Who Do I Question About a Warning?


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Nobody seems to answer....

Where are the guidelines for a warning anyways.
Well according to the rules you should have been banned seinfeldrules.

Abusive and offensive language, flaming, bashing

There has been a recent trend in the amount of offensive and abusive posts on the forum. We’ve never had this happen much in the past and we don’t intend to let it carry on much further. There will also be a zero tolerance policy on anybody using offensive language or abuse directed at another forum member or moderator. Zero tolerance means you will be banned without warning and the ban penalty will be a set, unchangeable temporary ban of 10 days and there will be no exceptions to this rule. Your post/s will also be deleted.

So actually im breaking the rules by warning you instead of banning you.

I think its funny though how its got out that complaining removes warnings, seems everyone is trying it on these days. Reminds me of school children complaining about getting detention for throwing things at other kids.
I think its funny though how its got out that complaining removes warnings, seems everyone is trying it on these days. Reminds me of school children complaining about getting detention for throwing things at other kids.
Hey man. I was just wondering what I did wrong. I have nothing against you, but all of a sudden you seem to be all over my back. There were plenty of other insults flying around in there, but I got singled out for an indirect insult of some kind. You refused to respond to me over PM, so where else should I turn?
seinfeldrules said:
Hey man. I was just wondering what I did wrong. I have nothing against you, but all of a sudden you seem to be all over my back. There were plenty of other insults flying around in there, but I got singled out for an indirect insult of some kind. You refused to respond to me over PM, so where else should I turn?
haha not my problem anymore :D:D:D:D
seinfeldrules said:
OK. All in all, I dont hold anything against you. Hope that works both ways. :)
Course it does. Never was anything personal, just doing my job, now I don't have to its all cool :) No more worrying about the site or catching spam. It feels like retirement lol :)
MaxiKana said:
hehe, what? Everyone expecting me to go into a big mood over this? :p

I've been wanting to leave for months, kept getting talked into staying, this way its final. I'm happy, moderating was stressful and made a lot of enemies from it. I can relax now and enjoy just posting stuff and painting like I used to before rec hired me :)
No I ment like you were a mod one minute, then the next you're not, with no one knowing really why? o_O
Aw, too bad.. Well, it seems like you wanted it, I just hope you'll stay around on the forums.. Right? :(
MaxiKana said:
No I ment like you were a mod one minute, then the next you're not, with no one knowing really why? o_O
Differences of opinion :)

Nothing bad though. I certainly don't have any issues about it. It's calming to know i wont be a target anymore now for warning people or closing threads.
If I ever became a mod, i'd probably try to disable my PM box and ignore anyone but munro commenting me.
CrazyHarij said:
Aw, too bad.. Well, it seems like you wanted it, I just hope you'll stay around on the forums.. Right? :(
hell yeah! lol. Course im staying, no reason not to. I sure as hell don't hate anyone on staff lol. I've got more time now to paint n such, gotta keep my art thread upto date :)
MaxiKana said:
If I ever became a mod, i'd probably try to disable my PM box and ignore anyone but munro commenting me.
Pfft i don't think i've gotten a single PM or email to do with hl2.net since i became a mod :p
MaxiKana said:
If I ever became a mod, i'd probably try to disable my PM box and ignore anyone but munro commenting me.
hehe I used to try that but your not supposed to turn PM's off really if your a mod :E even though at times the temptation is pretty great, just for five minutes peace :)
MaxiKana said:
If I ever became a mod, i'd probably try to disable my PM box and ignore anyone but munro commenting me.
You'd be waiting a long time for anyone to speak to you :eek:

/me hides
/me throws a bottle on Chris_D :)

/me throws another bottle on starmonkey for not fixing /me.
The Dark Elf is not a mod?

Yay, I mean...YAY!

I have nothing against you. Really. Just messing around, wait your not a mod. I have no reason to explain myself.
The Dark Elf said:
hell yeah! lol. Course im staying, no reason not to. I sure as hell don't hate anyone on staff lol. I've got more time now to paint n such, gotta keep my art thread upto date :)

Glad that you're not going the same way as Icarus. And now you're a Strider! :D
The_Monkey said:
Glad that you're not going the same way as Icarus. And now you're a Strider! :D
hehe no, no intentions of behaving like he did lol.

Ooh yeah I am a strider haha, I never knew what I was before, its been so long, I think the last time I saw what rank I was, I was a zombie. Watch the ranks get changed now and the highest one becoming a headcrab haha :)
The Dark Elf said:
hehe no, no intentions of behaving like he did lol.

Ooh yeah I am a strider haha, I never knew what I was before, its been so long, I think the last time I saw what rank I was, I was a zombie. Watch the ranks get changed now and the highest one becoming a headcrab haha :)

The highest rank should be Lamarr. ;)
You spelled "Lamer" wrong...

I should give you a warning for that!
Fen you peen, who will I partner with to slag people off in the staff channel now?
From what I can recall, it was mainly you two slagging each other off!
Abom vs. Fenric... hmmm... who would win? let me ponder that for a while...
Whichever resorted to the dark arts first- neither could resist a Stupidity Beam to the chest!

Considering the usual trend of Admins/Mods to throw a massive tantrum on retirement/redundancy you've got a refreshing attitude, TDE :D Must be all that artistic talent you've got sloshing around inside you.
Is it right to now ask a question about my warning now TDE's gone? :)

PS. "bye-bye" TDE (and erm... good ridance? (j/k)) :p
I need someone to counter the stupidity on the community game support :O
Druckles said:
Is it right to now ask a question about my warning now TDE's gone? :)

Probably not cause I gave you that warning on the request of another mod that had a complaint about you spamming, and he's still a mod :)
The Dark Elf said:
Probably not cause I gave you that warning on the request of another mod that had a complaint about you spamming, and he's still a mod :)
One word...

Eeeek! Lost your modship! :O

Aww well, at least you're not bothered by it. :)

For what its worth I think you did a pretty good job. :thumbs: