Who wants to beta test gmail?

If anybody can still invite someone and hasn't, then I'd love to try this out! Well, if you can't access it through POP/IMAP and you have to use it as webmail, then count me out.
Tork said:
I had 3 invites come yesterday and just today I got another 3.

who are you to be so important to all these sites ? :)
Gorgon said:
who are you to be so important to all these sites ? :)

The company I work for spends about 1 million bucks a year advertising on Google so my contact there hooked me up with the account. They let us invite others to join every so often to help with the beta test. Do you have an account already? I can send you an invite if you want Gorgon.
i guess i'd like to try it out too.. but doesn't look like there are anymore invitations left.. :|
SubKamran said:
Can people who recieve invites send out some?

Yes, almost everyone who has been invited will recieve 3 invites of their own within a few days, or maybe even 6 invites, you will see a red link on the top that says "Invite a friend to join Gmail!" you cant miss it. its better to hand it out to hl2 members so they can keep inviting people from here, that way it will spread like a spider web. I always invite 1 for myself so that way i have a control over the invites :) I have 1 invite left and i can give it out to someone but choosing who will be the hardest part. But under 1 condition that when you get invites you will hand them out to hl2 members.
/me jumps on the gmail bandwagon

OMG pick me pick me
I wouldn't mind an invite. I filled out there email thing but they never sent me anything.
I really want a gmail beta account! :)

pm the topicstarter :P
Hazar Dakiri said:
I wouldn't mind an invite. I filled out there email thing but they never sent me anything.

I did it for five times now :eek:
Hey, chuck us an invite over... we'll spread gmail faster than aids in africa...ofcourse hl2.net ppl only :)
Invitations to the first 4 people that reply to this message.
I'd be a fool if I didn't try it out... count me in.
crushenator 500 said:
crap, ive missed the 4th post, havent i :o.

and, IS it webmail ??

It's a normal email account like yahoo and hotmail. I can hook you up with an account if you want one. PM me.
I've sent out about 6 or 7 invitations and I don't think I have any left. As you guys get invitations, pass them out to the people here. I don't know when it will go public. Enjoy it.
Pwetty pweaaase can I have an invite?

I'll let you name the main character of my mod "Today"!
Sorry but I am all out of invites. If I get more, I will post the news on this thread.
hey, simmo. by the way thanks for the invite mate! :thumbs:
If a service sends too much mail to Spymac users (like Yahoo Groups) they block it (as in NO ONE gets e-mail from them... not just the people that abuse it) without notifying anyone. It frequently has large delays in receiving e-mail from outside providers. The web site is ugly, slow, and sometimes buggy. For some reason... I have to hit the mail tab, log in, hit the mail tab again (which will make it say some "Session Timeout" message), then hit the mail tab again to get it to the ****ing mail section.

GMail is a better service even with the ads. The ads try to be semi-relevant without people actually reading your e-mail and they don't get in the way unless you run at lower resolutions. The site/interface is simple (but not "plain"), effective, and fast. Oh yeah, do I have to mention that it is from Google?
OCybrManO said:
If a service sends too much mail to Spymac users (like Yahoo Groups) they block it (as in NO ONE gets e-mail from them... not just the people that abuse it) without notifying anyone. It frequently has large delays in receiving e-mail from outside providers. The web site is ugly, slow, and sometimes buggy. For some reason... I have to hit the mail tab, log in, hit the mail tab again (which will make it say some "Session Timeout" message), then hit the mail tab again to get it to the ****ing mail section.

I must agree with your 1st point, and disagree with your 2nd and 3rd.
Never it took more than 5 minutes to me to get an outside e-mail, neither di I had to klik the damn button 3/4 times to enter.

But indeed it does blocks the spammers without notification.
I have a few more invitations for gmail now. Who wants one?