Who in their right mind

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Unreal Panther

Yes, yes I'm well aware that the Half-Life 2 leak is news, I'd have to not be a gamer or be living in a hole for the past 2 months not to know this. But on the topic of this post who in their right mind would spend all of their time hacking into Gabe Newell's e-mail just to steal what they claim is the uncomplete game then release it stating that they released it because of the delay (Which is entirly BS because Gabe said it himself, it began happening around 9-11) instead of just waiting a whopping two and a half weeks later for the retail. Sadly this leak has gone beyond stoppable, and has leaked into torrents and irc channels everywhere. (Note: People are unable to track people over irc or any file sharing program, thanks to our ex-president Bill Clinton. Which has it's ups and downs mind you) I find it sad that somone would go and ruin the game for people by releasing all this c*** and giving gamers everywhere a bad name (This gives gamers a bad name by saying that there are some if not many of us that will steal from others including companies to get what we want.) [Sad reflection on humans isn't it?] In conclusion Anon I hope you get caught and end up in a nice little 5x8 cell for this, not only giving people a bad name but causing many workers much un-needed stress in tracking these problems. I hope that one day soon you will get a knock on the door then three seconds later a battering ram enters in and down you go in cuffs.... Thank you for your time that is all.
Hear hear
welcome Sir Panther to our humble forums.
I think most of the community feels where you're coming from... and I too hope its only a matter of time, not only till this whole fiasco ends, but till I have sweet sweet HL2 in my grubby mitts.
It was obvious that HL2 wasn't going to make the september release, even before the 11th. They stole & released it to prove that they could. Simple as that.
Originally posted by derby
It was obvious that HL2 wasn't going to make the september release, even before the 11th. They stole & released it to prove that they could. Simple as that.

Even as that may be it might have been released there soon after, there is no honestly telling because of the fact that you nor myself work at valve and cannot know first hand. Even though that they stole and released it just to probe the fact that they could does not condone their actions. It is still sad in the fact that someone not only has enough free time to do so and would commit such a crime. (Like I stated in the earlier post "[Sad reflection on humans isn't it?]")
hmmm this thread hasn't yet grown out of proportions so I think I will use this for commenting on something I actually haven't spotted anyones else saying(they've might have said something similar)


I think many of people on this forum who got an IQ above that of a wet brick, has already determined that this ANON-guy(s) is full of shit, and that his pathetic justification for doing what he has done...is flawed to say the least.

this is just to make it clear...Valve haven't been lying to us, like Anon guy claims...

as it was mentioned the activities supposedly started around 9/11 which was before the 30 delay was announced. also...and this is what I haven't seen mentioned...when Valve announced the Holidays delay at sep.30th they also simply stated that the game simply wasn't done and ready to ship and that was the reason for the delay.

so obviously if you hack valve at sep.30th or sooner than that you're gonna end up with an unfinished built...it's simply logic. in other words Valve never lied about having finished the game...albeit the 30th delay seemed a little dodgy,considering how steadfast they were although maybe they were just genuinely(sp?) optimistic, it IS possible that something had come up in the last minute that prevented the release.
as it was mentioned the activities supposedly started around 9/11 which was before the 30 delay was announced.


OMG, Anon must be a Taliban terrorist!

Hide all of your womens and monies!

The Talibans are coming!


They are striking at the very heart of our capitalist nation. Our VIDEO GAMES!!!


You dumbass.. read the news. Gabe Newell stated himself, the suspicious network activity occurred around 9/11. It's just a coincidence. Prince of space wasn't even making a connection to terrorism, .. moron. He was using facts from Gabe Newell with dates to explain the delay. This could have easily been Sept 10th, or 12th, but just because it happened to be 9/11... doesn't mean everybody is talking about terrorism. You're the one acting like a god damn paranoid 12 year old.

I swear some people in this world are dense.
Note although your post seems to be well written and thoughtful I refuse to complete reading it because you did not use paragraphs. They exist for a reason.

Please understand that by not using paragraphs some people will not read your post, as it is more difficult without them. Therefore your message will reach less of the community.

I wonder how many people attempted to read that. :dozey:
Originally posted by sPaG

I wonder how many people attempted to read that. :dozey:

I did. Not many people are as great as everyone else. Maybe some of us get into a "groove" and start typing and forget a little puncuation or proper formatting of the writing. No reason to totally "blow off" the writer.

Sorry I dont believe he is TOTALLY full of bird droppings. and my IQ is fairly high.

I do not believe the people that DL the "game" is stealing in a way that will adversly effect Valve. That would be like saying DL a demo of a game is going to stop people from buying it. Reading a book before the movie will stop people from going. After all you already know what is going to happen why go?

So Anon spent "X" amount of days on Valves network and came away with file "A". File A was incomplete (1/3) of the actual code per Valve. So why does Valve not come out and say "he" got some old crap and hah hah to you Mr. Anon?
Originally posted by Aknot
I did. Not many people are as great as everyone else. Maybe some of us get into a "groove" and start typing and forget a little puncuation or proper formatting of the writing. No reason to totally "blow off" the writer.

That is every reason to blow off the writer, if he/she will not take a few moments to make it easy to read or presentable why should I waste my time reading it.

Sorry I dont believe he is TOTALLY full of bird droppings. and my IQ is fairly high.

As proven here many times before, opinion and IQ very rarely share any type of causual relationship. Also we would not accept you as a objective observer to your own intelligence quotient anyway.

I do not believe the people that DL the "game" is stealing in a way that will adversly effect Valve. That would be like saying DL a demo of a game is going to stop people from buying it. Reading a book before the movie will stop people from going. After all you already know what is going to happen why go?

Again thank you for proving that intelligence and opinion are seldom related. The issue is not with people not buying it because they have a beta, some of the issues are as follows.

1)Cheats exploits compromising multiplayer

2)Cheats exploits compromising the STEAM platform

3)CZ full version impacting CZ sales

4)Ability to license the Source knowing now that the source code has been compromised.

So Anon spent "X" amount of days on Valves network and came away with file "A". File A was incomplete (1/3) of the actual code per Valve. So why does Valve not come out and say "he" got some old crap and hah hah to you Mr. Anon?

1) Again don't limit your knowledge to what was compromised by the discussions here as they have been restrictive, do some more research first as a great deal of data was compromised.

2) Telling the Hacker what he did/ did not get when your networks still might be compromised or when every communication or release by Anon makes it more likely to be caught would not be the best thing to do.

3) Any annoucement regarding the content that was compromised will feed even more the endless and pointless speculation as to when the game will be available.
1) Why not? Everywhere else it is the same thing. One person says this the other that. Who says a great deal of data was compromised? Why should I believe them? Who saif 1/3 was taken why should I believe them? Sorry need to gleam form EVERYONE and form your own opinion.

2) Again why not? What is wrong with being truthful? That is what has stymied the community. Its not like the hacker is going to look at two folders of the 100 he DL and say ok im done. He is going to check everything with a fine tooth comb. Why not come out and say you got enough to slow us down a month or you got enough that seriously compromised the game and security of our customers. The community would understand that better then "dont ask dont tell".

3) Not if it is "official", forthcoming and truthful. Maybe I am being naive.

That is what makes opinions so great. You can be the smartest person in the world yet have a dumb opinion......but all that matters is that it is your opinion. Cant fault someone for an opinion though some try.
Originally posted by Aknot
1) Why not? Everywhere else it is the same thing. One person says this the other that. Who says a great deal of data was compromised? Why should I believe them? Who saif 1/3 was taken why should I believe them? Sorry need to gleam form EVERYONE and form your own opinion.

There are a number of other websites that allow active discussion about the 'pre-release' that are giving file count, size of files, type of files information in both the Forums and news releases. Gabe actually said himself that the statement that allegedly came from him about the Hacker being Danish was as false as the statement 'Only 1/3 of the code was stolen'

Gabe posted that information on this board.

2) Again why not? What is wrong with being truthful? That is what has stymied the community. Its not like the hacker is going to look at two folders of the 100 he DL and say ok im done. He is going to check everything with a fine tooth comb. Why not come out and say you got enough to slow us down a month or you got enough that seriously compromised the game and security of our customers. The community would understand that better then "dont ask dont tell".

Because they dont know exactly how long it will take, and release a date they won't meet will raise more cries of 'THEY LIED TO US' or they will give us a date too far away and we will lose interest. Again go to the news section, there is a link to an article about what Valve owes us.

My favorite quote from the article is:

...for those who take the stance that all of the leaked source, screens, and other such illegal activities are justified due to ValvE’s silence, you are the epitome of self-absorption.

3) Not if it is "official", forthcoming and truthful. Maybe I am being naive.

The last official statement was forthcoming and truthgul. They said they arent aware of how much damage was done, and they are not yet sure how this would impact the release date. This was answered with nothing but criticism and rage by the community. I wouldn't release another statement unless I had good news either.

That is what makes opinions so great. You can be the smartest person in the world yet have a dumb opinion......but all that matters is that it is your opinion. Cant fault someone for an opinion though some try.

My other favorite quote is "Opinions are like assholes, everbody has one and they all stink."
1. ARRRGGGHHH this information changes like my underwear.

2. So apparently they were not going to release it on the 30th?

3. Found it.

I was going to do the butthole thing with regards to opinions butt decided not to.

I look to the "Official Valve" thread for info. Maybe they should make a Valve sticky and place stuff in it.
Originally posted by Aknot
1. ARRRGGGHHH this information changes like my underwear.

Yup about 1 or 2 times a day.

2. So apparently they were not going to release it on the 30th?

Nope but they were hoping for it early on.

3. Found it.


I was going to do the butthole thing with regards to opinions butt decided not to.

Someon had to take the low ground, I have no problem with doing it.

I look to the "Official Valve" thread for info. Maybe they should make a Valve sticky and place stuff in it.

Unfortunately in restricting content like this website has makes accurate reporting difficult.
Originally posted by sPaG
You dumbass.. read the news. Gabe Newell stated himself, the suspicious network activity occurred around 9/11. It's just a coincidence. Prince of space wasn't even making a connection to terrorism, .. moron. He was using facts from Gabe Newell with dates to explain the delay. This could have easily been Sept 10th, or 12th, but just because it happened to be 9/11... doesn't mean everybody is talking about terrorism. You're the one acting like a god damn paranoid 12 year old.

I swear some people in this world are dense.

I was actually making a joke you dense pile of shit. I know it has nothing to do with 9/11 , and I know he wasn't insinuating that. Go go hell you humorless #$%&.
"Note although your post seems to be well written and thoughtful I refuse to complete reading it because you did not use paragraphs. They exist for a reason."

Bohoo cry me a river.
This isnt English class, nerd boy :)