Who likes alyx

Tingle, Tingle, Kooloo-Limpah!

Seriously. What the hell.

I spent most of my time playing Episode One using the zoom function on Alyx's bottom.

Now, im not a man who feels anything about girls, but when it comes to video game girls thats a different story, I like her. In a way some people wouldnt .

You guys need to get laid so bad.

Shit I would hate to be Merle Dandridge, what with all these nerds getting all breathy about a video game character that resembles and sounds exactly like me.
Heh, yeah but I imagine she expected that kind of response all the time anyway. From what she said in the commentary though I'm assuming she's not easily offended, but then she probably doesn't spend a lot of time reading over message boards. :p
Alyx and I have more of a brother/sister relationship anyway.:rolling:
Alyx's in-game model is based off of Jamil Mullen, and Merle did Alyx's voice; this has been stated many many many times before.

Alyx is a pretty badass character in my opinion. It's not often that you get a good, strong female character in a story (let alone a video game), and it's refreshing and awesome to see that.
I didn't really feel anything for Alyx until episode 1. Having her as a combat buddy is rather refreshing and judging by the commentary, valve went through a lot of work on her character to ensure players warmed to her.

I was very happy to have her help out during low life.

One thing that I notice is that some players prefer a more solitary play style. So I was thinking, why not give players the chance to chose how much assistance they get from other characters (not just alyx) For example, at some point in the game you get to choose if Alyx accompanies you through out the next chapter until you "meet up" with whoever or you accomplish a certain objective. The game can then modify its mob output accordingly (more mobs when alyx or whoever is with you.)

This makes the game less linear and lets players choose the level of NPC assistance they get. Because, yes, although alyx is fun to be around, I can appreciate that some players may not like her or may just not enjoy being assisted.

Of course you could expand on my above idea by perhaps allowing the player to decide which character(s) accompany them and who stays behind at certain parts in the game. But then you are starting to drift towards a more RPG style of game play (ala final fantasy).

I got this idea from the episode 1 commentary when one dev stated how they didn't want alyx to give out to many hints, but rather she would identify the problem but would only give possible solutions if the players asked her several times. My idea was trying to take this "system" and put it into other forms. If that makes any sense.

Thanks for reading. :)
Did anyone in this forum play NOLF or NOLF2? Kate Archer is one of the best developed female characters in a game, and in NOLF there is a very well developed female nemesis for her, too.

The first time I played Episode One, I recall reaching the point in the game where we are being encouraged to get busy repopulating the planet. Alyx looks at Freeman, and says, "Did he really just say 'get busy?'" I stepped towards her right then, and, (true to the AI of the game) she jumped back about six feet. In the context, I laughed, because the AI seemed to know what Freeman was thinking.
Alyx is definitely one of my favourite videogame characters, ever. I personally don't enjoy the whole "saving the world all by yourself" thing, cos it makes your character look like some overpowered, invincible god of a character, and I enjoy having others around me to give me a little backup now and then, maybe to lean on if I really need it. Alyx helped give Gordon himself some personality, I think, instead of being just the overdone silent hero type.

I think in the next game, we won't exactly see her RAGE all of the time, nor will she BAWWWW constantly, but maybe we'll see this affecting her more at the beginning, (being a bit emo early on, but quickly get a hold of herself within a couple minutes), maybe see her a little more angry when fighing Combine forces, and near the middle point or the ending we'll notice a definite "acceptance" about her father's death? Just an idea of where her emotions after watching her father die would take her.
I really like having Alyx around, if it weren't for her character I figure the game would be boring after a while. Plus, she acts somewhat as an objective narrator. If she weren't there, I don't think I would have made it through EP1, helpful pointers and stuff.

I'll be interested to see how her character plays out in EP3. I really hope she doesn't get suicidal or anything like that, her character is too important to do that in my opinion.
I just fought the White Forest Inn battle without her. I got kind of freaked out with bullets coming from everywhere, multiple entrances and no machine pistol to get my back.

HL2 would be one of those lonely, depressing sojourn games without her. Like to original, actually.
She's too positive, I want to see more bitch in her!

Its gotta be near that time of the month, and in a post-apocalyptic world riddled with war, I'm sure it would be ten-fold what it's like in the real world... Bitch Alyx is soon to come!

EDIT: looks like someone has a video game crush. :p

Shut up.
She's too positive, I want to see more bitch in her!

in the game commentary, she used to be more pushy and demanding, but the playtesters didnt like it so they made her more 'pleasant'

As for me, I think Alix is cool. I also think shes too nice, but nothing out of the ordinary.
I hate alyx witha passion for no reason whatsoever whenever i play gmod i always try my new experiments on her also when she got stabbed by the hunter i was laughing so hard i almost puked lololollolololooz