Who are they to think...

Ikerous said:
Actually I tend to agree with PETA ethics...
I'd be a vegetarian, but I'm too lazy.

I'm too lazy to carry out my own moral beliefs -_-
I'm going to hell.
You're not going to Hell.
You may be lazy
But you post in stanzas
Like a poet

And no poets go to Hell
Because they're artists
And all artists are more valuable
Than people who sound off about values.
I feel so evil...

Yesterday when a friend was taking my brother and me home after watching SW 3...a cat all of a sudden ran across the road.Just when we saw it I yelled "RUN IT OVER!!!", but he slowed down and the cat got across.

...My evil side is taking over. ;(
CptStern said:
arent you pro-gun? pro- hunting, pro-war? ...that pretty much invalidates your post, thankyouverymuch
Pro gun, yes pro hunting, yes (a basic way of getting food, if i wasn't pro hunting i would die when i'm out in the wilds) pro war? ........no, i dunno where you got that one from.
And why does being pro any of the above invalidate my post?

CptStern said:
so lets all lump in every single animal rights group and label them terrorists or extremists or wtf why not call them hippy tree-hugging radicals bent on world domination?
I havn't labeled any of the groups as terrorists or extremists, just pathetic.
Called them "hippy tree-huggin radicals bent on world domination" is just silly :p
CptStern said:
they've saved countless animals from cruel fates ...what have you done to contribute to society? when was the last time YOU lent your voice to defending something that is incapable of fighting on its own?
What are they gonna do next? 'ban' millions of crows from pecking lambs eyes out or maiming baby turtles for fun? :LOL:
If something is incapable of fighting then why should it deserve the right to live? if you disagree with nature then you shouldn't be alive.
There are just 2 reasons why something is alive.
-It is strong and defends itself, and thrives
-It is kept alive by another species for its profit.
Before you go calling me a nazi, you should seriously sit down and think about what you are saying.

CptStern said:
this group for instance has been fighting to introduce legislation that bans illegal bear organ harvesting that pretty much all levels of canadian government turn a blind eye to. but who freakin cares if hunters kill orphan cubs just so they can get top dollar for bear spleen in asian markets. WHo cares that hundreds of marine animals are dying every year because of deplorable conditions ..if they dont advocate for them who will? YOU?
I don't care for the animals suffering since it does not effect me, i care if animals existence is threatened for my own well being, naturally.
I.e if i lived on an island with a rabbit population i would try and keep them breeding, and not kill them all in one day.
People will do things for money so they can live, it is all about survival and living comfortably, you cannot change this.
I think it is pathetic getting so uptight about the use of animals for our gains, what are you really going to achieve?
Are the animals going to be really happy and pleased you have saved them?
If thats what you feel like doing, do it.
I have my views, you have yours.
why they say that drink milk is wrong?

the farmers dont need to kill the cow to extract the milk

and I dont drink milk cuz I fart a lot if I drink it lol
short recoil said:
Pro gun, yes pro hunting, yes (a basic way of getting food, if i wasn't pro hunting i would die when i'm out in the wilds) pro war? ........no, i dunno where you got that one from.
And why does being pro any of the above invalidate my post?

because it's usually analogous with this:

short recoil said:
I don't care for the animals suffering since it does not effect me

thanks for making my point for me :thumbs:

If something is incapable of fighting then why should it deserve the right to live? if you disagree with nature then you shouldn't be alive.
There are just 2 reasons why something is alive.
-It is strong and defends itself, and thrives
-It is kept alive by another species for its profit.
Before you go calling me a nazi, you should seriously sit down and think about what you are saying.

this assertation is bordering on the redicuously stupid

you make it sound like it's their fault they're too stupid to fall victem to our cruelty. This isnt about "survival of the fittest" it's about money ..in almost every single animal abuse case it has to do with either money or outright sadistic behaviour.

short recoil said:
I think it is pathetic getting so uptight about the use of animals for our gains, what are you really going to achieve?

I think it's pretty pathetic that you'd jump to that superficial conclusion. Have you bothered to read any of the links I've provided? ...see the problem here is that you people only see what's on the surface ..to you it's all about generalizations:

animals rights = vegetarian
bear spleen = fair use
dead whales and dolphins because of poor living conditions = too bad, gotta make a profit

short recoil said:
Are the animals going to be really happy and pleased you have saved them?

that's just a little silly and a bit immature ..as if reward is the only reason why anyone gets involved in causes.