Who wants to live forever ?

Not quite that serious, but I couldn't resist posting that response.
More likely you would go so insane that you would never really feel boredom. However I have to say that

non-existance > eternal boredom > eternal pain and suffering caused by your own mind.
Non-existence doesn't exist :E

and I'm an atheist so saying that might be weird.
If by live forever you mean in the highlander way where I am always young and in my physical prime, then yes
Gotta say no, would eventually get boring. :|

Ideally would go into hyper sleep every couple years and advance to a new generation and see what happens then
I think it would be cool to live forever but it would suck being 10000 years old
Blackghost905 said:
I think it would be cool to live forever but it would suck being 10000 years old

Well that's alright then, because one year (10000th year) out of eternity is nothing.
Well, yes it would be quite fun outliving your younger siblings, your wife, your kids and everyone that ever knew and loved you. You then have to conisder the fact that after the sun explodes after dying, the first four planets will be devoured in flame. So you the pain of burning for quite some time, and as you healed your wounds miracously. You will sit there... Floating in space.

No..because what if your body was blown to smithereens by an explosive or something...you would just feel pain forever but still never die
No, i wouldn't.
I'll live as long as i need too anyway, if i need to live for x years, i will live for x years.
Everyone knows that if you lived forever, you would rot, and invent a plague to create an army of undead just like you, so that you could become thier king and use them to cause havoc and take over the world.

You guys seriously need to watch more movies :P
baxter said:
With all the talk of God here's a question.

If you were given the option would you be immortal?

I'm not talking living for a couple of hundred years, but forever.

So given the option would you?

If Cryogenic Stasis was a proven technology then yes

That way, if I got bored, I would sleep for about 5 million years :)

I would need the elf ears as well :thumbs:
No i wouldn't like it.
Sure it'd be nice to see all the new technologies and maybe explore space. But you'd be lonely. I'd rather live one lifetime with that special someone... then die happy.
I don't know... I'd end up floating through space for eleven million years- or possibly more- and, just as insanity begins gnawing at my mind, I'd bump into another species and FORCE MYSELF UPON THEM AS A GOD!! MWAHAHAHAH!!

...but yeah, it'd suck. Unless you had a lot of other specifications added- such as the ability to end it all at your bequest or a couple of other generic superpowers like galactic transition- it'd be soul-destroying...
If granted infinite power, you could simply do anything i wonder how long before you'd get bored.
You'd have to regulate it if you know what i mean, resist the "room full of 200 willing virgins" etc for later.
Maybe if I could just sort of switch myself on and off whenever I feel like. That way if things get boring I could just skip a few thousand years, and if things get really boring I'd just turn myself off and sleep out the rest of eternity.

...Better get started on that switch then.
short recoil said:
If granted infinite power, you could simply do anything i wonder how long before you'd get bored.
You'd have to regulate it if you know what i mean, resist the "room full of 200 willing virgins" etc for later.

Or you could just selectively erase your memory at will, so the experience was new every single time.
kirovman said:
Or you could just selectively erase your memory at will, so the experience was new every single time.
Yeah but that would be pointless, it wouldn't be like experiencing it again it would just be "repeat"

= pointless.
You'd be continously satisfied but if you knew you were you wouldn't bother, i wouldn't like to get myself into that situation.
short recoil said:
Yeah but that would be pointless, it wouldn't be like experiencing it again it would just be "repeat"

= pointless.
You'd be continously satisfied but if you knew you were you wouldn't bother, i wouldn't like to get myself into that situation.

Maybe you've experienced your same life a billion times before?
kirovman said:
Maybe you've experienced your same life a billion times before?
If i found that to be true i'd freak out, then kill myself to stop the thought... the cycle starts again.
short recoil said:
If i found that to be true i'd freak out, then kill myself to stop the thought... the cycle starts again.

Well that's what happened the previous billion or so times. :O
kirovman said:
Well that's what happened the previous billion or so times. :O
Stop trying to make him commit suicide.
I think every living organism wants to live for as long as possible, subconsciously all humans do. I was thinking about it one day and realised that everything we do we do is either to live longer or to reproduce. Even suicide, it's just to keep ourselves from pain but people fail to realise why they don't want pain; so they can live longer. I reckon anyone who commits suicide believes there's an afterlife even if it's not obvious that they do. They think that in the afterlife everyone will like them and it'll be much better, they'll be happy there which is good for a person’s health.
People who say "I don't want to live forever." just don't want the pain of living forever.
Why is it that all we want to do is live longer and reproduce? I have no idea and probably never will.
"But I don't want to live forever and don't believe in an afterlife." No one can comprehend nothing, we can believe in it but not comprehend it. We all can't comprehend not living. We believe in life after death because no one can understand a complete void were you have no thoughts or anything.