Who are/would you vote for?

Who will/would you vote for?

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I was at an amusement park yesterday and was riding the newest coaster there (it's a pretty ghetto park, and the ride was just okay... at least there were no lines). The shoulder harness sucked, though. You couldn't even move your arms, let alone your shoulders. Now I know what McCain feels like.
obama supports net neutrality? ****. Well I'm still not going mccain.
You planned to vote for McCain. Based on your responses, your top candidate for 2008 is below.

Barack Obama (Democrat)
59.09% match

oh gawd I have the obama desease
SNIP* Shit. Double post. :o I really need to be more careful to make sure I hit "Edit" and not "Reply".
I've decided to give Obama a chance. Sure politicians are liars, I'm not naive, but if at least he says all those things he's gonna do to better the economy, then I'm all for it.

There's also the rumor though that if elected, Obama will probably cut funding and salaries from the military budget being that he's a Democrat and all. Which, I know wouldn't be good for me since I'm future military. The way I look at it though, if there's no country to defend due to economic collapse, then what's the point of a well paid military anyways? :|

I'm willing to sacrifice some of the military budget in order to save our country from the abyss of massive debt in favor of homefront policies.

Another thing about McCain. He once bluntly admitted that economics is not his strong point.

Right. That's really what we need for commander-in-chief right now. :dozey:
I've decided to give Obama a chance. Sure politicians are liars, I'm not naive, but if at least he says all those things he's gonna do to better the economy, then I'm all for it.

There's also the rumor though that if elected, Obama will probably cut funding and salaries from the military budget being that he's a Democrat and all. Which, I know wouldn't be good for me since I'm future military. The way I look at it though, if there's no country to defend due to economic collapse, then what's the point of a well paid military anyways? :|

I'm willing to sacrifice some of the military budget in order to save our country from the abyss of massive debt in favor of homefront policies.

Another thing about McCain. He once bluntly admitted that economics is not his strong point.

Right. That's really what we need for commander-in-chief right now. :dozey:

I seriously doubt Obama would cut troop salaries. That sounds like a bullshit scare tactic. If anything, he would work to cut excessive spending on destructive hardware like missiles and stuff and other excessive military spending rather than troop wages. I'm sure troop wages pale in comparison to all the other spending going on.
I seriously doubt Obama would cut troop salaries. That sounds like a bullshit scare tactic. If anything, he would work to cut excessive spending on destructive hardware like missiles and stuff and other excessive military spending rather than troop wages. I'm sure troop wages pale in comparison to all the other spending going on.
Yeah, I met a guy in meps going into the SEALs say something similar. That the cuts would be made towards more unecessary programs, not the salaries of the enlisted.
Obama is far too religious and pro-Israeli for my liking, and I'm against McCain for obvious reasons, so I would probably vote for a third party. (I'm not informed enough yet to say which.)
what do you mean to pro Israeli?
you want us to tell our only trusted ally to **** off?
what do you mean to pro Israeli?
you want us to tell our only trusted ally to **** off?

Backing up a country, or anything for that matter, unconditionally is always a bad thing.
voting for Obama, altho I got Nader on that test and Obama 2nd
I'll be voting for Obama, but I really think McCain will win.
I think I should explain why I do not want Obama to win. All of you guys, and even the non-US members here seem so keen on Obama to win because you all seem to be suffering under a delusion.

The delusion of peace.

Somehow, when Obama wins, the US will magically give up its global hegemony, pull out of Iraq, get its forces out of non-US territories, and live happily ever after? No. I don't think so. I view Obama as a populist at best, promising a change. But a change for what?

From my perspective, Obama's policies can be disastrous for my country. President Bush has worked extremely hard to revitalize the strained relations between my country and the United States, and that is the reason why 20,000 Koreans greeted him with signs that said "I love Bush" and "Friends Forever". The thing is, we do not want the US to pull out of anywhere. We don't want change, at least in the geopolitics field. Also, all the effort that Bush and My country has put in to affirm free trade between our two nations can be negated by Obama, and we don't want that. Neither should you. Obama's policies, as I understand it, range from deluded to socialist, and (I may be exaggerating here) may signal a return to Wilson's isolationist policies of decades ago.

Most of you are against the US's global policies. While understandable, it all derives from a delusion that the world can live together in harmony like some nightmarish Disney film. No. What we need is a hegemony. Or hegemonies. Order in the world, and global politics.

Change is too much unpredictable. Never should you believe in it. The audacity of Obama comes not from his "change" but the futile and frankly idiotic notion that change is what you want. Change may sound good. It may give you hope, at least at the begining. But the world has changed for the worse. You cannot trust in the beliefs of long past. Resources are running out, and to be perfectly honest, if the Iraq war was for oil, you should be praising George W. Bush for his actions.

Also, returning to our perspective, we are afraid. Afraid of a US pull-out. Afraid to lose a valued friend that has been a great help in global politics. What we may fear may be unreasonable, but what you trust is equally unreasonable. Obama, as much as Mccain, is a politician, and politicians aren't exactly known for their trustworthiness.

End Rant.
The test gave me nader and I'd vote for nader.

I couldn't care who won when there's so little difference between the parties.

If I could I'd vote for this Ted Kennedy guys - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SicFn8rqPPE

Finally someone who really cares for the poorest workers rather than paying lip service to them like Obama.
Change is too much unpredictable. Never should you believe in it. The audacity of Obama comes not from his "change" but the futile and frankly idiotic notion that change is what you want. Change may sound good. It may give you hope, at least at the begining. But the world has changed for the worse. You cannot trust in the beliefs of long past. Resources are running out, and to be perfectly honest, if the Iraq war was for oil, you should be praising George W. Bush for his actions.
The same war that sent oil prices skyrocketing and has consumed countless amounts of this diminishing resource? Why would anyone except the oil companies thank him for that? The same war that's killed more US citizens than the attacks of 9/11 and has killed more Iraqi citizens than Saddam Hussein? The same war that sucked in the country I live in, and resulted in bombings on the transport system I use daily? God knows what the real casualties of this war we should apparently be thankful for are when you take into account the mercenary groups operating in Iraq right now. I don't think anyone really gives a damn about Bush's relations with South Korea when on a global perspective his regime ****ed a whole load up. God knows what the real casualties of this war we should apparently be thankful for are when you take into account the mercenary groups operating in Iraq right now. Plus do you think he's friendly with your nation for any reason other than keeping an eye on your neighbours to the North?
Everytime I read this thread title I get a head ache.

It should be Who would you/will you vote for.
what do you mean to pro Israeli?
you want us to tell our only trusted ally to **** off?
Well, only backing one side in the conflict and only criticizing the other is moronic. Any sensible person would criticize both.
What about Ron Paul...he seems...worth checking out
Ron Paul isn't running. He state very clearly that he won't run if he lost the nomination.
John McCain (Republican)
81.63% match

Interesting. I wonder if there will ever be someone that matches exactly what I want.
I think Helen Keller would be better than both.

But the site says that i'm voting McCain... D:
Oh, by the way, I did that little quiz-a-macallit

Ralph Nader (Independant)
72.22% match

nationalism, corporativism, national syndicalism, expansionism, social progress and anti-communism in combination with censorship of subversives and state propaganda.

D: D: D:

My god. I need to read about Uncle Benito more. Thanks, PvtRyan. :D