Who likes alyx

Alyx irrated me a bit on my first play through of HL2. I think this was primarily because she didn't seem to die... I always liked being able to blow the brains out of any character I wished in the first HL games, so it was quite a disappointment. By my second play through I had gotten used to her a bit more. I took to taking out the Pistol in the Citadel and fighting alongside her - instead of simply annilating the enemy with the more devestating weapons.

However, episodes 1 and 2 really brought out her character for me. Whilst I still find her rather unbareable at times, and how she somehow got an automatic weapon mystifying (similar to the flashlight upgrade in episode 2. I can only presume the fairies did it), she seems to be a lovely companion. I actually reached out my arm slightly when she was being attacked - and felt genuinely sorry for her when Eli died.

All in all, whilst perhaps annoying at first - and continuously in some aspects, she is a likeable, delightful, bullet-magnet who is a wonderful companion for the HL2 games.
It's quite difficult to not get attached to Alyx, especially through episodes one and two. For a large part of the game, you and her have to work with each other a lot, so you end up feeling some sort of bond. Combine this with a pretty likeable personality and a generic sort of attractiveness and almost every player will come to like.
I don't like her that much. I tolerate her, nothing more. I pretty much like being alone, the silent hero of Half Life series. Barney looked much cooler, he has a nice personality and he seems to handle his own bussines very well. He doesn't need help or being assisted (well, except the sniper scene, but even then he was funny). I really don't like "Come on Gordon", "Hurry up Gordon", "Gordon, it's time to..."
FFS, bitch, let me watch the citadel better, I have such a view from this point, do you think I can see this everyday on my way to work? :angry:

Besides, I don't want somebody next to me more than 5 minutes, no matter how enjoyable he/she is.

Dog is cool. After the strider ownage he earned my appreciation, although I expect him to fight a fully opperational strider next time.

Maybe Alyx should stay home in Ep3. I'm pretty sure I can hadle all by myself in the arctic. And no vortigon beside me either, even though he's funny (I remember falling in that shaft and climbing up again, and him saying: What was the free man expecting to find there?).

I don't need conversation. One of the many good things in the original Half Life was the fact that I was always alone and the story was written in front of me trough facts and events. No dialogues, no transmissions, no irritating girlie on my back making jokes or telling me what to do. I don't need affection, smiles, innocent looks and crap like this. I appreciate Valve's work to make her character like this, but in my opinion they are getting away from the main thing: Gordon takes decisions, Gordon acts, Gordon survives, Gordon is the man, not Gordon AND <insert character here> .

Even though we are in 2008 and all the games are taking so many details in their development, I still think the main issue for a SINGLE PLAYER game should be playing ALONE, not with a bunch of characters telling you what tot do on every step.

At least they should make some options in the begining of the game:
- Single Player
- Single Player NPC assisted
- Cooperative

And if I choose single player, well, I don't expect to see Alyx more than dr Kleiner.
My two cents.
Whilst I still find her rather unbareable at times, and how she somehow got an automatic weapon mystifying (similar to the flashlight upgrade in episode 2. I can only presume the fairies did it),
Alyx's gun can change between an automatic and semi-automatic at any time. In the beta this was taken a step further, where it could actually fold out into a full SMG and even a sniper rifle.
At least they should make some options in the begining of the game:
- Single Player
- Single Player NPC assisted
- Cooperative

And if I choose single player, well, I don't expect to see Alyx more than dr Kleiner.
My two cents.

What? How would that work? Alyx is a big part of the story so by removing her you would end up with a broken game.
She can be a character like the others...just popping time to time in the major events. The single player version would be like this. The assited version would be with her all the time, no need to show up. Both sides happy.
Ah, the Sonic 3 solution. :p

Your point about the difference between the basic style of HL1 and HL2 is important, though. HL1 is almost entirely a survival game - something's gone horribly wrong and for most of it you just need to get out of there alive. Only towards the end are you given a save-the-world sort of mission.
In HL2 this is different. Your initial few levels - up until about the plot point that sends you off towards Nova Prospekt - is a survival game, but from then on it's all about toppling the Combine. With a different sort of goal, you're going to have a different style, in this case having a sidekick.
I don't like her that much. I tolerate her, nothing more. I pretty much like being alone, the silent hero of Half Life series. Barney looked much cooler, he has a nice personality and he seems to handle his own bussines very well. He doesn't need help or being assisted (well, except the sniper scene, but even then he was funny). I really don't like "Come on Gordon", "Hurry up Gordon", "Gordon, it's time to..."
FFS, bitch, let me watch the citadel better, I have such a view from this point, do you think I can see this everyday on my way to work? :angry:

Besides, I don't want somebody next to me more than 5 minutes, no matter how enjoyable he/she is.

Dog is cool. After the strider ownage he earned my appreciation, although I expect him to fight a fully opperational strider next time.

Maybe Alyx should stay home in Ep3. I'm pretty sure I can hadle all by myself in the arctic. And no vortigon beside me either, even though he's funny (I remember falling in that shaft and climbing up again, and him saying: What was the free man expecting to find there?).

I don't need conversation. One of the many good things in the original Half Life was the fact that I was always alone and the story was written in front of me trough facts and events. No dialogues, no transmissions, no irritating girlie on my back making jokes or telling me what to do. I don't need affection, smiles, innocent looks and crap like this. I appreciate Valve's work to make her character like this, but in my opinion they are getting away from the main thing: Gordon takes decisions, Gordon acts, Gordon survives, Gordon is the man, not Gordon AND <insert character here> .

Even though we are in 2008 and all the games are taking so many details in their development, I still think the main issue for a SINGLE PLAYER game should be playing ALONE, not with a bunch of characters telling you what tot do on every step.

At least they should make some options in the begining of the game:
- Single Player
- Single Player NPC assisted
- Cooperative

And if I choose single player, well, I don't expect to see Alyx more than dr Kleiner.
My two cents.

tl;dr version:

"I want Valve to doa game I want, without regard for storyline integrity ortheir own creativity."

I agree fully with this serious post. Alyx is an interesting and fun character, but it's a character that you can easily and very quickly get annoyed with if you're stuck with her for two games.
Alyx I think is cute and funny. Especially when she did the zombie moan. It scared me. I also was so worried when she was stabbed by the hunter, I thought she was dead forever, I was almost crying.

Alyx another person thinks is an awesome character

Zomg who wants to cry aout pixelzs anyway? On the other hand every time I play Half-Life 2 I wish the combine were real.
tl;dr version:

"I want Valve to doa game I want, without regard for storyline integrity ortheir own creativity."

You do it wrong.

I want Valve to make a game that sticks to the main man: Gordon Freeman. Read again what I just wrote above. It's all about him, not about him and somebody else (especially an overhyped character of a girl that cheers or worries everytime he does something in the game).
I will choose now a bad example, but I hope you'll get my point. Doom 3 is a bad game. But one of the few good things in this game is the fact that you, the player, are always alone, abandoned, you take the decisions, you and you alone are fighting the evil and absolutely no one is helping you. The ALONE feeling is simply beautiful. Doom failed with other issues (linearity of the levels, too scarry vs too predictable, etc) but the feeling was more than ok playing alone and not being bothered by other characters.

Alyx is charming, BUT this charm must get to the player with a measure. If you put water in a glass, more water than the glass can hold, it will spill it out and mess the table cloth.

Valve should make Gordon taking a break of the girlie, no matter how strong character she is. She can still have her events and dialogues, I'm pretty sure we all would like her, but FFS, not fighting beside me again. It would ruin the whole concept of "bad ass Gordon", it would be more like "Bonnie & Clyde - zombie version".

And no, I don't enjoy speeding the Mustang, looking at Alyx time to time and seeing her winking. It's much better to pay attention to the zombies while bumping them at top speed.
I agree with the above poster, for slightly different reasons. I like Alyx and, embarassingly, I would feel bad if something happened to her. I enjoyed having her as an ally throughout Episodes One and Two. I've always wanted a game to do something like that, rather than conveniantly and lazily killing off NPCs right after you meet them in order to keep the game simple. But, specific to Episode Three, I would like some more of that solitary adventure feeling. Entering Borealis and the combine excavation site around it (going off concept art) should feel like it did when the player first enters the Citidel in "Our Benefactors."

tl;dr version:

"I want Valve to doa game I want, without regard for storyline integrity ortheir own creativity."

I respect both of your opinions, but that was just terrible. Just say what you mean, you don't need to be mocking and obnoxious.

Seeing as none of us have any insight into the Episode Three storyline beyond some concept art (none of which feature Alyx), your post is hypocritical. In wanting Alyx in Ep3, you are wishing for VALVe to 'make the game you want' as much as altceva. We have no notion of where VALVe is taking the story, so it's perfectly alright for all of us to speculate on what we'd prefer to happen...as always.
I'm fed up of being alone, all of HL and the majority of HL2 was me being alone and it got boring.
It's really boring when it's always you alone against the world,and saving it single handed, to many games do it and it's stupid. I like having good backup who are interesting, i don't what to be yet another single action hero.
Playing the game with an decent NPC makes me feel like it was a team effort, and they bring humour into certain situations and make me care more about what's happening. If Alyx wasn't with me in EP1 and EP2 then i wouldn't give a damn about what's happening. I wouldn't care about getting to White Forest and the experience would have been alot less.

I do like certain situation of being alone, EP2 had quite a few of them. But i don't want to be alone throughout the entire game.
I also really like the conversation scenes. The Lab at the start of HL2 and then Breen at the end were awesome and i loved them. They sure beat blundering though levels and stumbling onto something important without a clue about what's really going on. The Breen casts for example really added alot into the game.
No I do not. Adding the love interest to a game series that was based on throwing up the horns and slam dancing head crabs to a pulp turned HL2 into a hollywood action film that will end in a situation where you choose her to save her life over something else important. Kind of like the dark night...
I would feel much happier if Barney was with you throughout the games, rather than Alyx. Barney makes the fighting so much better and I just love that guy! As it says about him in the Prima game guide, he's a good guy to have at your back in a fire-fight!!!
I don't really mind either, I like the alone moments in Half Life 2 when you can just get on with it. But its nice to have a companion with you, kind of keeps the journey from getting stale, boring and kind of keeps the story moving without you having to find everything yourself. Imagine Episode 1/2 without Alyx, they would be completely different and quite alot longer.
I would feel much happier if Barney was with you throughout the games, rather than Alyx. Barney makes the fighting so much better and I just love that guy! As it says about him in the Prima game guide, he's a good guy to have at your back in a fire-fight!!!

Every time Alyx talked, I would talk right back. She is probably the best supporting character in a game ever. I remember when she got stabbed by the Hunter, I was going crazy. Trying to move and break free from under the rubble lol

I was also thinking, in Episode 3, I could definatley see Alyx going crazy with revenge, not thinking clearly and going after the Advisors at full force with no strategy. I would kinda like to see how that would work out, but most likely she would die in the end if she ends up like that. (Which I would not want)
I'm not to fond of Alyx (as a gf, if that is what you mean.) But I do like Barney (As a friend) I think hes better than Alyx, I met him first (HL1) Everytime a Barney dies in HL1 The guy who killed him I go "Take this you ba****d!" And I take my crowbar out and slaughter that little freak till hes bloody dead on the floor, then I crouch and I keep hitting himi till all there is left is... BLOOD N' GUTS!!
That must be why you don't see female zombies...

Going off-topic.
That's a very good point, actually. It doesn't amke much sense that even if the female residents of Ravenholm were killed by the headcrabs thay don't turn into zombies, whilst the male ones fo. I wonder why that is?
Can you really tell if they're male or female?
Check their headcraps. If it's a small headcrab, then it's a woman. Big headcrap, manly zombie
While she isnt visually apealling to my taste ^^, shes a very charming, fun person, and i really dont think shes like a typical video game character thats like "ok, stop fooling around, and hurry up" or "hey, we're supposed to be doing this right now you idiot!"

Its interesting to hear in teh commentaries how valve worked hard making her very realistic and enjoyable for other players to be around. Shes a cool sidekick and she feels so real when im playing by her side...
You've probably heard this before, but i'll say it again. Female video game characters are either one of these three:

1: Secondary character contributing nothing.

2: Damsel in distress (how many times has Princess Peach been kidnapped? like what, 70?)

3: Can hold her own, but is in some incredibly revealing outfit.


4: #2 + #3, Damsel in destress who is in some incredibly revealing outfit.

Alyx doesn't fall into any of these characters, so she both defies the laws of time and space, and is awesome.
Every time Alyx talked, I would talk right back. She is probably the best supporting character in a game ever. I remember when she got stabbed by the Hunter, I was going crazy. Trying to move and break free from under the rubble loll

haha dude me too. and i thought i was the only one.

Alyx is defiantly a fun character to be around that you grow attached too. plus she is hot. real or not lol. And from what i can tell form the game, i'd much rather be around her than half the retarded ass sorority girls and collage chicks i have to put up with in real life. defiantly wish i could pixlize.
Now, im not a man who feels anything about girls, but when it comes to video game girls thats a different story, I like her. In a way some people wouldnt :naughty:.
You've probably heard this before, but i'll say it again. Female video game characters are either one of these three:

1: Secondary character contributing nothing.

2: Damsel in distress (how many times has Princess Peach been kidnapped? like what, 70?)

3: Can hold her own, but is in some incredibly revealing outfit.


4: #2 + #3, Damsel in destress who is in some incredibly revealing outfit.

Alyx doesn't fall into any of these characters, so she both defies the laws of time and space, and is awesome.

Although making an exception to those rules doesn't take much effort.

She's also well written. There are only a handful of lines that I would change, and who has ever heard of flawlessly acted, grade A dialog in a video game?
Now, im not a man who feels anything about girls, but when it comes to video game girls thats a different story, I like her. In a way some people wouldnt :naughty:.
That is both confusing and odd.
Now, im not a man who feels anything about girls, but when it comes to video game girls thats a different story, I like her. In a way some people wouldnt :naughty:.

Seriously. What the hell.

I spent most of my time playing Episode One using the zoom function on Alyx's bottom.
Eh, Alyx has her moments, but most of the time, I'm convinced she's trying to kill me.
I don't mind Alyx that much. She's a familar face who I guess I could if I knew her. Her sense of humour sucks though. She makes terrible jokes at the worst times. Some find this cute. I find it annoying, but not in a hateful kind of way. The way you'd get annoyed with a mate, not say, wanting to TEAR TINGLE'S ****ING HEAD OFF THE ****ING BASTARD PIECE OF SHIT ANNOYING SON OF A BITCH CARTOGRAPHER MOTHER****ER!