Who has the best Avatar???

Who has the best Avatar?

  • EVIL (and nw909, its basically the same)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Majestic XII

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Jagermeister

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • MrWhite

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [B]mrBadger[/B]

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • Stone

    Votes: 10 23.8%
  • Zerimski

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Apos

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Simmo

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • [COLOR=Blue]FarrowLeSparrow[/COLOR]

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Mitoboy

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • LoneDeranger

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
Had it been "Who has the angriest Avatar???" I would have won!
but no... ofcourse its "Who has the best Avatar???".
/me starts up PS and starts trying to make his avatar smile by using the smudge tool, while muttering angrily.
Originally posted by lammmbda
who is that guy has avatar that is different sex positions.....

and sinper getting shot in the eye in Saving Private Ryan ???

those are pretty cool

I have this one of jackson shooting a german from the bell tower, but i like my airborne one better

EDIT: lol, your ignoring me. Im not loved here.;(
I most sentiently will not!
This is the way to success!

(I will... soon enough)
Im not even going to vote for myself, it took 2 seconds to make...

and its not like evils, his doesnt have a gradient like mine!!!
How could you put simmo there and not me, lol. his avatar is a friggin smiley!!!
What about my avatar? ive changed it a few times now.

At the moment (if you cant tell) Its barney pointing his gun and the word Hey
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
What about my avatar? ive changed it a few times now.

At the moment (if you cant tell) Its barney pointing his gun and the word Hey

Well actually I liked your G-Man with a sparrow on the shoulder avatar most. :)
Ive decided to steal the picture stone drew a while ago...Just telling you so you dont think im passin it off as my own.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Ive decided to steal the picture stone drew a while ago...Just telling you so you dont think im passin it off as my own.

No worries, if you wants Farrow I'll see if i can make an avatar like mine with it....
In reply to Igneri

I wouldnt...But thats just me. My avatar looks a bit messed up now. :(
Bow before the mighty Avatar...I think i deserve another vote for that.

So does stone...for uh...for...being stone....

Ok so he made it!
I like that new one Farrow.
So since I have saved my vote you can have it.
Or should I give it to Stone who did it?
decisions decisions...
I'll give it to you since Stone is in the lead.
Ok, new avatar :E

hehe, I like this one.
Yeah... hed been Drinking a lot of Caffine prior...
Hes Superman. Or the other guy is really lousy and keeps missing.
Voted for Stone, his avatar looks like a cat holding a gun to me. I have no clue what is... :bonce:
yay, i'm winning still :p

/me hugs everyone....

oh and FatCombine, my avatar, is Fred, (my temper) it's along story but the basics is that my psych teacher told me that if peope name something, they become attached to them and they terefore manifest them selves......So i named my temper..
What? I'm not in there... BOW TO TEH EMU!!!

LOL I'm the only one to vote for Jager, his avvy rules!
Weeeee, after all this time I decided that I will change a few things with my current avatar. Until those things are done, this is a stand in.

Fifty USA dollars to the person that figures it out.*

*Offer expires after you read Fifty in the above sentance. I am still not paying you anyway.
nw909 - That would explain the no votes :p

I have 7 votes woo! woo!

I don't believe it... mine was a joke :p (just for the poll really :E )

I'm tied with Farrrow, and once again, sorry if you aren't there ;(
Originally posted by Mitoböy
Fifty USA dollars to the person that figures it out.*

*Offer expires after you read Fifty in the above sentance. I am paying you anyway.

It says 1337.
Now pay me! :cheese:

Oh god... I still haven't changed back my avatar?
Better do that...


When did I get past 200 posts!!
Hurrahh for me!
My avatar is the best because PHP is the best thing ever happend to man kind (after computers).