Who wants to live forever ?


Nov 19, 2004
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With all the talk of God here's a question.

If you were given the option would you be immortal?

I'm not talking living for a couple of hundred years, but forever.

So given the option would you?
You know it. I want to see all the crazy/wierd/wonderful things that people will do, and take part in it.

If it was forced on me, I'd sleep through it. Rip Van Wesley.
I believe the last time we had a thread on this the general concensus was that it'd suck to live for eternity
(i.e floating through space forever or being stuck in the gravitatioal pull of some lare body for the rest of existence)
If I was able to kill myself when I was sick of life, then yes. Otherwise I woudn't.
It'd be fun for a while but eventually it would just get boring. Who wants to float in space aimlessly forever?
bvasgm said:
It'd be fun for a while but eventually it would just get boring. Who wants to float in space aimlessly forever?

* > non-existence
Danimal said:
If I was able to kill myself when I was sick of life, then yes. Otherwise I woudn't.

Yeah, if I wasn't able to die of old age or something, sure, but living for an eternity would suck ass. It's da truth.
DannyC. said:
Yeah, if I wasn't able to die of old age or something, sure, but living for an eternity would suck ass. It's da truth.

Sorry dying of old age is not an option:)
Nat Turner said:
Name just one better planet to live on, then.
How 'bout a void of non-existence. Either that or paradise. This planet is neither, either would be preferable.
MiccyNarc said:
How 'bout a void of non-existence. Either that or paradise. This planet is neither, either would be preferable.

Why is a void of non-existence better?
Yeah sure, just as long as i stayed young for the rest of eternity. (and lived on populated planets)
bvasgm said:
Non-existence > infinite boredom.

You have no guarantee that the boredom will continue infinitely. I find it amusing how hastily you would all choose to not exist.
bvasgm said:
Non-existence > infinite boredom.

It's probably just a purple glow and a high pitched humming, anyway. That's how I imagine it.
If you didn't exsist anymore, you wouldn't be around to care whether or not you were exsisting... or not. So.. boredness FTL, everyone wins.
No i wouldn't, all my friends and loveed ones dieing and me being alone, drifting in space hungru and shit for all eternity.... id rather face death
irrelevant question. You can't live forever..even if you choose to.
I would if I wouldn't age (staying in this 16-years-old physical form). I think it would be pretty interseting to see how humanity kills itself. And how earth gets destroyed.
Also, if there were more people to live forever, stick together (less boring that way).
If I was alone and immortal, i'd refuse. If there was like... Galaxies with intellegent life I could visit then hell yes i'd agree.
Danimal said:
If I was alone and immortal, i'd refuse. If there was like... Galaxies with intellegent life I could visit then hell yes i'd agree.
Well, you can always create your own life forms :O
Hell yeah I'd want to live forever. You could spend hundreds of years learning EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING.

You'd be able to do so much stuff it'd be unbelievable.

Then when the people on earth kill themselves, you could use your cloning knowledge to build a new society on the moon. Awesome.
StardogChampion said:
Hell yeah I'd want to live forever. You could spend hundreds of years learning EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING.

You'd be able to do so much stuff it'd be unbelievable.

Then when the people on earth kill themselves, you could use your cloning knowledge to build a new society on the moon. Awesome.
Yeah. You'd be like short recoil
Easy question. The answer is a definite no. Perhaps a thousand years, but forever? That's a torture whose equal I cannot concieve.
I would love to live forever, I think in about 30 years they will make somthing so that you can live forever.
Blackghost905 said:
I would love to live forever, I think in about 30 years they will make somthing so that you can live forever.
lol :p
Blackghost905 said:
I would love to live forever, I think in about 30 years they will make somthing so that you can live forever.
First of all, no they won't, since that's unimaginably advanced science, if it is even possible. We're going to learn to utilize hyperspace and wormholes before that, and we're talking hundreds of thousands of years because that's going to take the entire energy output of our SUN, which might take a while for us to figure out how to do.

Second, what would you do for an eternity of silence? People are afraid of hell, but once everything's cold and dark and humanity's gone, you're just floating in a void for the rest of ETERNITY. Not to mention the fact that despite being able to live forever, you're probably still capable of experiencing discomfort, and floating in a vacuum cannot feel all that great.

It would appear that Ennui is in a serious mood this morning.