Who has the Most Post?

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Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone know which one here possess the most post in this entire forum?
Click on members and sort by posts, also don't steal gorgon avatar.
The Dark Elf is a ball hog. Thats all I got to say about that.
Top 10:

1.The Dark Elf
7.Brian Damage

I feel like a spam whore... :(
Curses, I'm in eleventh, I used to be tenth.
Oh well, I don't spend a lot of time on these forums anymore.
Prince of China said:
Curses, I'm in eleventh, I used to be tenth.
Oh well, I don't spend a lot of time on these forums anymore.

/me hugs
wooo lol, im like #300 and something. And dude, get your own Avatar :|
I should post more.

But then again......
JUST outside the top 20. Blast. Actually, wait - that's not a good thing... <Bursts into tears, slams bedroom door finally realising why boys never call>
Ha. I made the third page.
Along with Munro, Pendragon, Dalamari, and...

...Hmm... what ever happened to lans? He was a nice guy.
the secret to post whoring:

discuss politics

example: george bush is ghey

guarenteed feedback along the lines of "explain yourself!!" which you reply by posting random words like .."buh" ..."meh" ..."oh" ...patriots get mad ....hilarity ensues

I jest ..unless that is you'd like to try to get me to the top

Teh secret is basically spam...which ain't really a secret...
Hey...you try counting after drinking a bottle of champagne in about and and a half hours ok. That stuff is crazy... I'm not drinking that much again.
I think I'm just in the right spot. Not up with the insane people/spammers, but not a newb.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Hey...you try counting after drinking a bottle of champagne in about and and a half hours ok. That stuff is crazy... I'm not drinking that much again.
Well I don't drink and don't plan on to...so no I can't try that method. ;)
THIS (see above posts) is the secret shame of high post counts, spam. (just like this post)
I cant believe this post has gone into 2 pages for just one simple question that could be answered in three words, for those of you that can count.
His first was tredoslop...which I probally spelled it wrong.
Tredoslop! Oh man... No wonder you're never around, you changed your name! yeesh
Ermac, Gorgan ain't gonna like you using his avatar.
Most of the regulars are up on the front page. Except Shuzer he left. And i haven't seen Cybersheep for a while too....
You should all have your post counts reduced to 0!
DiSTuRbEd said:
I need to get more posts :( I am on the 3rd page!
It's kind of ironic that some people with lower post-counts want higher ones - Christ knows why - whilst those with the highest post counts are ashamed and embarrassed.
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