Who Will play G-Man on the big screen?

Originally posted by DarkStar
I hate this.

Discussions about what actor should play so-and-so from comic books, video games etc... always revolves on who LOOKS most like the character in question. Like how some people say Freeman should be played by Charlie Sheen just because when
Sheen has a goatee he looks a little like Freeman.

This is stupid.

Charlie Sheen is a terrible actor. I hope that man never plays Freeman. And just because the cigarette smoking man's character in the X-Files is very similar to the G-Man, doesn't necessarily mean he's best for the role.

How about instead of going solely on how an actor LOOKS or SOUNDS, or what previous work they've done, we talk about which actor would actually do the best job?

I agree! How about WIll Ferrel !!! He is a great actor!
Seems like the sort of role Hugo Weaving would do very well in.
I say G-man could be Walken, he's so funny on SNL (wowy wow wow)... but he does look just like G-man. AND he's a great actor IMO. I think Freeman should be Ed Norton. He looks like him with the facial hair and he's also a good actor.

http://us.imdb.com/EGallery?source=ss&group=0120586&photo=9&path=pgallery&path_key=Norton, Edward

Add some glasses and change hair color... and it's gordon!

-EDIT- Hugo Weaving- ehhhh... everyone already knows him from Matrix. If he wasn't in that as Agent Smith, then he'd do a good job for HL.
Originally posted by tangent1138

you're joking, right? they could've recorded that dialogue a week before E3 for all you know. do you think the first thing they do for the game before they work on the engine is script the dialogue, cast an actor, and record it? come on, use your brain.

HL was released in 1998

The Matrix came out 1999
Tommy Lee Jones :thumbs:

you're absolutely right with norton... alyx is the one chick from 40 days 40 nights (yes i watched it) and the strider... um cher could play that one...
Originally posted by FatboyTim
Al Pacino.

www.geraintlewis.com/images/portraits/AL%2520PACINO%2520.jpg]Click here[/url]

Wow. The first thing i thought when i saw the new G-Man was that he looked like Al Pacino. Well a cross between Al Pacino and Clint Eastwood. I think Pacino would be good but he doesnt quite fit the part. For one thing his voice isnt quite right. Perhpas one of the people who played an agent in the Matrix would be good.

By the way i only read the first page so if i repeated anytihng im sorry.
Freeman- Colin Farrel or Ed Norton

Gman- Christopher Walken (I think Norton could play either Freeman or Gman, jut need to add/remove the goatee)

Walter the Scientist- The bald guy from jurrasic park II who died

Barney- Ray Liotta doesnt quite look like Barney but that can be fixed, and hes a great actor
norton would be too young fro the g-man.
i wonder about the ant-lion...
nah that's not funny after all

"HL was released in 1998

The Matrix came out 1999"

I'm talking about the G-man from Half Life 2, which is a different voice actor and his a different speech cadence, which is has obviously been heavily influenced by Matrix.
Originally posted by poisonspider098
the guy from the x files.......the smoking man

YES EXACTLY! THAT GUY WOULD MAKE AN AMAZING GMAN! you know its that guy who has like rigged superbowls and has shaped a lot of history, tha guy.
"I'm talking about the G-man from Half Life 2, which is a different voice actor and his a different speech cadence, which is has obviously been heavily influenced by Matrix."

Wrong, all the same voice actors have returned for Half Life 2.
The part where the G-man says,"Hello, Mr. Freeman" really sounds a lot like when the agent in The Matrix said, " Hello, Mr. Anderson."

I think a great actor for the part would have to be Tom Green. You'd have to calm him down with some Valium or something, but he could do it.
David Hasslehoff as Gordon
Arnold Swharznegger as Kliener
Rober Downey Jr as Barny
Morten Downy as Barnys Father
Carmen Electra as Alyx
Samuel L Jackson as Eli
Originally posted by Shockwave
David Hasslehoff as Gordon
Arnold Swharznegger as Kliener
Rober Downey Jr as Barny
Morten Downy as Barnys Father
Carmen Electra as Alyx
Samuel L Jackson as Eli

William B. Davis
AKA The Cancer Man on X-Files

He's got a good voice for it to I think. + The Ultimate G-man Face, little more saggy then I'd like but it can be fixed with hollywood majik.
tommy lee jones would be a shit gman, WilliamB. Davis would pwn
Obviously you people are lacking in knowledge over some things. there are things called Latex foam. Ever heard of it? People don't have to look like the portrayed character, you can simply get away with foam makeup.
I will not watch a movie of half-life. REASON: it will tell the story for you, instead of when playing the game you get to experience it for yourself. i dont want no movie telling me how its supposed to be experienced. Each individual gets his/her own experience when playing the game. In the movies every1 gets the exact same thing. kinda like books. when you read a book then watch the movie for it, 9 times out of 10 you'd say the book was better.
i vote for Ed Norton or Russell Crowe
i loved Norton in American history X and Fight Club awsome movies.

as for g-man someone unknown, add to the mystery
i dont think the number 10 choice on planet half life has any resemblence
Originally posted by tangent1138

"HL was released in 1998

The Matrix came out 1999"

I'm talking about the G-man from Half Life 2, which is a different voice actor and his a different speech cadence, which is has obviously been heavily influenced by Matrix.
Did you even play the original Half Life? The G-Man always spoke like that and it's the same actor for HL2... If you ask me, it was vice versa and the Wachowski bros. nicked it but then I have no proof.

Half Life the film should not be made. Ever.
Norton would be great for Gordon, but then Gordon NEVER SPEAKS. If he did it'd ruin the atmosphere and the whole character that is Gordon Freeman, but then you can't have a mute protagonist. <Insert film with a mute main character here>
Walken is just fantastic and can be VERY creepy and so could be great for the G-Man.
and as for the guy who suggested Liotta for Barney? Pfft. Liotta's not that great and besides he looks like he's always wearing mascara. NOT a good Barney.
Half Life the film should not be made. Ever.
Originally posted by Mac84
I will not watch a movie of half-life. REASON: it will tell the story for you, instead of when playing the game you get to experience it for yourself. i dont want no movie telling me how its supposed to be experienced. Each individual gets his/her own experience when playing the game. In the movies every1 gets the exact same thing. kinda like books. when you read a book then watch the movie for it, 9 times out of 10 you'd say the book was better.
<Dances around Mac84 in jubilation and praise in general.>
Perfectly said. It really really really shouldn't be made. There are NO good game-->film conversions, very few good film-->game conversions, and some good book-->film conversions but only if you:
a)haven't read the book
b)are completely immune to someone else's interpretation of the work as it will NOT be like yours is.
The Wachowski brothers actually started working on the script for The Matrix prior to completing their first picture, Bound.

Before filming, the principal actors spent four months with martial arts experts learning the fight moves. From October 1997 to March 1998

Principal photography took 25 weeks/118 days.

Therefore, The Matrix was completed before the November 1998 release date of the first Half Life. So The Matrix did not steal it from Half Life....
Then I stand corrected. Sorry.
I had no idea they'd done anything before The Matrix. Was it any good?
I propose Bobcat from the police academy series to play the hound-eyes. Best Pic. I could find.


"Nraaggh! Youuuu kiwlled mICKy!"
ulukai --

yes he does. you should see him this movie coming out called "The Run Down". he's awesome. every line he says comes out funny.
I just saw some guy on an old WW2 movie that looks exactly like the Gman but blonde. Odd :|