Who wants to buy the Valve guys lunch?

What shall we get Valve?

  • Pizzas (lots of them)

    Votes: 19 50.0%
  • A Big Thankyou card from HL2.NET

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Submit money to a charity on their behalf

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Give them nothing, they delayed HL2 and are rich anyway!

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters
MaxiKana said:
I'm in favor of pizza + touching card.

Let's get 'em a stripper, it'll be cheaper than buying them all pizza. Maybe she could dress up like Alyx or something.
a stripper in a HEV suit! :D

carrying 65 pizzas and a "thank you lovely gabe man!" card :)
Why don't we send em what they've been sending us?

A signed poster! :D
Pizza is something tangible, we don't actually send them the money....... the point here, as maxikanba said, is to thank them.... so we're going tro thank them by giving money to other people? (I know they're really good causes an all, but........)
Innervision961 said:
"Ever have one of those weeks? Well it appears that sometime lastnight a hacker cracked the Paypal database and installed a key-logger gaining our account information, and a stolen build of the pizza has been leaked onto the internet. Looks like we are going to have to delay the pizza until summer 2004... Hope you guys don't starve"


OMG! Someone leaked the sauce!
They make a shitload more money than i do.....let them buy me a pizza......

I am a customer afterall.....
Buying the Collector's Edition of Half-Life 2 is enough money for them.
yea right whos dropping 500$ to feed gab3?? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!111!!11!!
"Pizza + greeting card enclosed" got my vote, even though I couldn't choose that in the poll. It should be sent ASAP, let's not wait until the game is out, since they'll be on holliday(=empty offices), like they said in many interviews.
yay pizza, if its set up ill donate, yay valve
I think giving VALVe pizzas is the best thing. Giving them money? Hmm, nah, that's just... money. I mean even though if money is one thing that people want it's still... money...
And giving stuff away to charity? Come on! We are doing something for VALVe because we like their work. We want them to be happy over their fans. What do you think would make them more happy? Us sending money to charity or giving them pizza?
Yeah, sure, they will know that a bunch of starving kids get to be feed once in their life-time. Then what? They'll probably starve to death later on. (Sorry if I'm getting to pessimistic here.)

Anyway, yeah, get some pizza for the VALVe guys, smashing idea. :thumbs:
Ok, my PayPal account is back up, although I'm getting it re-verified currently being I haven't used it in about two years.

The PayPal email that we'll be using is [email protected].

I'll start a donation thread later on so we can start fresh.
cool - when we get that thread can we sticky it for the duration of the donations plz?
We could save mony by not getting the steam guys pizzas

But seriously, though. Don't forget the receptionists n stuff
Pizza's with attached greeting card is the way to go.

Don't give them anything? If you had a rich cousin would you not still give them a birthday present?

Give them cash? Its the thought that counts, and giving just plain cash doesn't take much thought or heart.
The Mullinator said:
If you had a rich cousin would you not still give them a birthday present?

I have tons of wealthy cousins and we don't get shit from them =/
The Mullinator said:
Don't give them anything? If you had a rich cousin would you not still give them a birthday present?

I say that the game is their present. They make it, I buy it. Sounds fair to me. If you really want to get them something with money, then buy the CE.

Nothing wrong with perhaps a signed card or something like that though. Would be kind of cool to start a snail mail chain letter type thing where someone buys a thankyou card and we could start a list of addresses. Then send it around to everyone who want's to sign it. I think Valve would appreciate something like that. Plus, it would have a lot more value than pizzas in my opinion, since it would take a bit of effort to organize, and being able to personally sign it would really let them know that you really appreciate their efforts.
really, sorry guys this is so stupid IMHO. there's are so many people far more deserving of that money (pizza whatever) than the guys at Valve. Would you send your mechanic a thank you card and a pizza while he's working on your car?
Well if he'd been working to build the car from scratch since 1998, yeah I would. :p
Ok, so 65 people, at 2 people per pizza = 33 pizzas. Let's say a large pizza costs $10.00 (which might be a little high), then we'd have to raise $330. I'm just overestimating so we don't come up short and people get left out. Also, I want to create our Thank You Letter in Photoshop, have it printed out at Kinkos, and FedExed to the pizza place so they can deliver it alongside the pizzas.

Also, each person that donates will get their name mentioned on the thank you letter.
I'd be cool to make a donation to the cause, think its a great idea. I'm UK based but would be happy to send a few quid to a paypal account. Come on mods, aren't there any of you guys with credit or debit cards? I'm sure people would be a lot happier if you made this official.

p.s I am back on teh forums! been lurking for such a long time...mite be time to start posting again, hehe
Would somebody please take it upon themselves to organise this? Preferably a moderator, of course. And like the other guy said, sticky it during the donation period.

If you looked a couple of pages back, I'm taking it upon myself to organize this, as well as the donations. I showed some credentials that would prove my credibility. Also, my PayPal account is now verified, so we're ready to go.
Lets do this...come on,who'd be honestly up for donating?

*edit* - you got a paypal account ID ready there?
Alright mate, there's a fiver in pounds sterling sent to start it all off. more where that came from if anyone else joins the cause!
Terrific, just received it. I'm going to have the mods delete this thread so the new one can start.

MODS: Please delete this thread. ;)