Who is up for some old-fashioned Starcraft?


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Starcraft, in my opinion, is still the best Real Time Strategy game ever made. Warcraft III is pretty good, too, but I still love my good old fashioned Starcraft.

So, on with the point... too many people have been playing boring SC games. The Fastset posssbile map eva!1! maps are making me sick. And 7 v 1 comp stomps make me even sicker. Bleh.

The one true game of SC that, for me, never gets old is a Big Game Hunters Free for all with NO rules. BUT, no one plays this with me because everyone is too afraid to get a loss or whatever, which is lame and stupid, in my opinion. I love FFAs, though, since you don't know what is going to happen and you can kill random people and such, its just more interesting. I also love playing a FFA in Melee mode, so that you can ally with others and then backstab and such. Its just good all around fun.

Soooo... I thought I would bring it up here, since no one joins my games when I make 'em at Battle.net. I want to know if anyone is interested in playing this sort of game with me. I figured I would ask this and a few other popular forums if anyone would be interested in playing this sort of game with me. I apologize in advance to the HL2.net staff if this thread is a bother, since, yes, it is an HL2 site... but there isn't much to talk about since HL2 isn't out so I figured it would be okay.

Cheers, I'm off to play something now. :)
starcraft....ahhh what a GAME. the best is a good ol 3v3 in a tvb map. christ i loved that game and omg do u remember all the "use map settings" map mods? they made some ****in addicting ass games. shit i wish i had my sc cd. :( you got me all excited now!!!
Personnaly my favorite RTS is Medieval:Total War but everyone tells me Starcraft is a great game
guinny said:
starcraft....ahhh what a GAME. the best is a good ol 3v3 in a tvb map. christ i loved that game and omg do u remember all the "use map settings" map mods? they made some ****in addicting ass games. shit i wish i had my sc cd. :( you got me all excited now!!!

Yeah, dude, Use Map Settings was pretty kick-ass. Did you ever play the Bound maps? To explain, they were maps where you run around as a zergling dodging explosions, kinda like frogger. I actually made one, my first "map" :)P) "Game Show Bound."
SC=Best RTS ever. Only thing that could possibly surpass it IMO is SC2! (and no I'm not talking about splinter cell 2 ;))
Age of Empires (first one) was better. :p

I played Big Game Hunters so much like five or six years ago, though... it was insane...

And yes free-for-alls rock! :D
Letters said:
Age of Empires (first one) was better. :p

I played Big Game Hunters so much like five or six years ago, though... it was insane...

And yes free-for-alls rock! :D

Never played it. Guess I should. But SC ROCKS YOUR SOCKS!!!

I want to do a FFA right now...
I like Medieval: Total War better, much more insane battles, and bloodier. Age of Empires actually was awesome as well, i remember playing that for hours ata time
sc/bw is/are the best rts eeeeeeeeeeever... the feel/micro alone is worth the godly title.. but i've given up games until hl2/cssource comes... wastes too much time.
so many hours spent on nal_ra and [red]nada replays.. froz.. grrr..... all those bastards.. still going strong, i guess.. don't pay attention any more.. maybe i will after hl2 flops..

just kidding.
/me drool
:cheers: bw kor-namomo
[just kidding about the hl2 flop.. but i really am on a break.. sorry smith 8*(]

p.s. i am the god of frogger.. but other than that i'm not really into those bgh or other money maps-- more hunters gamei, lt, darkstar, halls of valhalla, etc.
I've always tossed up which one was better for it's time, StarCraft of WarCraft 3, like a mentally chellenged skitzophrenic i argued with myself constantly of which is the better of the two. I've got to say, multiplayer StarCraft brought be heaps of fun over the years, because it would fly on a 56k modem, only last week did I get my broadband so in that time I haven't been able to play War3 over battle.net.

Overall, I came to the conclusion that WarCraft 3 is a superior game for it's time than StarCraft. Only by a minute amount, because gameplay wise you can do so much more in War3, increasing it's lasting appeal. It took me a while to come to that conclusion because I felt that the pace of StarCraft (much faster) made for a better experience.
but then I thought that WarCraft 3 wasn't meant to be like StarCraft, and that it wouldn't work if it used the same pace. I just feel that with all the spells you can use, items you can get, creeps you can kill, mercenaries and heros you can buy, WarCraft3 offers more.
Not to insult my own intelligence, but there is a little too much to think about when playing Warcraft III. And if you don't think about it enough, then you lose, which is frustrating. Starcraft, on the other hand, is a bit simpler. Just simpler enough to be challenging yet overall be exciting and fun. While I do enjoy playing WCIII, it stresses me out a bit too much with all of the clicking and such. Just an opinion.

By the way, no one wants to play FFA with me? :(

And I just played this AWESOME game, FFA, where it was a stalemate after 2 people died between me and a zerg and protoss. I said "screw it" and attacked the annoying zerg guy with mass hydras right after an attack on him by the protoss, beat his ass, and then the 'toss guy came back with mass Dark Templars and Dragoons and kicked my ass. The game is still going on... I think the zerg guy is hiding :p
Yep a very good game, I allways prefer RTS were you have to control small but powerfull armys, stuff where you have "1000 soldiesr on screen" bore me to death.

Plus the videos where so cool.
SC was really fun back in the day, even if you sucked like me and just played UMS maps. WC3 was great until they screwed up the ladder system with 1.15 and 1.16. :(
I've never actually played starcraft.... better get a copy :)
but I always like the ones that have lots of stuff exploding and getting shot up (C&C Generals)
Never.. played.. SC!?!? :O :O :O :O :eek:

Go. Buy. It. Now.

It's what, $20 for the battlechest these days? Yeah. It's more than worth it :)
yes..i remember it..its been a while since ive played..maybe il dig it up sometime
but I always like the ones that have lots of stuff exploding and getting shot up (C&C Generals)


Though expect not-bad graphics, since it's a 1997 game.

Anyone try Ground Control 2? I think it's one of the best RTSs I've played.
never played starcraft except the demo. Loved the demo, though. all of blizzards RTS's rock, i love warcraft 3 + frozen throne :D
You guys must get it, and play with me. We should have a halflife2.net Starcraft-a-thon. Heh.


By the way, how was Frozen Throne, is it worth the money?
I remenber that I get the demo and fall in love of Starcraft

is trully the best RTS game

and we hope see Starcraft2

I also are waiting Starcraft ghost but was delayed

but one thing is...I sucks in RTS :X
Although I don't think its the best, I've probably played starcraft more than any other. I stopped playing once those annoying fast maps starting coming out. I really used to like the UMS maps which people had thought out and made little mini RPGs.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Although I don't think its the best, I've probably played starcraft more than any other. I stopped playing once those annoying fast maps starting coming out. I really used to like the UMS maps which people had thought out and made little mini RPGs.

UMS are awesome. And the fast maps are terrible, I played on them a while and found how much more fun it is to play old style. I don't much like running out of minerals and such, though, I always end up losing... so BGH is a favorite of mine. And the fast maps dominate everything nowadays... but that is what I aimed to fix with this thread, kinda. I want to get a bunch of people to play FFA with Melee installed, its always so fun. :)
Warcraft: TFT in my oppinion is superior to ROC in terms of multiplayer. Makes the game much quicker and active.

I always thought Warcraft lacked the speed and activity of Starcraft.

If you're not running out of money, then go ahead and get it.
Starcraft is still the #1 most played RTS. A national sport in korea. Hell the korean known as "Slayer Boxer" which is known as the #1 best melee player (Or TvB) makes 200 thousand a year off sponsers.

Whats cool about sc also is that, its been out for 6 years and tons of things about it is still a mysterious. Not even 3 weeks ago we though players 13-256 has random effects. But we learned of a pattern. We are still finding out new things. Amazing huh? With holding near or over half the battle.net population around midnight (Usually 150 out of 300 thousand people). There are alot of diffrent types of maps today. From defenase maps to Bounds to rpgs. I played melee for 2 years. Now i play 2 diffrent ums maps. Diplomacy and Civilization. It's got wars that are far bigger than anything you will ever see besides those newb maps where they just played a thousand untis everywhere.

Im a map maker myself for sc.. I use some of the best out there. Starforge, Scmdraft 2 (With TrigEdit Alpha Plugin), and ScXe. From Perfect Stacking to makeing any unit invisible without crashing sc. :). Starcraft Map Making Has Just Begun.
I might play, its been a couple of years since I last played a normal game of SC though, since then I've just palyed specialised maps. I believe I still have it on my computer with all the old files...Heh, funny that. My isntall of Starcraft has survived 3 computers and 2 hard drive crashes. I didn't even both installing it again on the new computers, I just copied it across because that seems to work fine, although it doesn't actually recognise its installed but you can still play it.

I used to make maps for SC, but none of them were particullaly well made, I got some of those extra programmes though which allowed you to do the special things like stacking, they were quite useful. If I do say so myself, the maps I made could be quite fun at times (I never released anything because I mde them for me and a friend to play over lans, very much like my Hl maps, although they are better quality :D)
I made maps, too... my favorite being "Game Show Bound," maybe I'll show you guys...

Anyway... I'd love for you to play Farrow, my ID is Erestheux on U.S. East, but I can change to Europe or wherever, it really doesn't make a difference.
Right...I can't remember mine, its been so long. I'l probably jsut make a new one. I can't (read that as, feel like doing something else) play tonight but tommorow or another day, then yeah. Maybe if some others come along we can have ourselves a decent hl2.net game.
I'll take you all on! lol, I've been playing again lately. 'tis alot of fun!
Shuzer said:
I'll take you all on! lol, I've been playing again lately. 'tis alot of fun!

Oh oh Shuzer! Whats your ID and what gateway do you use?!
I love melee, I've only done it a few times, becouse it's rare to find it.. but I loved it.