have right now

2.40 500 fsb
512 ddr ram
geforce 4 ti4200

once hl2 is out , because i dont want to waste any money especially on my salary.

i will upgrade to:
3.4 ghz - 3.6 (in about a year when the price has dropped to 100-200$ can)

9800 pro 256 mb asus when the price drops more after new ati cards released ( right now ati 256 9800 pros go for 449# in canada at the store i go to , so i will wait till it goes a bit over 200 or hopefully less and buy it. and the 128's go for 330 , but i want the extra bandwith so i can turn up the AA high :) , when i turn it up all the way up with my geforce 4 , the games get slower.

512 increased to 1024 mb ram , rams becoming more damanding *cough* bf1942 *cough*

new Motherboard, reason why is mine doesnt support 800 fsb (500 max) and doesnt support dual channel ram because now i got 2 256 chips and i want to buy 1 512 chip later on, so ill need dual channel ram on the mobo. also mine now has 333 mhz maximum i want at least 400+ on the new one so when i get dual channel it will be a bit faster , not much but at least its a bit faster.

so that will be costly but if i wait for a bit longer after hl 2 i can get a pretty good upgrade for a fair price.

i mthe gamer on a shitty budget . lol i work at fast food and i have to save a lot of money for college and etc so i have to really watch what i get.
I have saved up around $2500 for a new computer i will be putting together next month when X800 is released, that and a athlon fx 53 and a fast harddrive. I was going to spend it on an vacation lol.
I have a 2.4ghz p4 gefore4 ti 4600 128mb 4xAGP 1 GB ram. I think that will be enought for hl2....will it?
I just bought a new comptuer recently *mainly for HL 2*

I went from:

512 megs of ram
Radeon 8500

To an average gaming rig:

2.8 GHZ processor
512 Megs of Ram
Nvidia GeForce FX 5200
SoundBlaster Audigy 2 (I think that's the correct name)

I'm still planning upgrading my vid card to a Radeon 9800 pro. And I really hope Half-Life 2 will make its release date this time.
I don't need an upgrade for HL2 and to me all the other games coming are mediocre enough to wait a while... so no upgrade.
I bought a new one in august last year, it was pretty good back then except for the "shitty" 9800 non-pro. Im afraid i have to buy a new gfx card for hl2 and doom3.. we'll see..

p4 3,2ghz HT
1024 DDR PC3200
SB Audigy 2 Platinum
ATi Radeon 9800 128mb
WD Caviar 250gb
I'm going all out and buying the best computer I possibly can, and just for HL-2. Right now that means FX-53, 9800XT, RAID 0 74 GB Raptors, etc etc. I've almost got it all saved up, I'm just waiting on HL-2 now.
I was planning to get P43.4 but I changed my plan to AMDFX 54 coming this July plus ATI X800XT with PCIE based on core 423 or Nvidia NV40 with PCIE

It depends which is better. Lucky we are the benchmarks are coming this month.
I just upgraded to an:
AMD Athlon 64bit 3000+
Gigabyte Motherboard
1 gig heatsinked Geil DDr400mhz ram
Gexcube ATI RADEON 9800XT256mb
plenty of HDD space.

Now Dont tell me that this system would be not good enough to play Halflife2 really well with smooth play and the best of eye candy! I have read some people are saving up to get the FX53 and the new PCIE cards, now is it really necessary to have that type of hardware for HL2 and D3 etc to run really well? it kind of sound like ultra ultra overkill for those games. Isnt the Radeon 9800XT256mb card good enough for Stalker, D3, FarCry and Halflife2? Didn't Mr Newell have some special thing on the ROCK(alcatraz) about Halflife 2 and the NEW ATI graphics card Radeon 9800XT256MB? Just what is going on here? is valve now saying that the r9800Xt is no good for hl2 and instead that you need the r420 series of cards and an AMDFX53 cpu to run perfeclty or is this just someone's idea of covering all their bases?
i got a new pc for it.

athlon XP 2600+
512 RAM 400mhz
ATI 9600 PRO
40 gig maxtor HD (DOH)

i will prob get a new processor, new HD not sure about the graphics card tho, would it be worth getting a 9800pro?