Who here is a girl?

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Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
I know that theres been a thread about this before, but I'm curious. I see this as a male-dominated site. How many of yall are girls?
A bit desperate arent you? :D Anyways, at the risk of getting flooded with loads of private messages (like someone I know), I dont think it would be a good idea for them to reveal their gender. Just my opinion..

By the way, im not a girl :|
Doesn't matter whose female or male....I hope a mod closes this.
Why doesn't it matter?

I will close this if it goes the way I imagine it will though.
For what it's worth.

Male. age 31. occupation: injuries. Slightly insane.
People probably might lie that they're girls because they are attention whores.
I've mentioned that I'm a girl before and have never been bombarded with private messages or anything

:dozey: Lets keep it that way
Its been a long time since I registered but does anyone know if one of the optional registration questions asked is whether you are male or female?

Because if there is that question then i'm sure Munro or Starmonkey could get that statistic and post it.
Can't remember Mullinator. I think it was an option, but not necessary. *shrug*
Tredoslop said:
People probably might lie that they're girls because they are attention whores.
I'm a girl :D


I like girls though, they make good pets/snakefood :D :|

/me goes away
CyberSh33p said:
I'm a girl :D


So, you come here often? What's your sign? I'm a feces. You see that Lamborghini parked out front? How'd you like to take a ride in that? Yeah?! Me too....

Im a Gir...

/me touches down there

Ok scratch that, im barely a guy :D
Heh...This isnt quite like the ban me thread Tredoslop...oh, and don't anyone dare put that extra G in there.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh...This sint quite like the ban me thread Tredoslop...oh, and don't anyone dare put that extra G in there.
/me dares

did you mean.. the I'm a little fairy THREAD?! bwahahahaha
*CyberSh33p runs in circles
*CyberSh33p hits a pole that materialized there
That's cruel Farrowlesparrow, hehe. That's like assigning someone to guard a big red candy-like button and saying "Don't ever press that button." :)
The Mistress actually...Rather provocative on a gaming forum full of young men in their....ugh...Prime ;)
No offense, but we should probably keep the names of any females we know of secret, unless they want it made public. *shrug*
IM a tea pot short and stout here is my handle and here is my mummrmmmrmm
jeez people, I'm just curious. I didn't mean anything by it. Go ahead and close it if you want.
Beast206 said:
No offense, but we should probably keep the names of any females we know of secret, unless they want it made public. *shrug*
Her name's The Mistress. I think she wants us to know shes a girl...

oh. her avatar's a cat too. :cat:
Beast206 said:
No offense, but we should probably keep the names of any females we know of secret, unless they want it made public. *shrug*

Well she made it pretty obvious :)
Neutrino said:
So's mine. Are you trying to tell me something?
Your avatar's a cat? I never looked closely but truth be told I always thought it was some sort of strange sea creature. :p
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah but yours looks more like something viewed through an electron microscope :O

Exactly what I was going to say..
Really? How odd....I think perhaps we stray from the topic. However, since there are about 3, maybe 4 girls on this site we know of, I believe this thread is doomed.
Yeah, I know The Mistress is pretty well known, but I can think of about 9 that wouldn't like it spread around. Just use common sense and we'll be spiffy. :thumbs:
spookymooky said:
Isnt there a girl with the screenname Mistress or something?

No none at all.

Screenname of mine I been useing for ages, I dont care if people know my gender, and like shippi, I've never been pmed anything stupid before so im fine with it.
Yes Beast....Exactly why I am not listing names. Although having said that, I still haven't yet guessed them all. I may also be wrong about some.
Logical...Me? Never have I been called that before.

But yeah, keep it on topic as much as possible :)
Ontopic! Someone said I have a cat avatar, thats so untrue.

It was a tiger.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Logical...Me? Never have I been called that before.

But yeah, keep it on topic as much as possible :)
hehe.. on topic... "OMG UR A GRLL? GRRLS SOUND L337!"

perhaps it would be better otherwise ;)
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