Who Won the Debate: Poll Edition

Who won the debate?

  • Bush

    Votes: 17 18.3%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 67 72.0%
  • Nader

    Votes: 9 9.7%

  • Total voters
f|uke said:
Uh. Yes. A few spelling mistakes. And I said 19th instead of 20th. Somehow this undermines the truth in my words.


Christ, wheres my f'n backup. There were some smart people here just 20 minutes ago.


Seriousy, I was kidding incase you couldn't tell. I don't care how good your spelling or grammar is, I still know what you're saying.
Pressure said:
Seriousy, I was kidding incase you couldn't tell. I don't care how good your spelling or grammar is, I still know what you're saying.
Oh feck. You got me. :p Nice tag, btw. ;)

I'm only pointing how how Kerry misstated facts and lied in the debates. Well, lie is a little deep.

He stated that Osama is in Afghanistan, not Iraq.

Bin Laden is in Pakistan, we can not send our full military into Pakistan.

Also, he tried to throw in the draft. Kerry inferred Bush would hold a drafyt. Nothing is further from the truth. He also complaiend that we have a stop-loss order. What he didn't mention is we've had stop loss orders since Iraq I, and when Clinton was president we had them for Kosovo and Afghanistan.

Kerry is a great debater.

Bush stuck his ground.

Mission: Accomplished for Bush. Kerry did what he wanted to do, but it won't change any votes.

KERRY CLAIMS HE'S "NEVER, EVER" USED WORD "LYING" IN REFERENCE TO PRESIDENT BUSH ON IRAQ. JIM LEHRER: "New question, Senator Kerry. Two minutes. You've repeatedly accused President Bush, not here tonight but elsewhere before, of not telling the truth about Iraq. Essentially, of lying to the American people about Iraq. Give us some examples of what you consider to be his not telling the truth." SEN. KERRY: "Well, I've never, ever used the harshest word as you just did." (Sen. John Kerry, First Presidential Debate, Miami, FL, 9/30/04)

BUT IN DECEMBER 2003, KERRY TOLD NEW HAMPSHIRE EDITORIAL BOARD BUSH "LIED" ABOUT REASON FOR GOING TO WAR IN IRAQ. "Kerry also told a New Hampshire newspaper editorial board Friday that Bush had 'lied' about his reasons for going to war in Iraq, a word Kerry has been reluctant to use publicly for months. Yesterday he said he did not plan to use the word again." (Patrick Healy, "Kerry Camp Lowers N.H. Expectations Behind In Polls, Senator Now Seeks Spot In 'Top Two,'" The Boston Globe, 12/8/03)

AND IN SEPTEMBER 2003, KERRY SAID BUSH ADMINISTRATION "LIED" AND "MISLED." "This administration has lied to us. They have misled us. And they have broken their promises to us. The president promised to the people and the Congress that he would build an international coalition, respect the United Nations' process and only go to war as a last resort. I will tell you that from my war fighting experience, I believe there is a test for a president as to how you go to war. And that test is whether or not you can look in the eyes of parents and say to them, 'I did everything possible to avoid the loss of your son and daughter, but we had no other choice in order to protect the security of our nation,' and I know this president fails that test in Iraq." (Sen. John Kerry, Campaign Event, Claremont, NH, 9/20/03)

The three gaffes that need to be focused upon: 1. Kerry suggested we need a "global test" to determine whether we need to defend ourselves. 2. Kerry said we should give nuclear fuel to Iran. 3. Kerry said we should involve ourselves in bilateral negoatiations with North Korea despite the fact that they've proven untrustworthy in such negotiations.

FLASH: Kerry stated: 'That's why they had to close down the subway in New York when the Republican Convention was there.' (Driving home point that Bush as not done enough to protect the country.)

The NYC subway did not close at all during the convention, according to a report on cable outlet NY1...

In an answer to a question from Lehrer (in tonight's debate) Kerry - as if to PROVE his LONGTIME foreign policy experience, and his superior foreign policy knowledge - recounted how he had (with former Senator Smith (R-NH)) gone down into the bowels of the former KGB under TREBLINKA SQUARE.

ONE PROBLEM: Treblinka was the name of a NAZI EXTERMINATION CAMP.

The KGB was on Lubyankaya Square.

How could a presidential candidate - with Jewish heritage - confuse the name of a DEATH CAMP WITH ANYTHING ELSE!?!?!?!?!?

Instead of showing off his experience and knowledge, this exposes Kerry as a shameless ignorant fraud.

Neither won. But I voted for bush just cause hes such a funny guy :p
Joeslucky22 said:
Neither won. But I voted for bush just cause hes such a funny guy :p
funny... their jokes were awful :( but it is nice to see a human aspect to it.
Joeslucky22 said:
Neither won. But I voted for bush just cause hes such a funny guy :p

Five minutes earlier:

Someone: Say, joeslucky, did you know that you can cut and paste text by right clicking?

Joeslucky: Intense! I must use this new power to the full extent of the law. *copies, pastes, copies, etc.*

Me: Holy crap, that's a lot of cut-and paste.

As for my opinion, I think it's pretty clear that Bush was slapped up a bunch. Too bad it was mostly interactionless.
All the right wing pundits are on spin control.

Look at what is being said, it is all about Kerry, and not about Bush.
This is such a pointless poll..

Liberals are going to say Kerry, while conservatives are to vote Bush. In reality, it was more of a tie. Neither really "won."

I voted Nader :)
Might as well respond to these, just to present another side.

He stated that Osama is in Afghanistan, not Iraq.

Bin Laden is in Pakistan, we can not send our full military into Pakistan.

Yes, technically Kerry did state that. However, here's what he said:

Kerry said:
The president moved the troops, so he‘s got 10 times the number of troops in Iraq than he has in Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden is. Does that mean that Saddam Hussein was 10 times more important than Osama bin Laden

He's talking in the past tense here. He says "...Saddam Hussein was 10 times...." Thus it could easily have been a slip of the tongue in a live debate. If he had said "...where Osama Bin Laden was" there would be no problem. I believe his point is still valid as Bin Laden was in Afghanistan ealier and he's talking about what the President did at this time.

Further more, the above critique of Kerry is a bit misleading itself. It states that, "Bin Laden is in Pakistan." This is not known. From CNN, "U.S. military official in Afghanistan believes the al Qaeda leader is probably in Pakistan." Source

Also, he tried to throw in the draft. Kerry inferred Bush would hold a drafyt. Nothing is further from the truth. He also complaiend that we have a stop-loss order. What he didn't mention is we've had stop loss orders since Iraq I, and when Clinton was president we had them for Kosovo and Afghanistan.

When he says, "Nothing is further from the truth" that's just speculation. Kerry may have inferred or implied it as he said. That's not a lie. As for the claim about the "stop-loss order" I'm unable to comment on this as I cannot find it mentioned in the debate transcripts. If anyone finds it and wants to point it out to me they're welcome to do so.

KERRY CLAIMS HE'S "NEVER, EVER" USED WORD "LYING" IN REFERENCE TO PRESIDENT BUSH ON IRAQ. JIM LEHRER: "New question, Senator Kerry. Two minutes. You've repeatedly accused President Bush, not here tonight but elsewhere before, of not telling the truth about Iraq. Essentially, of lying to the American people about Iraq. Give us some examples of what you consider to be his not telling the truth." SEN. KERRY: "Well, I've never, ever used the harshest word as you just did." (Sen. John Kerry, First Presidential Debate, Miami, FL, 9/30/04)

BUT IN DECEMBER 2003, KERRY TOLD NEW HAMPSHIRE EDITORIAL BOARD BUSH "LIED" ABOUT REASON FOR GOING TO WAR IN IRAQ. "Kerry also told a New Hampshire newspaper editorial board Friday that Bush had 'lied' about his reasons for going to war in Iraq, a word Kerry has been reluctant to use publicly for months. Yesterday he said he did not plan to use the word again." (Patrick Healy, "Kerry Camp Lowers N.H. Expectations Behind In Polls, Senator Now Seeks Spot In 'Top Two,'" The Boston Globe, 12/8/03)

AND IN SEPTEMBER 2003, KERRY SAID BUSH ADMINISTRATION "LIED" AND "MISLED." "This administration has lied to us. They have misled us. And they have broken their promises to us. The president promised to the people and the Congress that he would build an international coalition, respect the United Nations' process and only go to war as a last resort. I will tell you that from my war fighting experience, I believe there is a test for a president as to how you go to war. And that test is whether or not you can look in the eyes of parents and say to them, 'I did everything possible to avoid the loss of your son and daughter, but we had no other choice in order to protect the security of our nation,' and I know this president fails that test in Iraq." (Sen. John Kerry, Campaign Event, Claremont, NH, 9/20/03)

I could argue that he didn't technically say he never said "lying" he actually only said he never used the "harshest word". However, I concede that's what he meant so I won't even attempt that. So basically yes, he said he hading use the word "lying". However, the best this person could come up with is two quotes 9 and 12 months old respectively? That's not very significant. Do you remember exactly everything you said 9 to 12 months ago? Of course not. Furthermore, niether of those two cases were during the current presidential race. When the moderator said, "You've repeatedly accused President Bush, not here tonight but elsewhere before" he was specifically referring to accusations Kerry has made in this election race, thus this arguement of Kerry lying is a weak technicality at best, and is not relevant to the context of the quote.

The three gaffes that need to be focused upon: 1. Kerry suggested we need a "global test" to determine whether we need to defend ourselves. 2. Kerry said we should give nuclear fuel to Iran. 3. Kerry said we should involve ourselves in bilateral negoatiations with North Korea despite the fact that they've proven untrustworthy in such negotiations.

1. Here's what Kerry said:

No president, though all of American history, has ever ceded, and nor would I, the right to preempt in any way necessary to protect the United States of America.

But if and when you do it, Jim, you have to do it in a way that passes the test, that passes the global test where your countrymen, your people understand fully why you‘re doing what you‘re doing and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons.

Notice the important statement right before he mentions a "global test": "No president, though all of American history, has ever ceded, and nor would I, the right to preempt in any way necessary to protect the United States of America. Just some rather significant context to the statement. As for a "global test" he says: "where your countrymen, your people understand fully why you‘re doing what you‘re doing." That sounds pretty reasonable to me. He continues: "and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons." I'm not seeing anything wrong with this statement. Don't you think that any sort of pre-emptive strike should indeed be for "legitimate reasons"? And if it is I imagine it would be pretty easy to prove to the world that it was. So to recap, he states that he would preempt in any way necessary to protect our country, then he says that he would want to make sure that the American people fully understand the reasons for it, and then he finishes by saying it should be a legitimate strike and that we should be able to show the world that it was, in fact, legitimate. All of this sounds pretty reasonable to me. A pre-emptive strike is a very serious matter and his position on it sounds like a very rational way to make sure we do the right thing.

2. Here's what Kerry said:

Kerry said:
I think the United States should have offered the opportunity to provide the nuclear fuel, test them, see whether or not they were actually looking for it for peaceful purposes. If they weren‘t willing to work a deal, then we could have put sanctions together. The president did nothing.

Nuclear fuel can indeed be used for peaceful purposes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe "nuclear fuel" as would be used in a nuclear power plant is quote different than weapons grade plutonium. He's talking about exploring diplomatic means of resolving the nuclear problem with Iran. Doesn't sound all that bad to me.

3. The post says, "despite the fact that they've proven untrustworthy in such negotiations. It is not proven. That's exageration. Has every avenue of diplomacy been tried yet? How can anyone say that there is no hope for such negotiations. And what is the alternative to these negotiations exactly? We're talking about a powerful country run by a dictator who actually does have control of nuclear weapons. I would prefer not to even think of some of the possible alternatives to negotiations. So to try everything in our power to resolve this peacefully would be a good thing in my opinion.

FLASH: Kerry stated: 'That's why they had to close down the subway in New York when the Republican Convention was there.' (Driving home point that Bush as not done enough to protect the country.)

The NYC subway did not close at all during the convention, according to a report on cable outlet NY1...

This one I'm curious about. I can't find any mention of a subway being closed down. The closest thing I could find is that some subway entrances/exits at Penn station were shut down and sealed off. So I really don't have a rebuttal for this. I'm going to reserve judgement for now as I would like to look into it further. Hopefully some news articles will cover it.

In an answer to a question from Lehrer (in tonight's debate) Kerry - as if to PROVE his LONGTIME foreign policy experience, and his superior foreign policy knowledge - recounted how he had (with former Senator Smith (R-NH)) gone down into the bowels of the former KGB under TREBLINKA SQUARE.

ONE PROBLEM: Treblinka was the name of a NAZI EXTERMINATION CAMP.

The KGB was on Lubyankaya Square.

How could a presidential candidate - with Jewish heritage - confuse the name of a DEATH CAMP WITH ANYTHING ELSE!?!?!?!?!?

Yes, this is correct in that Kerry confused the two names in this instance. Obviously he should have said "Lubyankaya Square" instead of "Treblinka Square". It was also obviously a mistake. No he shouldn't have said it, but it happened. However, I'm pretty sure if you asked him again outside of the debate he would be able to give you the correct name. So no it wasn't good, but hardly damning either.

Instead of showing off his experience and knowledge, this exposes Kerry as a shameless ignorant fraud.

This is just plain ridiculous. It really doesn't even deserve a response, but I'll make one anyway. First of all, the man was there as he said. Like I pointed out above I imagine he knows what the name of the Square was if you ask him now. Shameless? How in the world can you argue it was shameless? That doesn't even make sense. Ignorant? Not if it was an honest mistake as it most likely was. Plus calling someone ignorant for one slip up, when everything else points to the person being quite intelligent is not a valid argument. And last a fraud? That's as silly as the shameless statement. A fraud of what? Is he trying to say Kerry is faking his intelligence or something? Again, doesn't make sense. Kerry is quite intelligent with numerous evidence to back that up with. That whole comment was just baseless name calling. No point to it at all.

Well, that was interesting. I would be quite curious to see a similar dissection of Bush's words in the debate as well.
Well, that was interesting. I would be quite curious to see a similar dissection of Bush's words in the debate as well.

I think you mean pauses and headshakes.
Alright I just found the reference to stop-loss orders. Sorry about that.

Here's the complaint:

He also complaiend that we have a stop-loss order. What he didn't mention is we've had stop loss orders since Iraq I, and when Clinton was president we had them for Kosovo and Afghanistan.

Here's what Kerry said on the "stop-loss orders":

Kerry said:
I also believe that it is—one of the reasons we can‘t do it is we‘re overextended.

Ask the people in the armed forces today. We‘ve got Guards and Reserves who are doing double duties. We‘ve got a backdoor draft taking place in America today: people with stop-loss programs where they‘re told you can‘t get out of the military; nine out of our 10 active duty divisions committed to Iraq one way or the other, either going, coming or preparing.

"people with stop-loss programs where they‘re told you can‘t get out of the military"

There's the exact reference to "stop-loss orders". Note that he is not criticizing the stop-loss order itself, he is criticizing the stop-loss orders that tell people they "can't get out of the military." This is a very important distinction. The above post tried to make him look bad by saying there have been stop-loss orders since the Clinton administration. Yes this is true, but it leaves out a very important and relevant fact. A stop-loss order is where a soldier must deploy before leaving service. Kerry is not attacking this policy in itself. He is specifically attacking the policy being used to tell soldiers they can't leave the military. This is the distinction I spoke of. For the war in Iraq the stop-loss order program was expanded to make it so soldiers on deployment cannot return home until the end of their deployment, even if their term is up. This is not the same stop-loss order program that was in effect in the Clinton era or before the current Iraqi war. The program was changed for this war, thus Kerry's statement makes complete sense. See, details are amazing things aren't they?


Well, I think that about covers everything in those posts.

Any rebuttal Joey?

it's like, they don't want you to know that he's short.

it is probably spin control for this...

I think they both did good in debating, but Bush should've been more innovative in what he was doing. Its obvious Kerry was going to be the liberal medias star, so he should've gone rampant.

Personally, I thought Kerry flip-flopped in a lot of topics, he was not consistent, but he did get to represent his image alongside Bush's presence. I think thats his only saving grace.

Kerry tried to call a flip-flop on Bush, but that was put down before Kerry could move on with it. I thought it was too short, but Kerry obviously had an advantage because he was willing to promote his image by discussing what he was for.

I think Conservatives were dissapointed in this matter, but during the debate, any known Conservative was able to acknowledge Bush's points, without getting distracted.

In all honesty, I dont care who wins. Kerry has adapted nearly Bush's stance that we need to fix Iraq, and stay for at least six months. In that, I have no more complaints. I got Stem Cell research with Kerry, Kerry has adapted some good policy on European relation, and most of all, no more religious babbeling.

The element I was concerned about is the same with both candidates, so my complaints are nullified. I honestly dont care who wins. For a second time that I stated...

Course, you know why Kerry is for Iraq now right? To gain a swing or undecided republican vote to his side. :D This debate will turn Kerry around. I think everyone knows that.
Kerberos, your sig is too big.

4 lines max including spaces.
K e r b e r o s said:
Thanks, but can you comment on what I said?

I would just feel like screaming.

EDIT : heh, it's pretty decent now. I'll try
...and also straying off topic?

edit: It was my Signature, right? :D Glad to see you back Sprafa!
Okay, about flip-flopping - stop watching Fox News.

If Kerry changed his opinions, it's because he understood he made a mistake. He clearly says that. If you stubbornly keep your views for let's say, 1 year, you get outdated. That's not how the world works. You have the turn with the World, not try to stop it when it's agreeing with you.

If "flip-flopping" is changing opinions Bush does it all the time, and so does every single informed person on this World.

The problem is, it's not the same. The Arabs hate Bush for ruining their talks of "unity", the Asians hate Bush for messing around with NK, which they think they could have handled, the Europeans (majority of europe) hates Bush for screwing their "Union". Latin America hates Bush for disregarding them (I'm Brazilian, and go there nearly once a year. One of the big points of the new President was that he wouldn't "follow America like a sheep".)

I'm not saying that any of these people are right. I'm saying what they feel.

The World is agaisnt Bush. The main point from Kerry would be what he calls "fresh credibility". Because that's exactly what the USA and the world needs. Let's not turn the USA into another "gigantic head without a body".

EDIT : no it wasn't your signature, you edited your post to something very different and extremely better articulated than before.
Interesting poll - it comfirmed what many others, and myself, thought.

Now, about Nader: Notice that on this poll, Nader was only an annoying choice that sucked votes from candidates who could actually make a difference in the poll, just like in the actual elections. It would be interesting to poll the Nader-ites to determine who they would've voted for otherwise. Statistics would probably say Kerry.
Neutrino said:
Just some info for you:

The poll question: Who won the debate?

Poll Results so far:


Kerry: 70%
Bush: 30%


Kerry: 79%
Bush: 18%
Tie: 4%


Kerry: 45%
Bush: 36%
Tie: 17%


Kerry: 69%
Bush: 17%

I would have to say the evidence is somewhat against you. :)

you forgot FoxNews:

Kerry: .01%

Bush: 99.99%

:E disclaimer: May or may not be true
Personally, I thought Kerry flip-flopped in a lot of topics, he was not consistent, but he did get to represent his image alongside Bush's presence. I think thats his only saving grace.

That's odd, Kerry was very clear and consistent in the debate. What he said, he said bluntly.

In all honesty, I dont care who wins. Kerry has adapted nearly Bush's stance that we need to fix Iraq, and stay for at least six months

That's not exactly true, well, it's not true at all. Kerry's stance on Iraq has not changed, what has changed is what is reported on his "stance". He believed Saddam to be a threat, and that he needed to be taken care of. However, he did not want to go to war with out a just cause. Now that we are in Iraq, we need to fix what we screwed up. Bush on the other hand, changed his mind about Iraq. I remember sometime ago when he claimed we won the war and we were ready to find WMD's.

but that's what the liberal media wants you to believe, something closer to the truth.
I saw it at civics today. Bush didn't have control of the situation, but on the other hand, Kerry looked ike a hourse. ;)
DarkStar said:
Yo, just found something weird. Compare the height of Bush on the fox's front page and compare it to this shot from the toronto star. I attached a little eye-line comparison to highlight the difference.

Something is fishy. I actually think it's against the law to manipulate AP photos. Fox is absolutely shameless.

That's insane! Foxnews has fallen to new lows, it's really pathetic at this point.
gh0st said:
they both lose, and america loses in the process. the 'debate' was an insult. kerry droning on, bush's utter contempt of the english language. both spewing the same canned responses. in terms of attitude and basic orating, id have to give it to kerry. "um" and "durrhadur" dont count as words, and dont make you sound smarter. i think bush is thoughtful, but he isnt expressing himself like he should. kerry actually LOOKED like a president standing there.

Wow, gh0st, really wow. I can't believe it. I seriously am almost speechless. You've gained my respect. Not because of semi positive remarks for kerry or less than positive remarks for bush, just the fact that you viewed the debate open mindedly enough to come to your conclusion.

I agree with the above quote, at least 95%

(I think hell has officially frozen over.) :cheers:
The_Monkey said:
I saw it at civics today. Bush didn't have control of the situation, but on the other hand, Kerry looked ike a hourse. ;)
A horse or a chimp,. Decision 2004!

(LOL @ Innvervision's Avatar)
CptStern said:
you forgot FoxNews:

Kerry: .01%

Bush: 99.99%

:E disclaimer: May or may not be true

www.foxnews.com Poll.
b. President Bush (40%)

c. Senator Kerry (40%)

Very close.
I've made a new signature on the ever-lasting subject that are unbiased and biased news sources.
I think Kerry won the debate, but I agreed with Bush more.
Kerry won, Bush kkept studdering. lol. And the first time he spoke, it was pretty funny "I also thank the [something] and....uh...ummm...[changes subject]


ANyways, they didn't let Nader run this year b/c they said that ppl who voted for him last year would have voted for gore.