Who do you alert?

Who do you alert?

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its meant to be :D Some guy alerted the internet when he spilled something on his keyboard, and Jellyworld felt the need to alert the internet when his ipod broke.
Tell the interweb! I have just lost my kitten in my house, SOMEWHERE!
Telling the Internet is the easiest out of all three, I have to get out of my chair to exercise my other two options.
Some of us don't alert anyone and sort their own problems out. A bit like what I do.

If I do speak to anyone though, I speak to family so that's what I voted for.
"Oh no, my FOOT is on FIRE!!! I must contact the INTERNET immediately!!!!"

Yeah, I contact Shens too, like the rest of the AWESOME people here.

-Angry Lawyer
I generally go to my friends i can trust, not that i don't trust you guys :cheers:
Alert the interbet!

Alternatively, I have the care police hotline stored on my mobile.
You can tell the interweb things you probably wouldn't want to tell your friends or family.

man i've had shitting problems lately, shitting like a wildman!

Nobody. I bottle it up inside me. But don’t worry, I deal with problems by relaxing in a comfy chair and polishing my many assault rifles.
depends.. if i cut myself, or stub my toe or something i either keep it to myself, or if im on here already see whos on msn and say ''SHIT I JUST SLICED MY FINGER OPEN!!! :|''

if its about someone or something irl i tell my friends

if its something stupid but i think people might find it amusing i tell the internets

i rarely if ever tell my family anything
Suicide42 said:
"Oh no, my FOOT is on FIRE!!! I must contact the INTERNET immediately!!!!"

I couldn't stop laughing after seeing this.
i think i've only emoed a problem once on the internet and maybe spilled emo turd out onto a few chatrooms when i've been drunk

other than that, my problems aren't best left with strangers
Chris_D said:
Some of us don't alert anyone and sort their own problems out. A bit like what I do.

If I do speak to anyone though, I speak to family so that's what I voted for.

This is the route I usually take, if i do alert someone of a problem, it would probably be my family or friends, but the problem would have to be that I am currently dead or somethin to that effect