who is gman?

maby he's god.
oh, great. now a bunch of preists are trying to burn me.
The G-Man is just the ArchDevil in my opinion, the Satan, and he had Gordon's soul, until the vortigaunts messed with his plans. Yes, it sounds strange, but if you think about it is logical.
^ agreed... I think he's pure evil... he needs a bullet to the face. I really don't like him.
I'll just listen to what "riomhaire" said. Mostly because it definately makes it sound like episode 2 is even more worth the wait(360 version). I could get it for PC, but my computer sucks and is barely running episode 1 right now.
The G-Man is just the ArchDevil in my opinion, the Satan, and he had Gordon's soul, until the vortigaunts messed with his plans. Yes, it sounds strange, but if you think about it is logical.
"Satan [...] logical"
The ****?
His briefcase is actually the one from Pulp Fiction. It contains the Half - Life universe.
He wont, if you look closely, theres a lock on it. The briefcase doesn't belong to him, he stol0rz it lawlzomg.

Makes me wonder, where he gets that stuff. And why he uses materials from earth and not other galaxies.
I would like no know why he has a gun in that briefcase, i doubt he'd need it.
Makes me wonder, where he gets that stuff. And why he uses materials from earth and not other galaxies.
Because he must look formal and businesslike to Gordon, even if he's ugly slimy worm with bad breath form another dimention, this is just his human form maybe.
It'd be awesome if he was like one of the Greek gods in the Iliad.

Not a literal Greek god, just that he's just being among many who are manipulating agents like Gordon for their own purposes, as the Greek pantheon did during the Trojan War.
well I heard somewhere that G-man was a government agent or something.well.................I dont know maybe I was just watching to much Jericho.

There's lots of pens to if I remember right.Now thats scary.What does he need all those pens for?
well I heard somewhere that G-man was a government agent or something.well.................I dont know maybe I was just watching to much Jericho.

There's lots of pens to if I remember right.Now thats scary.What does he need all those pens for?

Not to sound mean, but you start off LOADS of things that have been discussed before.
Yes I know.I repeat a lot of things that have already been done.I wouldnt blame you if you started yelling at me to stop posting stupid questions.

On topic:Im pretty sure that G-man is not Gordon from the future,I dont know that for sure but im almost positive and if we do find out that it is then I will .............do something
The gman works for the combine. I'm sure of it.

I see him all the time, like in route canal, he is on station 9, walks in when you get close, then when you get up there, station 9 people are turned to zombies.

Is it just a coincidence that he's always there when something bad happens? Could it be that he's watching over Gordon, or seeing how he'd react in a fight...?

Breen says his contract was up to the highest bidder, how would he know that unless...

And when Gordon gets put in sleep at the end, the gman knew Alyx would die, and so would the people....

What I think is that Gordon Freeman is being tested. The combine is seeing how a full powered human would last against strong opponents.

They want to see a human beings will, determination, strength, and leadership potential.

So they trick Breen into stating the resonance cascade, and when someone starts to survive for awhile, IE gordon, they begin to find potential in the humans.

Then when humanity is destroyed, they make clones of Gordon, and keep them in jars.

It was all a setup, they setup everyone so that the humans would kill off accept for the best, and then they would clone them.
omgomgomgomgomogmo alma IS alyx. as a lil girl!

edit: iknow this is irrelivant to the previous post, but still.
Adding to my post, the probable reason that the Vortagaunts were on Xen (they escaped the combine), and then gman says they own that planet, is that you'd give the xen homeworld to the combine.

Thats why the Vortigaunts are on Earth, helping you. They realize the only way to stop the gman and the combine is a combined force.
In Ep2, Judith will die, and on her gravestone, you'll see thatv inbetween "Judith" and "Mossman", there's a "G".
G-man is Judith G. Mossman! That explains everything.
ok ok heres my theory on the gman, sorry for reviving the thread

personally i think hes human.
i reckon the world has a government which deals with intergalactic dealings (like the X files or the MIB) hes an angent for them. he was aware of the experiment at black mesa and was trying to stop it (hence the arguing with the scientist at the start)
he knew things could be getting messy so prior to the experiment he had the army train up (adrian shephard and his crew) in case they had to bring them in.
now u no the equipment breaking before the test? (the scientists near the test chamber "its about to go critical" as some computer blows up) that could of been gmans other way of trying to stop the test, but non the less it carries on and goes wrong.
gman, pissed that the experiment goes thru, calls in the army to clean the mess up before the human world learn the truth about aliens (hence the nuke in op4) but he notices gordon! he observes gordon, impressed with his ability to survive where others do not.
at the end, gman, making a quick decision to spare gordon, scoops him from the last boss and offers him a job.
his "employers" are the government, possibly gone underground. they see that gordon has potential and might be able to use him to save the planet from the disaster caused by the experiment (set up by breen, and failed to be stopped by gman)
gordon goes into a stasis bcuz they need him alive to help them when the time is right to strike! (that is, when the combine are at the height of power and need stopping)

something along those lines are my thoughts..
and in the briefcase?

marcellus wallace's soul.
G-man is an excellent tool to create intrigue and curiosity in the player. The player is fed just enough information about him to keep him interested, yet not so little as to cause disinterest and indifference. Also, since G-man controls Gordon Freeman's fate (until Episode One) he is of paramount importance to the story.

Based on the fact that he has "employers" and he is offering Gordon's services to "the highest bidder" I see G-man as a type of agent for Freeman, marketing his skills to whatever entity wants another entity cleared out. Obviously, he has incredible powers, which obviously means he's not human, despite his appearance. Or perhaps he is a human granted with decidedly alien supernatural powers.

It seems we'll get some more substantial revelations about G-man in Episode Two.

and in the briefcase?

marcellus wallace's soul.

Nice. :)