Who wants to see Gordon's legs in HL2?

Do you want to have real legs in your favourite FPS?

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May 4, 2004
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What's so wrong about being able to see your legs in a first-person shooter?

I assume HL2 isn't going to be that adventurous and let us see whether Gordon is part of the Nike generation or not.... Gordon won't have any legs in HL2, will he?

What would be so bad about actually seeing what our legs are doing, what we're stepping on, whether we are actually really about to fall off that ledge instead of just guessing where our eyes are floating.

We can see our arms (when they're doing something useful), so why not our legs? I mean, what is it with game developers and legs? Is it a Freudian thing? Do they secretly hate their own legs?

Imagine the Mod potential.... we could have Alicia Silverstone's legs... or see how Gordon looks in fishnets.

Seriously, we should be able to kick ass, literally, with our corporeal, physically-simulated, reverse-kinematicised legs, dammit! Support the legs that support you, people! rar!
seeable legs would let me think of trespasser. You have seen your own bust with a heart tattoo.
It doesn't bother me, if i see Gordons legs...
I dont need to see his legs, it actually detracts from the immersion for me, I dont know, theres no game that has done this well.
speaking of legs in games though

Halo2 apparently has seeable legs (by looking down) I noticed this in the e3 2004k vids a while back.
i dont really care cause i chose legs. who cares if you see legs or not?!
It also shits me that games with a "stamina" gauge (ie. Far Cry) make you lose stamina big time when you sprint, but not when you walk crouched.

I mean, have you ever tried walking crouched for more than a minute? *ouch!*
Antic2 said:
It also shits me that games with a "stamina" gauge (ie. Far Cry) make you lose stamina big time when you sprint, but not when you walk crouched.

I mean, have you ever tried walking crouched for more than a minute? *ouch!*
That wouldnt use stamina, that just makes your legs sore. The dude in far cry is in very good shape anyways. He is an ex special forces after all.
SnowBall said:
That wouldnt use stamina, that just makes your legs sore. The dude in far cry is in very good shape anyways. He is an ex special forces after all.
Of course that would use stamina. All strenuous activity would eventually use stamina.
What does seeing your own legs add to the game?


case closed.
Dougy said:
What does seeing your own legs add to the game?
case closed.

well... you could see the pee stain on them when you get to the end of level monster... :)
It can massively enhance the immersion and the feeling of being a real person instead of just a floating camera.

Having said that, not seeing the players legs is something every fps gamer is used to, and if they do add such a feature they should implement as part of a system of full body awareness. Switches or buttons don't magically activate themselves, either.

I would like to see Gordon's hands on vehicles though.
Yes.........Seeing Gordon in the game is great idea. 95% of action games allow you to see the characters you play.
Things I'd definitely like:
1. Gordon's hands on vehicles - most games have this now, strange that HL2 doesn't.
2. Gordon's hands pushing buttons, pushing doors open, etc.
3. Gordon's hands on Alyx :)

lol... wouldn't it be funny if, when she's talking to Gordon, his open hands slowly creep up the screen... then get pulled back down again... then slowly, shakily creep up again...
I think being able to see limbs is good. I find it annoying looking down and twirling on the spot and being able to see everything. However they shouldnt restrict which way you can shoot, like most do, I have games where you cant shoot directly up and down, especially when prone. However, as to the shooting yourself in the foot, your gun should automatically aim around your feet, cos otherwise it would be stupid or annoying :).
Cool. I wanna be able to shoot myself in the foot and have trouble running.....for some reason.
Tinneth said:
Cool. I wanna be able to shoot myself in the foot and have trouble running.....for some reason.

lol. Better still, with all the talk about being able to see enemies react realistically to being hit, I'd like to see THEM limp if they're shot in the leg, or not be able to use their weapon if shot in the shoulder or arm, and not be able to use their AI if shot in the head. :)

By the way, is your icon an eye or.... ? :)
G0rgon said:
Yes.........Seeing Gordon in the game is great idea. 95% of action games allow you to see the characters you play.

um...i don't know where you got 95%...battlefield 'nam doesn't let you see your hands on the scooter and stuff...i agree that it adds nothing to the game to be able to see yourself...so long as there are no halls full of mirrors that you have to walk through...

seeing yourself just adds more crap the game has to process and doesn't seem worth the effort to do it right. most games that let you see your legs...it's really badly done.

and tinneth's avatar is the eye of sauron...if you haven't seen lord of the rings, go see it...and if you have seen it, you must not have been paying attention...and tinneth...you should get an animated version of that :p
Maskirovka said:
and tinneth's avatar is the eye of sauron...if you haven't seen lord of the rings, go see it...and if you have seen it, you must not have been paying attention...and tinneth...you should get an animated version of that :p

No wonder Sauron lost the War... with only one eye up there, he could never tell how far away the Armies of the West were until they knocked on his gate.
wow! 50/50 heh he... personally I would like to see the legs... but I'm one of the psycos who would like to see a little more realism, for example: weapon management... (that would be awsome if they made weapon managemnt for hard difficulty) either way this game/engine should be fun... and I'm sure the mod community could add it in.
subtlesnake said:
It can massively enhance the immersion and the feeling of being a real person instead of just a floating camera.

Having said that, not seeing the players legs is something every fps gamer is used to, and if they do add such a feature they should implement as part of a system of full body awareness. Switches or buttons don't magically activate themselves, either.

I would like to see Gordon's hands on vehicles though.

You hit the nail on the head man, that's exactly how I feel...And also I'd like to be able to see the knees when you crouch...but maybe we are just asking for too much.
MatTriX said:
wow! 50/50 heh he... personally I would like to see the legs... but I'm one of the psycos who would like to see a little more realism, for example: weapon management...

How do you mean weapon management exactly? Kinda like inventory.. something in left hand, something in right hand sort of thing?
Entr0py said:
You hit the nail on the head man, that's exactly how I feel...And also I'd like to be able to see the knees when you crouch...but maybe we are just asking for too much.

that kind of stuff would be cool...and yes it would add to the immersion factor as has been said...however doing it right would take a lot of effort...and doing it badly would, imo, subtract from the immersion. they probably didn't want to take the time to do it since it doesn't really add THAT much...and valve have said they wanted to keep legs out because that's part of half-life...hl3 will probably have no legs either :p
i wonder if they can nail it to where if you get injured below your waist and you look down you can see blood on your the leg part of your H.E.V. suit
Sai said:
i wonder if they can nail it to where if you get injured below your waist and you look down you can see blood on your the leg part of your H.E.V. suit

I'd like to see a game which somehow gets away from the "Health Pill" scenario and tries something different and more challenging.

How about nano-bot injections that *gradually* repair your tissues, so you need to be more careful about being hurt, as it takes time to heal. Also, while you're hurt, you can't run as fast or jump as high.

This is probably the realm of the RPG i guess, not the FPS...
Antic2 said:
I'd like to see a game which somehow gets away from the "Health Pill" scenario and tries something different and more challenging.

How about nano-bot injections that *gradually* repair your tissues, so you need to be more careful about being hurt, as it takes time to heal. Also, while you're hurt, you can't run as fast or jump as high.

This is probably the realm of the RPG i guess, not the FPS...

or how about you just bleed to death? or have to apply a tourniquet...and have some system where you have to flick the mouse in a specific pattern or you fail to put it on! then you still have to get to a hospital or risk the dreaded seeeeepptttiiccc innnnfeeeccctionnnnnnnnn nnnoooooooo
actually there are games that do this

There is a quake 3 mod called urban terror, whenever you are very low on health, get shot in the legs, or fall from a high altitude you gimp. Whenever you are shot in an area that has no kevlar over it you bleed acording to what kind of weapon hit you, where you were hit, and how many times you were hit. The more you bleed the longer it takes to bandage it up. You also leave a blood trail. The sniper rifles can penetrate kevlar easily.

also the games Chrome and System Shock 2 featured the gradual health renewal system.

SS2 used nano bots, Chrome used a retro virus. Both caused your health to slowly come back over a period of like 10 seconds.
NO! I dont want to see Gordon' legs...gay ffs