who is going to E3?


Apr 12, 2004
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Who from this forum is going to E3...... maybe you can record some videos too.
who from here is part of the staff in a gaming website or publication?
or what's everyone's tactics to get in?
Me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not going :p
even if u get in u still gotta pay like 300$ or something
tactics eh? maybe we should use some of those phenemone grenades and storm the entrance with ant lions!
dude theres plenty of people that are gonna record the whole damn thing and post it up online, i wouldnt worry :O
does anyone know how much you really have to pay to enter e3, i doubt it's 300$ it's not a freaking concert
well maybe the ppl that go can get exclusive video or pics that gamespy or others did not take
Sai said:
does anyone know how much you really have to pay to enter e3, i doubt it's 300$ it's not a freaking concert

Actually, I'm pretty sure it IS $300. They don't want just anybody there.
they don't but the point is it's all a bit over priced, if the game publications take around 10-15 or so people then wow that's a lot of denero
i wish i could go, dont have the $$ for a plane ticket from north carolina to cali and back. otherwise id go.

need my $$$ for the x800xt :D
is there anyone here that's sneaked in or does anyone know anyone tha thas?
GDC was around $1000, dunno about E3.

Maybe you could sneak in as a janitor...
Half-life radio is broadcasting from e3 live so we are practically getting to go there. To bad tech TV isnt doing a live cast
I'm attending (for all my stuff and the stuff of my coworkers, be sure to tune in to www.halflifesource.com and www.halfliferadio.com, lots of good stuff going on with us, tune in to Half-Life Radio on Wednesday and Thursday starting at 7PM EST). And yes, E3 is expensive. I got in for like $180 or so at a student-price (I'm a student at a game programming school, so we're considered to have links to the industry, hence permission to attend). Regular price right now for the Full pass (all the conferences/workshops, all the floor show) is $550, for the conferences and the floor show it is $450, and for exhibits only it is $325. So yup, it is expensive :/
I need at least £1500 to get there >>>>>>>>HEH:s
I just like to lie back with my PC and let every other site do all the work :)
Mattigus said:
I'm going to E3. I'm John Carmack by the way.

Shouldn't you be raking your money then, or staring at a new C++ project entitled "my next moneymaking thingy (quake/doom version n+1) v1.0 "?

On a side note, if anyone wants to donate $2000 too fly me over there, i will shower you all in so much new information you won't be able too breathe :D
Well, since you asked about my new project, I might as well unveil it to you.
This will be the follow-up to the award winning game, daikatana. Cool, huh?
Synthaxx R-or said:
On a side note, if anyone wants to donate $2000 too fly me over there, i will shower you all in so much new information you won't be able too breathe :D
Oh, I was just thinking about that... but I realized that you would spend all that money to have fun with the E3 chicks :imu:
Jarman said:
Oh, I was just thinking about that... but I realized that you would spend all that money to have fun with the E3 chicks :imu:

Don't worry, i'll drag all of the boothbabes too the HL2 stand and point my camera on the general direction of the stand. Then I'll upload the full 8 hours of video and let the rest of you pick out certain details. I might get some smootching on there... and some smacking sounds. Just mute the sound :cheers:

Speaking of booth babes... Alyx in real life anyone? :thumbs::angel::eek: :D
Please do also remember that with out proper credentials from the electronic gaming industry, whether you have the $500 or not, you won't get in.

Last year when i went it took a certified letter, and Mark Surfas to check me in.
honestly dante was the admission really worth it?
Mattigus said:
Well, since you asked about my new project, I might as well unveil it to you.
This will be the follow-up to the award winning game, daikatana. Cool, huh?

the noly thing jon carmack had to do with that was coding the engine that hoign romero liscened for it.
i don't care what anyone says, daikatana was a horrible game...hey wait a minute......

well who ever's going to e3 we'll know in 2 days and around 13 hours
... sneaks up to e3 janitor... takes gourotte wire ...pwns him... takes clothes... sneaks around with baggy janitor clothes on, looking not much like a janitor at all. inconspicously walk into the bathroom several times and then kill john carmack take his clothes and then everyone wont doubt at all that your not him after all your the hitman and then get lots of VIP info!!1 w00t111oneoenoeoenoeonelevenfiftyeightyten!!!111
When i work as a game programmer ill be shure to take someone here with me to e3 :D. But thats just my dream. And really hope it will come true!
i cant fathom why anyone would want to spend any significant amount of money to go to this thing.
Well im not 16, and i live in norway.
With other words i am not going :( , but SOME DAY I WILL not go. :(
I'll just leach the info from various websites :)