Who wants Doom 3 a Bit Early? (Seriously)

no if i bought it from america, it would have to be shipped, literally, and would take like 2 weeks extra to get to me...plus cost a fortune.

uk official release is the 13th, trust me.
they do this stuff all the time in Holland. They release game's sometimes way before official release date.
-TaNaKa- said:
they do this stuff all the time in Holland. They release game's sometimes way before official release date.
pm me if you know a place where they do that :)
Harryz said:
I thought UK official release was August 6th?

Nope, the 13th of August. An entire 10 days behind the US release.
there are no Gamestop stores here in Toronto.. or none that i am aware of.. so i guess im waiting til the 3rd or 4th or whenever the hell its released.
Dr. Freeman said:
there are no Gamestop stores here in Toronto.. or none that i am aware of.. so i guess im waiting til the 3rd or 4th or whenever the hell its released.

Any Software Etc?
Dr. Freeman said:
there are no Gamestop stores here in Toronto.. or none that i am aware of.. so i guess im waiting til the 3rd or 4th or whenever the hell its released.

Best Buy'll have it on the 3rd (although they have had some games that were released before everywhere else). We always get simultaneous release with the US
CptStern said:
Best Buy'll have it on the 3rd (although they have had some games that were released before everywhere else). We always get simultaneous release with the US

Do they release a French localization of computer games in Canada or do they just release the English version?
Shuzer said:
Any Software Etc?

never heard of those.
we have a couple of Best Buys around the greater Toronto area, plus some EB stores and then we also have our Canadian flavour in CompuCentre, Futureshop, Compusmart etc..

but no Gamestop.. :|

blahblahblah said:
Do they release a French localization of computer games in Canada or do they just release the English version?

well in Quebec they probably have boxes and display cases all written in French..but i believe the rest of Canada has the same normal boxes as the US gets.. the difference is tho that in Canada u get English and French manuels etc.
I just got back from Gamestop and EB (Had to cancel my pre-order). The guy at EB was being lame.

He asked, "Just curious...but why are you cancelling it?"

Me: "Because I hear other places may be getting it this weekend."

*EB Clerk puts on dumbest expression ever*

EB Tool: "Uhhhhh.... who's releasing it early? Whoever they are, they're going to get a $10,000 fine and get fired."

Me: Gamestops around the country have changed their date to the 31st. I don't know anything beyond that.

EB Ass: That can't be true, everyone is releasing it on the 4th. That's the street date. You can't release a game until the stree-

Me: I know about it, I'm just repeating what Gamestop has told me. Can you just put my pre-order money back onto store credit?

*EB genius goes on to ramble about release dates and such while he gives me my money back*

When I went to Gamestop, they said it's going to be shipped to them tomorrow and I'll be getting a call tomorrow saying when I can pick it up Saturday. Fine by me.

Also...how did some of you guys get charged $55? Mine was $50 like usual. Was it just shipping or something?
That sounds very weird AmishSlayer.....i talked to "my" Gamestop place and they unsure when it comes in even though "their" release is the 3rd.
Overnight shipping was free when using the OVRDOOM3 code if you're talking about gamestop. Total came out to $54.99 with figurine and is currently processing, i really dont know what that means since its still early for that isnt it ? Also there is a reason i dont buy from ebgames and thats because of what happened a little while back with a customer, it was even on the news, and since then i changed to gamestop.
Called up my local Gamestop and their release date is set for August 4th, which is the same for every other dealer around here :/
EVIL said:
"The UK will probably get it first, on or about August 6th. Everywhere else will probably be Friday"
source: .finger plan on webdog.org

The official release date as been set as the 13th of August. It's not allowed to be sold before then.

It doesn't matter when the stores get them, it won't be out till the 13th.
Called up the Gamestop that I have my pre-order with. The dude said the same thing as AmishSlayer's, "we'll give you a call on Saturday." Sweeeeeeet!

AmishSlayer: Yeah, mine was $55...bastards. Although I used store credit to pre-order it so there wasn't any tax.
Feath said:
The official release date as been set as the 13th of August. It's not allowed to be sold before then.

It doesn't matter when the stores get them, it won't be out till the 13th.

Where are you quoting the 13th from? The only "official" date i've heard is "on or about the 6th" from the .plan

I don't think it necessarily will be released on the 6th and not the 13th, i've just not heard the 13th stated as the "official UK release date".
anyone elese have this? Jeez I have an EB pre-order.. HELP I WANT MY DOOM EARLY TOO pgajsdgouhsagklmnweuognmaeg
I just bought via the internet because I dont trust me local gamespot.. got that awesome ovr3doom deal and got free shippin too :D /me prays to get it tomorow/nextday
Dammit, do I really have to go to Gamestop on Saturday to search for a game that will most likely not be there? Guess so... :P
I'm going to go stop by Gamestop on Saturday too...I hope they have it :)!

EDIT: If this is true, I don't know if the employees at my local Gamestop are even aware of it yet :p When I called them, the person I spoke to said that it would be released the 4th, but she didn't check the computer. I figured it might not be in their system yet (or it isn't true) and that I'd be better off checking it out for myself on saturday :)
Allow up to 24 hours for Processing.

doh.. looks like im in for a wait
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
Allow up to 24 hours for Processing.

doh.. looks like im in for a wait
I heard over at Planet Doom that most everyone who bought a copy online has "Now Processing" under the order status, instead of...whatever was there before :eek:
-Frosty- said:
I heard over at Planet Doom that most everyone who bought a copy online has "Now Processing" under the order status, instead of...whatever was there before :eek:

Well, I called Gamestop, and the lady I talked to said that she didn't hear anything on the release rumor, but she said that they are processing orders early to prepare for the upcoming release. I really hope this rumor is true!
Sedako said:
Well, I called Gamestop, and the lady I talked to said that she didn't hear anything on the release rumor, but she said that they are processing orders early to prepare for the upcoming release. I really hope this rumor is true!

how do I check if it's processing... where would that be
Go into the email you got when you ordered it and you should have a link to a site to track your order. Input your email address and Order# and voila you should see Processing in beautiful blue letters :D
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
how do I check if it's processing... where would that be
Did they give you any kind of confirmation e-mail when you ordered? I would guess that it would have information on how to check your order status in that e-mail.
lol preodered mine weeks ago. im too lazy to cancel the order and then walk to the store to pick one up :p
I dont see processing anwhere just my ship number and the price and jargon, it's under unshipped items.
I went to my gamestop today and signs say 4th but guy check comp. and he said 31st also. So im pretty sure this is acc. WOOT WOTO WOTO WOTOW TROOWTT!!!!1111
almost there

Griz said:
Where are you quoting the 13th from? The only "official" date i've heard is "on or about the 6th" from the .plan

I don't think it necessarily will be released on the 6th and not the 13th, i've just not heard the 13th stated as the "official UK release date".

It's the official release date as in the one Activision have put out. I've seen it written down loads of places. I first saw it when I first heard Doom 3 had gone gold "The game will be released on the 3rd in the US and on the 13th everywhere else".

Every game site says the 13th: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000067NYP/026-4915613-1537256

And so on.
I thought processing just meant they were checking your credit card.

EDIT: Even if it isn't, it could be "processing" for 4 days before it's dispatched. Or just say "Ready for dispatch" instead.
Just called my Gamestop which is 1 miles from my house they are shipping them out July 30th and it will arrive July 31st and she said i can pick up my copy then.

*Calls EB up to cancel my order.*
That could be very well true but no game ive ever preordered had processing 4 days an advanced, no one game had that, not far cry or any of the rest, but you never know, this is doom 3 after all.
Sweet....anyone in Chico, California our local Gamestop(s) will indeed have the game available by the 31st....just spoke with my buddy who works there (lucky him) and he says its now in their systems.