Who Won the Debate: Poll Edition

Who won the debate?

  • Bush

    Votes: 17 18.3%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 67 72.0%
  • Nader

    Votes: 9 9.7%

  • Total voters


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Well, you've seen it. Who won?

Edit: I should add that who won is an opinion that is yours alone. Don't let Peter Jennings or Dan Rather or Joe Bob on Fox News sway you.
Actually, no I haven't seen it.

Who won? :E
I'd say it was more of a tie as they didn't really get a chance to interact..
Why is Nader on the poll? That's pretty silly.

I didn't think either one made any clear mistakes, but I think Kerry made better points and came out looking stronger. Only my opinion of course.
they both lose, and america loses in the process. the 'debate' was an insult. kerry droning on, bush's utter contempt of the english language. both spewing the same canned responses. in terms of attitude and basic orating, id have to give it to kerry. "um" and "durrhadur" dont count as words, and dont make you sound smarter. i think bush is thoughtful, but he isnt expressing himself like he should. kerry actually LOOKED like a president standing there.
Kerry won it by far.... he knew what he was talking about while Bush was just stumbling over his words and repeating the same old phrases. Now hopefully people have a better opinion of who Kerry is and where he stands on issues, he made that pretty clear during the debate. Bush always hesitated and tried to fill up the time by going over old stuff.
Nader, because he didnt embarass himself by being in a scripted debate.
KidRock said:
Bush won.

Just some info for you:

The poll question: Who won the debate?

Poll Results so far:


Kerry: 70%
Bush: 30%


Kerry: 79%
Bush: 18%
Tie: 4%


Kerry: 45%
Bush: 36%
Tie: 17%


Kerry: 69%
Bush: 17%

I would have to say the evidence is somewhat against you. :)
Are those all online polls?

Online polls, I'm afraid, are not very reliable,.

too many voting gop supporters get their news only from Faux News, and not real journalists.
f|uke said:
Are those all online polls?

Online polls, I'm afraid, are not very reliable,.

I know that. The only thing currently available is online polls. It's much too early for anything else.

However, I just like to point them out to people who say "Bush won" with such absolute assurance. :)
f|uke said:
too many voting gop supporters get their news only from Faux News, and not real journalists.
just because they arent left leaning doesnt mean they arent real journalists. thats why you get your news from multiple stateside and international sources. just because you watch cnn constantly doesnt mean your informed.
Issues aside, Kerry just seemed more presidential up there.
More of the same. However, what's good for Kerry is that he got the ability to state his position clearly. Undecided voters will probably drop the "flip-flop" stigma by the 3rd debate.
It's unfortunate that Bush spent more time arguing about "mixed messages" and defending himself rather stating more about his positions.
Oh, and they both need to be briefer, like, lots.
I'd go with Kerry on this one... Bush kept bringing up the same points, and it sometimes didn't even really fit with what Kerry had been saying...
gh0st said:
just because they arent left leaning doesnt mean they arent real journalists. [...] just because you watch cnn constantly doesnt mean your informed.
Correct you are. Its because they are an agenda based orginization controlled by ultra conservatives who reward their correspondents and affiliates for slandering democrats,. thats why they're not journalists.

In the words of our greatest living newsman, Walter Cronkite, Fox has always intended to be “beyond conservative, a far-right wing organization.”

You should watch "Outfoxed",. you might learn something.

(and its "you're", not "your")
f|uke said:
Correct you are. Its because they are an agenda based orginization controlled by ultra conservatives who reward their correspondents and affiliates for slandering democrats,. thats why they're not journalists.
all major news organizations are controlled by ultra ____(insert political ideology here). its interesting, within the next few days ill show you a chart of all the news organizations and who they are owned by, and how they all connect with each other. theres nothing wrong with being left or right leaning, just forces the viewer to pick some more sources.

In the words of our greatest living newsman, Walter Cronkite, Fox has always intended to be “beyond conservative, a far-right wing organization.”
at least you didnt say dan rather.

(and its "you're", not "your")
yeah i know how to write, i wasent aware this was a classroom.

You should watch "Outfoxed",. you might learn something.
no thanks. you dont need the period after the comma by the way, you must just be stupid or something. [/sarcasm]
Everybody has beliefs,. you cant avoid that. Most news orginizations however let the reporters bring the stories. Faux news dictates the stories to the reporters based on GOP agenda.

Yes, not Dan Rather. Walter Cronkite. One of the greatest, most respected journalists of the 19th century. He totally trashes Fox in "Outfoxed". Why? Because it really, truely, is not a real news orginization.
f|uke said:
Everybody has beliefs,. you cant avoid that. Most news orginizations however let the reporters bring the stories. Faux news dictates the stories to the reporters based on GOP agenda.

Yes, not Dan Rather. Walter Cronkite. One of the greatest, most respected journalists of the 19th century. He totally trashes Fox in "Outfoxed". Why? Because it really, truely, is not a real news orginization.
Wow dont take things so personally, I never said I liked fox, I still watch it from time to time because if offers opinions I wouldent find on other channels. I also find O'Reilly and company amusing.

By the way, it's spelled "truly", and why do you keep putting periods after your commas?
gh0st said:
no thanks. you dont need the period after the comma by the way, you must just be stupid or something. [/sarcasm]
Already digging into petty insults? The ",." is something I do to indicate pause. It's called poetic license. However, when you use the word "your" instead of "you're", its just plane old bad english.

I guess, by your standards, you must be "stupid or something".

gh0st said:
Wow dont take things so personally
Whos taking things personally? I'm just doing my best to teach you something (you, and our potential readers). This is nothing more then a basic schooling.
f|uke said:
its just plane old bad english.

I guess, by your standards, you must be "stupid or something".
haha... haha. yeah. :rolleyes: Do you mean airplane or like a plane in space? You started it remember, I'm just finishing the job.
Yeah, Kerry looked like a President. Andrew Jackson. With better hair. C'mon, don't tell me you haven't looked at a $20 bill and said, "Hmmmmmmm...."
Walter Cronkite wasn't alive in the 19th Century....that I'm aware of anyway.
gh0st said:
You started it remember, I'm just finishing the job.
Excuse me? You're the one who used the word 'stupid', and changed this from a political debate into a petty squabble. Whatever man. Go watch your Faux news. Suck it up.
f|uke said:
Whos taking things personally? I'm just doing my best to teach you something (you, and our potential readers). This is nothing more then a basic schooling.
You havent succeded in teaching me anything but the folly of pointing out peoples spelling mistakes on the internet.

Walter Cronkite wasn't alive in the 19th Century....that I'm aware of anyway.

f|uke said:
Excuse me? You're the one who used the word 'stupid', and changed this from a political debate into a petty squabble. Whatever man. Go watch your Faux news. Suck it up.
I used the word stupid because you are stupid. You criticize peoples grammar when you cant even spell "plain."
Hapless said:
Walter Cronkite wasn't alive in the 19th Century....that I'm aware of anyway.
feck. i meant 20th. :p

That's how I feel.
gh0st said:
You havent succeded in teaching me anything but the folly of pointing out peoples spelling mistakes on the internet.
Well, thats something.
Pressure said:

That's how I feel.
Uh. Yes. A few spelling mistakes. And I said 19th instead of 20th. Somehow this undermines the truth in my words.


Christ, wheres my f'n backup. There were some smart people here just 20 minutes ago.
gh0st said:
I used the word stupid because you are stupid. You criticize peoples grammar when you cant even spell "plain."

And yet, you don't know the difference between these two words:

Main Entry: your
1 : of or relating to you or yourself especially as possessor

Main Entry: you're
: you are

Yeah, you're a regular Einstein.
f|uke said:
Uh. Yes. A few spelling mistakes. And I said 19th instead of 20th. Somehow this undermines the truth in my words.


Christ, wheres my f'n backup. There were some smart people here just 20 minutes ago.
Wow things were going fine until you tried to correct my grammar, which is the most unnecessary thing I've ever seen done on these forums. Its not offensive or anything, just pointless. Not in one political debate on these forums has anyone corrected someones grammar (so I've seen.) The point is the message, not how its presented (though it does add credibility.)

Apparantly "you're" undermined mine.

edit: I do know the difference, I wasent aware that we were having a spelling competition here. And please dont triple post.
this debate sucked

during the california elections arnold owned all these people with his hummers

you had to be their
f|uke said:
Uh. Yes. A few spelling mistakes. And I said 19th instead of 20th. Somehow this undermines the truth in my words.


Christ, wheres my f'n backup. There were some smart people here just 20 minutes ago.

[HUMOR]I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent. I just think one Andrew Jackson is enough for any country. The funny thing is, back in the day, people made quite a few of the same comments about Jackson that they now do about Bush.[/HUMOR]

edit: humor tags added, just in case
gh0st said:
Wow things were going fine until you tried to correct my grammar, which is the most unnecessary thing I've ever seen done on these forums.
1) it was just a subnote, marked in ()'s. No jab, just a note.
2) You broke down into petty insults first.
3) My comments about Fox were properly backed up

And with that, I'm done here.