Who the heck cares about a HL2 mod when HL2 isn't out yet?


Jan 11, 2004
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Everyday I look in the news section of HL2 searching for keywords such as 'gone gold', 'interview', and the likes of 'some shat released.' But no, besides the subscriber only video for Lombardi, all we get is some pics of a weird mod trying to make a gun. I mean, it's nice to know mods are in development, but to post it at the front page of HL2 is pretty dull to the reader. Then again, HL2 info has been rather scarce but is starting to bloom like a, um, tree or flower.
They're making the mods now so they'll be ready/or close to ready by the time HL2 is released.
I find it to be rather boring and unnecessary as well. I like modification news when I have something to download and play... or if it's something really worthy of anticipating I guess. But at this point, modification teams can't really do anything besides that crap, so I don't see why they bother announcing that sort of thing.
Yeah, half-life 2 will be released. Mods were half of the first game. They're an important part of the whole 'buying it' scenario.

Not that I'm biased, of course. *look at sig* :p
Yeah I agree too with the original poster, but its not as bad as say Far cry when they post all these mod ideas without the SDK. The good thing about HL2 is that we will actually have a damn SDK (hope so) so people can start working on it right away.
goldenboi said:
Everyday I look in the news section of HL2 searching for keywords such as 'gone gold', 'interview', and the likes of 'some shat released.' But no, besides the subscriber only video for Lombardi, all we get is some pics of a weird mod trying to make a gun. I mean, it's nice to know mods are in development, but to post it at the front page of HL2 is pretty dull to the reader. Then again, HL2 info has been rather scarce but is starting to bloom like a, um, tree or flower.

Exactly what I think, I don't give a sh*t about any mods right now, and im pretty sick of coming to this great site everyday and seeing on the news page something like "oMG teh r neW picToors of teH m0d!1!!" and then getting a link to something like a watercolor picture of a tree or an awp with a new name. boooooooooooring.
Promoting your mod long before release is oftern a bad idea. While its a good way to attract new team members, the hype and inflated expectations which follow can lead to the situation where your afraid to release the thing unless its perfection (e.g DNF and dozens of mods i dont care to mention).

Oh and Mod Teams, i beg you, enough with the un-skinned model renders! It suggests your desperate for attention and showing off half-finished work to the public isnt great PR.
Six Three said:
Exactly what I think, I don't give a sh*t about any mods right now, and im pretty sick of coming to this great site everyday and seeing on the news page something like "oMG teh r neW picToors of teH m0d!1!!" and then getting a link to something like a watercolor picture of a tree or an awp with a new name. boooooooooooring.

My thoughts in a nut shell, very nice post. :thumbs:

IMHO, they should just shut up about the whole thing, just like valve have done with HL2 and make a surprise release of their mod 100% complete it would just make it a lot easier.
I dunno, Im a Mod fan so it doesnt bother me.. I enjoy scoping out renders, reading outlines, listening to tunes etc.

however I prefered when HL2.net had its own "modification news" forum.. I dont know why it was condenced into the normal news section.. perhaps because there is no real HL2 news besides the mods?
UKchaos said:
Promoting your mod long before release is oftern a bad idea. While its a good way to attract new team members, the hype and inflated expectations which follow can lead to the situation where your afraid to release the thing unless its perfection (e.g DNF and dozens of mods i dont care to mention).

Oh and Mod Teams, i beg you, enough with the un-skinned model renders! It suggests your desperate for attention and showing off half-finished work to the public isnt great PR.
* ComradeBadger hugs UKChaos :)

Indeed. Indeed. I may be working on a mod, but there's a reason why we don't release so-called 'media' anymore :p
I don't mind the news posters posting things about these mods..
It often gets me interested in a mod that I don't even know about.
.. Dunno what your problem is.
The problem is, there's lots of them, and they are all releasing unskinned renders of cliche guns.
I say, if it's important, like if a mod has a wacked out idea, great model art, actual content!. then pick from the top and post it.
but geez everytime somebody makes a gun render and a drawing on a napkin called concept art, its just like ughh.. why even bother!!.
if there is nothing to post. don't post.. lol tf2 website hasnt been updated since 2001 lol.

also the "reviews with no new info, but still a great read" after 1000 times gets irritating too!
Mods give people something to look forward to in HL2

Umm... I care.
I'm with the majority of you all.............I DON'T CARE about mod's when the game has yet to be released.
Yeah I agree with everyone here. I especially hate it how mod teams release everything they have done, face it guys, NO ONE CARES!
I don't really give a damn about any modifications yet. It's not an issue of attitude at all, I just really don't care or have reason to care. I'm not going to release anything on my MODs or even look for team members until the game is out.
phantomdesign said:
I don't really give a damn about any modifications yet. It's not an issue of attitude at all, I just really don't care or have reason to care. I'm not going to release anything on my MODs or even look for team members until the game is out.

Same here.
I care about mods but not the kind of mods that are in the "Release as many unskinned WW2 weapon renders you can!!" compo. Im interested in new and unique mods.... which is rather pointless to do... since every good mod arent public yet.
I am interested.... to an extent. But like others have said. I do get kinda fed up of some of the things people put out...
Errr. Can I make a suggestion...

If you don't care about Mod News. Dont read it. Cunningly each bit of news has a nice title telling you what its about. Therefore you can just read that half a line and move on. Some people might want to read the news, so they put it up. A bit of a fuss over nothing I feel.
Yeah? Well If you dont like our 'fuss', you dont have to to read it! Maybe we LIKE complaining!
It feels the same with Half-Life. Every now and then some new team showcases their unskinned render of a glock (which is probably for a CS clone).
Hey, Im not complaining about your Fuss, I'm just offering a suggestion to try and resolve your problem. Your talking like I was being cynical or something :p

(You didn't have to read this post)

Ok, I'm kidding, but I think the real issue here is not attempting to make MODs shut up, but is questioning the current level of interest in MODs.
Don't worry, I'm sure most of these mods will die quite easily, just like HL1 mods. :) The worst sort of mod for HL2 IMO are those that are promising loads of new features etc., when you can't help but think that they're way over their heads. An example is Entropy, which promises a huge MMORPG experience set in a future city, and goes on to lists a number of things you can do with it. While it would be amazing if they could pull it off, you can't help but think they'll crash and burn way before they're done.. I've seen it happen too many times for me to not think it will happen (hell, I was involved in the mod DarkTruths, and if you're aware of that one, there's very little explanation requred).

I beleive a lot of these mods will just die after HL2's release. I might be overly pessimistic on the situation, but that pessimism comes from experience in the mod community.
Actually I quite enjoy looking at unskinned renders :)

Which is strange because I leave the skin on my custard.
KagePrototype said:
Don't worry, I'm sure most of these mods will die quite easily, just like HL1 mods. :) The worst sort of mod for HL2 IMO are those that are promising loads of new features etc., when you can't help but think that they're way over their heads. An example is Entropy, which promises a huge MMORPG experience set in a future city, and goes on to lists a number of things you can do with it. While it would be amazing if they could pull it off, you can't help but think they'll crash and burn way before they're done.. I've seen it happen too many times for me to not think it will happen (hell, I was involved in the mod DarkTruths, and if you're aware of that one, there's very little explanation requred).

I beleive a lot of these mods will just die after HL2's release. I might be overly pessimistic on the situation, but that pessimism comes from experience in the mod community.

yeah, i agree here, but i have to be nice to Entropy since i know the team (or well... they know me more than i know them :D)

It would be a great mod if they could just tune down the feature list some pages.
Does Entropy have any team members who have previously released anything of significance? Usually a good resume from a level designer or team leader will make me more interested than the big ideas they have. Having a good idea is the easy part, the actual production is what counts and you need good people for it to happen.
UKchaos said:
Does Entropy have any team members who have previously released anything of significance? Usually a good resume from a level designer or team leader will make me more interested that the big ideas they have.

Take a look at their site, i think they have some links there.

I dont know much about the mod so i shouldnt write anything about it really. Also, dont make this thread into a entropy thread. If you want to talk entropy, make a new thread or ask the devs.

Very impressive. The story looks pretty interesting as well. Though i think these guys are in over their heads.

Too much over-promising imo.
I've been against posting mod news on the front page since the start. I for one don't care about <name>'s 50 new weapon renders, or how they're now '25%' done on a release. Sigh. It was much better when we didn't bother with them, and only reported on Half-Life 2 news.
Well i looked at the Entropy site. Their unskinned renders both rotate AND glow in the dark, wow. I couldnt find a team list on their site, however I was unable to view their site for too long because the randomly flashing menu items were a genuine pain to my eyes (really, im not joking).

Not impressed :/

Adom, i think you should hold off on mod news until the SDK has been released.
I agree it would be far nicer to see the mod teams release content from the source engine, when its all finally converted in sections, that would definately get my attention, :) but I dont mind viewing characters modelled in XSI / 3DS in their none converted form, that's still quite exiting :)

Im doing that with my mod. We need to code our own Cel-shader for it, so we wont release any models "outside" the engine, since we want it to look like it should do.

High quality screencaps from ingame is the way to go... but kinda hard to do now.