Who are you? What do you do?


Oct 21, 2004
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OK people, here's a thread to slap in a bit of info about yourselves; what you do, what you wanna do, and perhaps if you're brave slap a photo up of yourself. I'm forever chatting/debating/arguing etc with people, but have no idea who they are. Think it would be nice to know a bit about eachother.

So... me

I'm a first year university student living in Aberystwyth, Wales, UK. I study creative writing and English - it's ok at the moment, bit boring in places. Never mind aye.
I used to be well in the clubbing scene, but drifted out just before uni, getting back into it now though. Went to see Judge Jules a few weeks ago, and I'm off to Raindance in London next weekend, should be lively.
When I've finished uni I'm planning on travelling around, check out what the world has to offer - really don't fancy the idea of 9-5 corporate slavery.

What about you guys?


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I'm a Sophmore at the University of Central Florida. After this semester I'll become a Junior. My major is Computer Science. I picked UCF because it's Computer Science program is ranked 2nd in the Nation and I lived like an hour away from it. Once I get my BS in CS I plan on moving back to Brandon from Orlando and living there for a few years, hopefully having a steady well paying job. I am also pretty good at speaking Spanish :).
I'm working full-time for an IT, HR and management recruitment consultancy.

To put it simply I place IT, HR and people at senior management level into companies.

Oh, and I'm eating my dinner, lol
Year 13, in sixth form. Year has been hard with a hard term of work from geography and with a heavy ICT project to complete but things are looking good for this year with least amount of work since year 11 :D.

I plan to study geography next year studying at either Aberystwyth, Wales, UK (with an open day a week saturday, :O hopefully I can use stealth and avoid burner ;)) or Plymouth with a backup of Coventry. Not much to say really all I want to do is really be involved with either world issues i.e human geography or fighting against coastal eroision, river management and studying global physical changes i.e physical geography or I could be doing a mixture of the two. Either way it sounds fun :D
fat tony are you doing ICT or Computing if its ict u have it easy mate the database you have to do we did as a practice :p

but i love computing!
Ahhh Ben the Eco-Warrior to the end.. :p

I gotta get that photo of you FT


I'm ComradeBadger, go to the same Sixth Form as Fat Tony.. in Year 13. I plan to go to Lincoln Uni and study History :)

I enjoy pubbing, clubbing and house parties :D
I also like gaming.. but it's gotta be fast and furious to hold my attention :E

And here's me modelling my new headset :E
I'm CrazyHarij or Michael, I live in Sweden.

I'm in high school at the moment, plan to go a graphical/media line. I'm very creative and like to 'make stuff', painting, drawing, writing, listening to or making music. I like alternative genres like trip-hop, electronica and ambient, but can as easily listen to 80's or rock/metal.

I enjoy discussing philosophy, psychology and similar matters. I am not religious, I don't like religion since it is too much of a matter of believing in something without having any or very minor proof of it. I am however very interested in the spiritual, and practical things like meditation and astral projection/out of body-experiences.

I obviously like games since I hang around here, preferably games that are original innovative and tactical/strategic, and of course fun. I like chatting, whether it be in the real world or on the internet, and exchanging/comparing ideas.
Adrien, I was born in France, at the age of 7 moved to Colombia, some guerrilla gang tried to kidnap us, so we moved to Mexico (we were supose to go to spain). At the age of 11 I had enaugh of Mexico and moved to Wales. I had the best year of my life with my "mates".
I moved back to Mexico ( :( ) studied 2 years and still had enaugh, so I left to France, my homeland, great year also, loved it. Went back AGAIN to mexico, I was supode to leave this year but I couldn't :( , hopefully next year I can travel back to France or Canada. I would join the army so my parents can't bring me back hehe. :devil:

I'd like to upload a pic, but they are to big :(
My name is Cathal O' Keeffe. (Pronounced coh-hal oh key-ff). I'm 14 and I live outside a village called Clashmore. I am in my 3rd year of secondary school and I am supposed to be studying for my Junior Cert now. The sujects I am doing are Irish, French, English, Maths, Business Studies, Techniacl Graphics, History, Geography, Religion, Civil Social and Political Education and Science. I am doing honours in all subjects.
My name is Justin and I'm just a dumbass hillbilly trying to start a new life....I live in Alabama, but I'm hoping to move soon too Florida so I can start my plans.

Oh also I'm 17 and a high school drop out with no job.

Go me!!! o/
My name is Andrew Davies, and i live in The Rhondda, South Wales. after passin nearly all my gcse's i went back to 6th form dropping out after 1 year. then september i started a leisure and tourism course at college, but i dropped out after 3 months. now i am doing a sport and experience course in a sport centre which is 20 mins away by bus and train, learning First aid, and how to save people, and treat them. enjoying it. ima sporty person, like going clubbin, even tho i havnt been in a while. i still like all kinds of music, im saving to go on holiday with my m8s to magaluf in july.

Adrien C said:
Adrien, I was born in France, at the age of 7 moved to Colombia, some guerrilla gang tried to kidnap us, so we moved to Mexico (we were supose to go to spain). At the age of 11 I had enaugh of Mexico and moved to Wales. I had the best year of my life with my "mates".
I moved back to Mexico ( :( ) studied 2 years and still had enaugh, so I left to France, my homeland, great year also, loved it. Went back AGAIN to mexico, I was supode to leave this year but I couldn't :( , hopefully next year I can travel back to France or Canada. I would join the army so my parents can't bring me back hehe. :devil:

where did you stay in wales :D. did you like it? i was sorry to hear about that gang in colombia tho :(

heres me, my webcam is acting dodgy today, the picture looks awful :(
yo bitches, im Adam Campbell, from Newcastle, England.

Ime 18 and i am an apprentic plumber/gas fitter for my local goverment autority :cheers:

arnt i lucky! :D
Im a first year college student studying business. Im interested in the advertising/marketing/personel management & Human Relations side so we'll see how that goes.

Plan on travelling. 2006 - New Zealand, South Africa, Australia. (please check this thread: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=71052)

18 yrs old...Level Editor, sport and music fanatic!!!
KoreBolteR said:
My name is Andrew Davies, and i live in The Rhondda, South Wales. after passin nearly all my gcse's i went back to 6th form dropping out after 1 year. then september i started a leisure and tourism course at college, but i dropped out after 3 months. now i am doing a sport and experience course in a sport centre which is 20 mins away by bus and train, learning First aid, and how to save people, and treat them. enjoying it. ima sporty person, like going clubbin, even tho i havnt been in a while. i still like all kinds of music, im saving to go on holiday with my m8s to magaluf in july.

where did you stay in wales :D. did you like it? i was sorry to hear about that gang in colombia tho :(

heres me, my webcam is acting dodgy today, the picture looks awful :(

Cardiff South Wales, you know near the milenium stadium.
I loved it, never met such nice people, verry good friends and man the ladys were so preety. Can't wait to get back one day.
I'm Tom Jeffs and I'm a freelance television cameraman. I am currently not doing very much at all.

I have an Audi TT for sale if anyone is interested. I shall be replacing it with a TVR Chimera 400.
Parrot of doom said:
I'm Tom Jeffs and I'm a freelance television cameraman. I am currently not doing very much at all.

I have an Audi TT for sale if anyone is interested. I shall be replacing it with a TVR Chimera 400.

ill start bidding for your audi TT .. :D

£10 , LOL :farmer:

Adrien C said:
Cardiff South Wales, you know near the milenium stadium.
I loved it, never met such nice people, verry good friends and man the ladys were so preety. Can't wait to get back one day.

yeah i live near there, if you come back, hope to see you one day:D ill buy ya a drink m8 :cheers: lol
My name is Noah Mullins, I am in first year university taking computer science living in residence at the University of Western Ontario in the city of London (Ontario, Canada). At the moment I am mostly studying for exams but normally I spend my weekends partying at my residence until typically 4:00 in the morning.

This is a picture of me just before a semi-formal dance a couple months ago. I blanked the face of the other guy on my floor who is also in the picture. This is also my profile pic.

I'm 17 (almost 18) and a senior in high school. I'm waiting for one more college reply before I decide where I'll be going. I got into four so far -- actually just found out about one of 'em fifteen minutes ago (the one for which I wrote an entire long essay on the joys of playing Scorched Earth and sent in a picture of my fish as "something that appeals to you". Seriously :LOL:. And it's not even a sucky school)-- and I don't really know what I'm going to do, since other people want me to go to different places and I don't really particularly care at all, as revealed through my apparent lack of excitement as I opened up the letters. Basically it went like: "Oh. Hey. I got in. ......" Parents: "Ok. Are they giving you any scholarship money??" Me: "Umm, it doesn't say." Parents: "[silence]" :eek: That's the way almost everything in my life goes. I thrive in a state of apathy and confusion while my parents act like, "Well. That's nice."

Anyways, past the rambling, I had really wanted to study environmental engineering in college until I found out that few of them even offer straight environmental engineering, and then realized that there aren't really that many jobs out there for that sort of thing. So then I went for the next best thing: civil engineering with a focus on environmental... and then, about one or two weeks before submitting applications, asked myself, "What the heck IS civil engineering? Do I really want to study civil engineering? Really??" So now I've switch over to chemical engineering (with a focus on environmental) and am stuck here asking myself, "Labs? Do I really want to do more labs??" not to mention the thought that I might end up working in industry doing the absolute reverse of what I originally wanted, which would just be painful. Still more great confusion.
Greg Nash, 17.
Senior year, Vocational Highschool of Panama.
Currently, I do co-op as a welder, basically if my shop gets a call from somebody who needs a job done...The seniors can go out and do it.
...nevermind on the pic, it's too large...and I have no clue how to make it smaller.
Yo sup :D Im Keith Hawkins, currently a year 12 6th Form student. Just turned 17, relying heavily on my EMA (education money :p) to pay for some computer gear, but i honestly do make genuine educational purchases with it. I go to the same 6th Form as B-MAn, and hes my best mate there.

Erm... planning to stay in the Philippines where the other half of me lives. I have NO idea of what I want to do in life - people always say to me that I should do something art related, but I find art quite tedious and boring. I would like to do something in computing, but for some reason I find it hard to academically excel there.

I met someone who I am completely obessesed with when I was in Philippines, and she is the nicest woman I have ever met. She is almost two years older than me, but she is honestly a dream. Obviously its hard for me to express how I actually feel over a text based forum, but I give you a picture anyhow :naughty: - and I'm special to her, so theres no letting go. Her name is Kirby (not givin full name :p) which is quite funky and exotic! SHE IS THE MIDDLE GIRL IN THE BLUE, IN THE GIRL GROUP PIC

Anyhow this is a pic of me taken a while back with my camera phone :p (im the geeza, not the pretty lady you bunch of poppadoms)
My name is Brittany, I am 10 years old and live in Ohio.
I'm Andy.

Currently studying Physical Geography in Portsmouth, not living on campus although in my first year. Im in a house... of which 2 housemates have left already. yay. :LOL:

I usually go out, play pool, watch footy, go to peoples flats and play Halo or Project Gotham on the Xbox or stay in, watching telly, playing pc games or watching films. :cool:

My ambition is to be happy, earning enough money to support a familly and 3 or so children... i'm currently still working on getting the future wife and credentials and not getting too far ;(

Anyhoo, yeh, thats me. Boring innit, and here's a photo or two. :borg:

Me at my end of school prom :)

Me at a Chili's gig... :)
I'm Tom also in my first year at the University of Portsmouth.

Currently studing the debated course of Computer Games Technology.

Ambition? get through the course in one piece.
My real name is el Chi. I was raised by travelling circus folk: my mother was a one-legged contortionist and my father a midget male stripper. One day I f*cked up on the high wire and inexplicably set fire to four audience members and as a result was left by a roadside at the tender age of seven.

A kindly middle class couple drove past one day and took me under their wing and re-christened me, perhaps somewhat unimaginatively, Chris. Five years later, I graduated from finishing school; a guttersnipe made good - not unlike Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady - I was then let loose into the education system.

Now I study Philosophy and English at Reading University (well, hey there are worse places than Berkshire) but when I go home, it's still back to good old Hackney - beautiful, in a kind of decrepit crime-ridden way. I currently live with seven other people, which has been a nightmare at times, next year there's going to be four of us. With sexy results (please, someone get the reference).

Disclaimer: I may or may not be pissed in the attached picture.
Me, the famous AntiAnto, is more known as Antoine. Being a 16 years old, I'm hairy and I love gaming. Well, soccer is my favorite sport and I played waterpolo for 2 years. I live in Quebec (a french province of Canada), so my english isn't too well. I really like sciences, philosophy and music too. I've started learning guitar a week ago and my inspiration is, no doubt, Radiohead.

[ Radiohead:

Karma Police
Climbing up the walls ]

Hmm here some pictures. (Theses pictures were taken for a competition with my friends. I'm usually normal.)
Hi gys im Niklas King going to Heinrich Boell School in Germany its my last year here in Germany then Il be moving to California going Cerritos Community College for 2 years then going to da Police Academy
btw im 17 this is me:
My name is Neale Roberts, and I'm a game designer working for a new LA-based studio (working from home in the UK) setting everything up for our new project.

:cheers: I'm Andy Uk, born in Long Beach, moved and lived in Van Nuys at the age of five until I turned 14, so I moved back to the LB! I am 16, August 11th is my birthday. Ummm, I like to snowboard, I wanna learn to surf and I EFFIN LOVE BADMIN! Muhaha! I'm rad I had "puppy hair", recently got that shit cut off. Umm, I like to socialize n shit, party party party!

http://g.myspace.com/00030/53/55/30765535_l.jpg puppy hair mode

http://g.myspace.com/00029/45/85/29545854_l.jpg spikes son

http://g.myspace.com/00056/27/48/56028472_l.jpg My current and latest shit, I look homo in this pic, but it's all I got... You cant see my EMOhawk, but it's there.

ANd that's my chinky eyed GF!!! Love her ass!


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I'm Stephen, you idiot.

I'm 19, and a full-time student in my second semester at Louisiana State University.

I work at Tiger Athletic Foundation during the week in between classes, and on Saturdays I DJ at a local radio station.
I'm Ron, I live in Israel, just turned 17, in the 11th grade, doing not so well at all, unemployed, and frustrated about random stuff.

My mom and dad were born in Russia, and my mom teached me how to speak at the age of 5, I spoke fluently, yet I forgot all of it, and now I don't even have an accent, though I understand most of what I hear.

I like sitting with my friends in random places, partying, hanging out here, playing games and listening to all kinds of music.

When I get to uni (IF I get there) I'm intrested in studying philosophy, physics, and maybe metaphysics.

Oh, and here I am at a lan-party over a year ago. (It's 6 in the morning, don't expect me not to look high. I'm the 1st one btw.)


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fat tony are you doing ICT or Computing if its ict u have it easy mate the database you have to do we did as a practice

but i love computing!
Yes its not particularlly hard, its just sooo long. Ive seen books given in around 200-400 pages long. As for computing, if I got to Aberwystwithtree (stupid welsh names :() Then im doing a major in Geography and a Minor in Computing :D, computers are fun but they aren't worthwhile
I am James, I live in New Jersey, I am a junior in a magnet highschool. For those who dont know what that is, its a public highschool that has something special in it, that you need to apply to. The something special about my school is Computers and I hope to major in CS in Carnegie mellon or Worcester Polytech. HL1 was the first online game I played. I sometimes am surprised my friends do not think i am high all the time(i am not but i act it).

Also wat is sixth form,
I'm a lifeless geek with lots of ambition but lack of motivation to accomplish much.
links don't work steve.

Anyways, I'm a junior in high school here in the middle of nowhere where the teacher writes up 5 people in one class period (not joking).

I'm also taking 3 college classes at the same time. I'm not sure where I want to go to college, but I'll prolly get a degree in something related to computers.

hmmm, I can't think of anything else at the moment....
Are they working now? This is my first time using a web hosting service. If they still don't work, could somebody give me some help please?
Ailevation, where do you come from ? I can't seem to locate your origins.