Who has recently been accepted to University/college?


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
I have. :E

I got the letter in the mail today! Oddly, though I applied for full-time programs, I was only accepted on a part-time basis for the first year. The registrar will be getting back to me tomorrow about that... in the meantime, I have to celebrate somehow. And start working out living accomodations.

I think we used to have a thread about this a few weeks back, but too bad, this is the new one. Does anyone else have newly-emerging educatory plans for the fall?
I'm transferring to another college in the Fall. I'll be starting my 3rd year in college so I'm almost done :D
Aren't u a yr older than me? What gives stigy stugy.
I forgot to apply now it's too late :( Gotta apply for second semester.
Weird that you have to apply. Back here there's just natural selection at work in the first years.
I forgot to apply now it's too late :( Gotta apply for second semester.

But you're a dog, they won't even let you in.

I got into Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. I'm currently deciding which program I'll put myself in: Psychology, Biology, or Computer Science. They're all extremely interesting to me.

Deathbro: Yeah I'm 22 and just getting into university, so what, wanna fight about it? :p Truth is, I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for the past four years. Highschool marks weren't great, didn't get into uni; applied and got into college, dropped out due to depression; applied to a different program, got in, dropped out again due to depression; moved out with friends, got fired, got more depressed, got a new job, got more depressed, ended my lease early, got more depressed, got fired, got more depressed. And now I'm going to uni THAT IS THE IMPORTANT THING THAT I WILL FOCUS ON :D
I sent in an application a week ago and i should of been notified by now that they got it (as they say on the site) so im getting worried that it got lost in the mail system somehow :S
Congratulations! What are you studying? I started college late as well because of military service. Sadly I won't be studying again unless I go for a PhD.
I have. :E
told you mother f*cker

or maybe I didn't

either way


I've always wondered why in the US/etc. the new school year starts on the fall and not the spring.
I got accepted to Carleton and Ottawa U, waiting on queens and Waterloo.
Nice! My friend got into Carleton and UOttawa last year, and ended up going to UOttawa. According to him, the whole student body is shit, so shitty in fact that he's switching schools because of it. He's a pretty upstanding dude, so I think you should take it into consideration.

told you mother f*cker

or maybe I didn't

either way





Nice! My friend got into Carleton and UOttawa last year, and ended up going to UOttawa. According to him, the whole student body is shit, so shitty in fact that he's switching schools because of it. He's a pretty upstanding dude, so I think you should take it into consideration.

Yeah, I've got a few friends at both, and Carleton' student body is definitly more party-obsessed and assholish.
Just accepted my transfer admission to University of Illinois at Chicago for Psychology on a Pre-Med track. Starting my third year there after two at Western Illinois (which consists of about 99% hicks and a 100 kbyte/s internet connection... so yea, this transfer was pretty badly needed).
But you're a dog, they won't even let you in.

I got into Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. I'm currently deciding which program I'll put myself in: Psychology, Biology, or Computer Science. They're all extremely interesting to me.

Deathbro: Yeah I'm 22 and just getting into university, so what, wanna fight about it? :p Truth is, I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for the past four years. Highschool marks weren't great, didn't get into uni; applied and got into college, dropped out due to depression; applied to a different program, got in, dropped out again due to depression; moved out with friends, got fired, got more depressed, got a new job, got more depressed, ended my lease early, got more depressed, got fired, got more depressed. And now I'm going to uni THAT IS THE IMPORTANT THING THAT I WILL FOCUS ON :D

Congrats! One of my best friends started med school last year. Incredibly intelligent guy but got really depressed. Like seeing a shrink, put on meds, missed tons of class depressed. I sent him cookies in the mail but I don't think that helped much. He does seem to be doing ok now, so hey, things get better :).
Must have been the cookies. What did you put in them?

I've already completed my degree, but I'm doing honours for some reason. To be honest I'm not entirely sure why I signed myself up for more torture, but I'm confident the bonus qualification will be worth the total destruction of my mental state.
Congrats! One of my best friends started med school last year. Incredibly intelligent guy but got really depressed. Like seeing a shrink, put on meds, missed tons of class depressed. I sent him cookies in the mail but I don't think that helped much. He does seem to be doing ok now, so hey, things get better :).
Thanks :) Things are definitely getting better. Jobs are opening up, I'm accepted to University, gonna be living in a house there with my friend and four other people, and I'm volunteering at the local hospital starting next week. Now all I have to do is keep up with my friends and actually get hired, and I'll be good for the next five months.
Placed in waiting list for McGill, but I got in UBC, U of Toronto and Western Ontario.

Still waiting for an answer from Queens.
Must have been the cookies. What did you put in them?

I've already completed my degree, but I'm doing honours for some reason. To be honest I'm not entirely sure why I signed myself up for more torture, but I'm confident the bonus qualification will be worth the total destruction of my mental state.

Drugs, obviously.
(or maybe just a ton of chocolate).

What's honours? Is that kind of like a masters in the US? I just started a masters->doctoral program last fall. Somehow I'm mostly happier than I used to be, but it's definitely not easy. I feel like grad school (well, the research component of it) is actually more vicious than the real world. Just got shot down for a fellowship the second year in a row. This time I got one great reviewer who was completely eclipsed by one asshole reviewer who threw my application out for reasons that I still can't quite comprehend, while insulting my potential to succeed in a PhD program and saying my research and outreach activities make no impact on society. Last year I got a couple of lukewarm reviews but I could see where they were coming from. This year, it really feels like this one particular person went out of their way in some kind of personal vendetta against me or possibly one of my previous or current advisors. They call it a competition, but it's more like a random drawing where they draw which reviewer reads your app, and the reviewers come in widely varying degrees of awfulness. Luckily my advisor is genuinely a very nice person and was like, "These reviews are totally absurd. Don't worry about it." Apparently, the rest of a career in academia is exactly like this though, and it's not uncommon for people to break down and quit.

So yeah, school... awesome. :|

Thanks :) Things are definitely getting better. Jobs are opening up, I'm accepted to University, gonna be living in a house there with my friend and four other people, and I'm volunteering at the local hospital starting next week. Now all I have to do is keep up with my friends and actually get hired, and I'll be good for the next five months.

Sounds good. The friend I mentioned before was advised to live with other people, so that probably helps a lot. I've actually been doing great living by myself the past two years. Maybe I don't play well with others or something :P.
I got accepted to Carleton and Ottawa U, waiting on queens and Waterloo.
What programs did you apply for?

I'm attending the University of Waterloo myself, so I may be able to answer questions if you have any.
Oh my god Stigmata, CONGRATU****INGLATIONS!

Very happy for you dude! I know how much this means to you.
I got the letter in the mail today! Oddly, though I applied for full-time programs, I was only accepted on a part-time basis for the first year. The registrar will be getting back to me tomorrow about that...

"Hi, may I speak with Dave?"
"This is him"
"Hi Dave, this is Cindy from the registrar's office. It seems that you were accepted as a part time student. This was in error. We meant to simply send you a letter of rejection. I apologize for any inconvenience."
Really happy for you, man! You worked hard for this, I know, and it worked out.
'Honours' in the UK is simply a step up from a grade.

For example, you get a 3rd (40-49%), 2:2 (50-59%), 2:1 (60-69%) and a 1st (70%+).

Now, to get an honours, and this is basically all the honours indicates, you have to have successfully completed a dissertation. Regardless of the score you recieve for your dissertation, the fact that you produced one and got over 40% will give you honours.

So if you get a 2:1 and complete a dissertation, you will get a (in my example as I did a social science) 2:1 Ba (Hons) in *insert degree*.

(Hons) is pretty much standard these days. It comes down to your score more than anything, that is if the company cares about your score.

So yeah, Hons just means you completed a dissertation.
Oh, I totally forgot about that. There was a program a lot like that at my school. Seemed like a lot of chemistry/biochem, social science, and various liberal arts people did it, but hardly anyone else.
I'm pretty sure, in the UK that is, that every degree has a dissertation as part of it, which is the only way to get an Honours.

I cant remember what it means exactly, but Honours is basically the University acknowledging/honouring your academic achievement..or..something like that. The only way they can honour that is through your degree, as its basically what youve been working toward for 3 years; learning the techniques and abilities to conduct one.
"Hi, may I speak with Dave?"
"This is him"
"Hi Dave, this is Cindy from the registrar's office. It seems that you were accepted as a part time student. This was in error. We meant to simply send you a letter of rejection. I apologize for any inconvenience."
Not only did you just ruin a night of sleep, you ruined a night of gentle sleep brought forth by a trio of beers. Triple shame!
nothing better than the day i logged into UCAS (the UK university application program... thing) and saw that falmouth had accepted me after my interview. was ****ing stoked.

congrats stig! (and all/anyone else)
What programs did you apply for?

I'm attending the University of Waterloo myself, so I may be able to answer questions if you have any.

Carleton: Interactive Multimedia and Design.
Ottawa U: Computer Science and Psychology.
Queens: Computing and the Creative Arts.
Waterloo: Environment and Resource Management.

Ottawa U: Ottawa you? OUTTAMAH WAY!


College is fun.

Choose computer science if you want to have a great chance at a job. There's a chance down the road you could work from home all the time or, alternatively, become a Business Analyst and travel all the time. Biology is fun though if you really enjoy learning about the world and how life is life-like. I want to get my masters in something sexy at some point... or an MBA which is way sexier.
MBA sounds like something to do with basketball.

I'm still workin on my masters, might start applying for PhDs soon though.
MBA sounds like something to do with basketball.

I'm still workin on my masters, might start applying for PhDs soon though.

Masters in Business Administration... it's where all the top brass of Corporate America first begin to call themselves elite.