Who Has The Most Dvds


May 3, 2006
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Just a quick message for everyone to post the number of dvds they have.
I spend most of my money on albums but for DVD's I have about 50.

I think its a waste getting DVD's now because its only to be replaced by HD-DVD's in the next year or two which offeres twice the resolution and more surround sound channels (only the newer films anyway).

What do you guys think about stocking up on DVD's these days?
I just love collecting them. Its my addiction. When I heard about the new format I was like ahh ****. But what can I do. You can go too far. Then you've got your special edition, delux editions, 1 2 3 4 disc editions, 2 movies on one disc editions, geez, could the industry be trying any harder to make money. Oh well, surley the picture woun't be too much better on HD-dvd unless your watching it on a plasma or something.
Yeah it is a bit annoying. I know how you feel. It sucks but its good in a way. When HD-DVD's come out I'll be buying that and in a few years that'll be outdated just like DVD's will be in time.

Its moving too fast these days, oh how I miss the old days of VHS they lasted for like a decade or longer didn't they? Hahah
My DVD are.. well lets say that you don't by them like that.
I just started getting DVDs about 2 years ago... replacing all of the movies I have on tape.

So far I have around 200.
Since October last year I have purchased about 250 brining my total up to 300. Before that I didn't have a job. :smoking:
Teta_Bonita said:
I have about 10.

And Jesus has the most DVDs.

I wonder if Jesus has The Passion, Last Temptation, or even Jesus Christ: Superstar!

I bet he doesn't.