Who has the Most Post?

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CREMATOR666 said:
Yeah, right :hmph:

TDE is a spam whore :o

according to someone, as 20% of all post are spam, TDE should have: (15000 * 0.2) * 2 warning points.


which = 600 numbers of bans.

el Chi said:
It's kind of ironic that some people with lower post-counts want higher ones - Christ knows why - whilst those with the highest post counts are ashamed and embarrassed.
Yes...I feel ashamed.. :(

Yea I know...I'm an ass hole and a son of a bitch. :D
This thread blows, I think we should change the topic to silly hats
DE3000 said:
U were once a n00b 2.

Yeah, but we use good english.
Sorry if I had insulted you, but I think everyone in this forum should use good english, give or take a few spelling errors.
DE3000 said:
U were once a n00b 2.

Everyone is once a noob, young padawan, and until you start using a better english, you will remain a noob :| Feel the force!!!! :D
This is starting to get a little bit off-topic...
Danimal said:
I'm not that strict for now.
How long is the standard "Drunk with power" development stage? I've fogottern...
CREMATOR666 said:
Everyone is once a noob, young padawan, and until you start using a better english, you will remain a noob :| Feel the force!!!! :D

Wat u mean beta english? my short hand? im on wap chat 4 a wile so it influences my typing. 2 lazy 2 type.
You know what? This is now a pointless thread...

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