Who would you love to form an alliance with?

Who would you form an alliance with?

  • Darth Vader

    Votes: 18 24.0%
  • Predator, from Predator

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • The Federation (Star Trek)

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Serenity and her crew (Led my Malcolm Reynolds)

    Votes: 11 14.7%
  • The spiders from Arachnophobia

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Wolverine

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Captain Kirk

    Votes: 3 4.0%
  • The Old Man Adama and his Battlestar Galactica

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • King Triton from the little mermaid

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Say you're in deep shit, possibly fighting an intergalactic war or about to engage in a ground war against an vast army brooding evil.

Who would you form an alliance with?
New Wolverine cannot be stopped. He is more hax than Batman these days, and that is saying something. What used to be "healing factor" is now "lol I can regenerate from a single cell dbz style." No matter what kind of shit I'm in, WOLVERINE CANNOT BE STOPPED. PERIOD.

I can pretty much sit back and let him do all the work while I sip mojitos.
How come is Captain Kirk seperate from The Federation.

Granted I know he is an intergalactic Pimp, but he still works for the organisation.
Best poll options ever.

Also the Predator, because he has lasers, thermal vision, and nukes.
Too many options!

Too hard to choose!

Too awesome...

Mal ftmfw...
The Federation, on the condition that I'm a main character.
Darth Vader: Never won in any of his endevours, and a turn coat! Not exactly a useful ally there for my intergalatic war on terror.

Predator, from Predator:
True, he can kick some serious ass but lets face it one man verses the brooding evil I'm likely to be dealing with, he's going to be pretty damn useless. Plus he just hides in the shadows, and fights races technologically inferior the big pansy!

The Federation (Star Trek)
I'm not looking for a fleet of diplomats, this is WAR! And this is not something the federation is terrible awesome at. NOT AT ALL.

Serenity and her crew (Led my Malcolm Reynolds)
Given he'd keep me safe, but hes more a hider than a full on frontal sorta guy. This is a no go.

The spiders from Arachnophobia

Okay suuuuuuuure he regenerates faster than u can cut him up but unfortunately I forsee someone just dropping a big cage around him and well quite frankly then I'm ****ed!

Captain Kirk
Now i've not even got an army of diplomats but just one! And not to mention he'll be off womanising more than kicking ass! D:

King Triton from the little mermaid
Defeated by some naff hermit, witch thing. Ariel would be a more effect army than this old poo machine!

The Old Man Adama and his Battlestar Galactica
YEAH! This is more like it! One battlestar taking on an entire army of superior machine armies! If this man can do that on his own, he'd be quite the ally to have, and can make anything useful this little crew of his can. Plus he has plenty of nukes for them pesky ground assaults! GO GO BATTLESTAR!
Also the Predator, because he has lasers, thermal vision, and nukes.

We already have all of those...:sleep:


O RLY ? Eat Black Hole grenade BITCH!!

Honestly none of the ones in the poll.

I would ally with: The Terran Empire, The Borg, Skynet.


*Blows up Battlestar with Ion Cannon*

LOL wut
Okay suuuuuuuure he regenerates faster than u can cut him up but unfortunately I forsee someone just dropping a big cage around him and well quite frankly then I'm ****ed!
...a cage? A cage, contain Wolverine?

Are you sure you know who Wolverine IS? As in, the X-Man Wolverine? Weapon X? The man with the indestructible (unless you destroy it at the molecular level) adamantium skeleton with claws that can cut through any surface on Earth? What can a cage do against Wolverine? :/

O RLY ? Eat Black Hole grenade BITCH!!
I bet Wolverine can go through a black hole. I'm telling you, lately Marvel's been writing him like he can do whatever he pleases.
Darkside55 said:
I bet Wolverine can go through a black hole. I'm telling you, lately Marvel's been writing him like he can do whatever he pleases.

Yeah, I remember in X-Men 3 Jean Grey was desintegrating everybody around her, but no Wolverine was like: I'M TEH REGENERATING. Seriously how exactly could you regenerate when you're being destroyed at an atomic level :|
...a cage? A cage, contain Wolverine?

Are you sure you know who Wolverine IS? As in, the X-Man Wolverine? Weapon X? The man with the indestructible (unless you destroy it at the molecular level) adamantium skeleton with claws that can cut through any surface on Earth? What can a cage do against Wolverine? :/

I bet Wolverine can go through a black hole. I'm telling you, lately Marvel's been writing him like he can do whatever he pleases.
Adamantium cage? D:
Who would you form an alliance with?

sigh ..you people have screwed up priorities

the only Alliance that matters ..the Angels


you people can kill yourselves in a bloody last ditch battle ..I'l die a nice death thank you very much

Darkside55: the answer is an adamantium cage ...duh
...a cage? A cage, contain Wolverine?

Are you sure you know who Wolverine IS? As in, the X-Man Wolverine? Weapon X? The man with the indestructible (unless you destroy it at the molecular level) adamantium skeleton with claws that can cut through any surface on Earth? What can a cage do against Wolverine? :/

Yes a cage! But not some ordinary cage, I'd use some clever Adama trick to get him trapped on some moon somewhere. I dont remember seeing anywhere that Wolverine can fly! Set, Game, Match Mr Wolfman
Stern, that woman at the far right in your picture...her smile frightens me. I am literally terrified. I don't know whether it's the teeth or the cheekbones or the whole thing combined, but jesus. I think your alliance would keep the intergalactic war away; all she has to do is smile at people.

Also, against an adamantium cage...Wolverine snaps his own arms at the shoulders and slides out between the bars.

Trapped on a moon...Wolverine finds some way to get into space, and he freezes in the cold and "dies" without oxygen...until he lands near oxygen at which point his lungs regenerate and kick back in. How he'd actually get into space, I do not know. See, if it was Batman...

that's another thing, people! Stop allying yourselves with people that aren't on the list.
Stern, that woman at the far right in your picture...her smile frightens me. I am literally terrified. I don't know whether it's the teeth or the cheekbones or the whole thing combined, but jesus. I think your alliance would keep the intergalactic war away; all she has to do is smile at people.

you are gay

Also, against an adamantium cage...Wolverine snaps his own arms at the shoulders and slides out between the bars.

and how would he snap his bones? you mean he disloacates his shoulders ..ok what about his head?

Trapped on a moon...Wolverine finds some way to get into space, and he freezes in the cold and "dies" without oxygen...until he lands near oxygen at which point his lungs regenerate and kick back in. How he'd actually get into space, I do not know. See, if it was Batman...

he'd be even more dead: tights and cape wont protect you from a temperature of 2.7281 Kelvin.

that's another thing, people! Stop allying yourselves with people that aren't on the list.

but they're so not Angels, why would I ally myself without people that are surely to get themselves killed when I could ally myself with teh sexehs?
you are gay
Even if it were true, TERRIFYING

and how would he snap his bones? you mean he disloacates his shoulders ..ok what about his head?
I think he just pushes his head through and hopes for the best.

he'd be even more dead: tights and cape wont protect you from a temperature of 2.7281 Kelvin.
Temperature can't stop Wolverine. They recently through him into a volcano and he came out OK. I'm sure they can freeze him in the depths of space and he'll be just peachy.

And Wolverine doesn't wear a cape.

but they're so not Angels, why would I ally myself without people that are surely to get themselves killed when I could ally myself with teh sexehs?
Because follow the rules? Eh, I dunno. Fine then if everyone else can do it, I would heretofore like to change my submission to Batman.

Adamantium cages cannot stop Batman because he has vibranium which breaks down all metals at a subatomic level.

Trapping Batman on a moon does not work because Batman has a spaceflight suit that can literally propel him out of the atmosphere, from ground level, into space. Also, the helmet on his spaceflight suit is open because BATMAN CAN BREATHE IN SPACE. (Yes, this is based off an actual toy.)

Now, considering this is an intergalactic war, Batman can solve this two ways: everyone either stops and plays nice with each other, or Batman can systematically take apart everyone in the battle weakness by weakness.

Because he's the goddamned Batman.
Even if it were true, TERRIFYING


I think he just pushes his head through and hopes for the best.

if he can get his head through, he can get his shoulders through

Temperature can't stop Wolverine. They recently through him into a volcano and he came out OK. I'm sure they can freeze him in the depths of space and he'll be just peachy

revisionist crap: wolverine is incinerated by a sentinals beam, he wouldnt survive a plunge into a volcano .

And Wolverine doesn't wear a cape.

I meant batman

Because follow the rules? Eh, I dunno. Fine then if everyone else can do it, I would heretofore like to change my submission to Batman.

batman is a loner, with the number of dead robins you'd think he would be the last person someone would want to ally themselves with ...like the guys in the red shirts on the original star trek

Adamantium cages cannot stop Batman because he has vibranium which breaks down all metals at a subatomic level.

batman is gay, he's got everything in that stupid belt ...subatomic whatchamacallits, candle lit dinner for two including frois de gras and a bottle of 78 rothschild, shark repellent etc

Trapping Batman on a moon does not work because Batman has a spaceflight suit that can literally propel him out of the atmosphere, from ground level, into space. Also, the helmet on his spaceflight suit is open because BATMAN CAN BREATHE IN SPACE. (Yes, this is based off an actual toy.)

Joker: HAHAhAhAHhahaAHAH, I've just released you into space batman, what are you gonna do now

Batman: <deploys secret compartment that releases inflatable space suit>

Joker: doh, forgot that stupid utility belt yet again ..I really suck at this villany thing

Now, considering this is an intergalactic war, Batman can solve this two ways: everyone either stops and plays nice with each other, or Batman can systematically take apart everyone in the battle weakness by weakness.

Because he's the goddamned Batman.

bah just flash a photo of his mom and he'll fall apart into a hysterical sobbing mass whimpering "mommy" ..that's when you take a brick to his head, step on his neck and finish the job
revisionist crap: wolverine is incinerated by a sentinals beam, he wouldnt survive a plunge into a volcano.
As it should be. But no, I don't have a picture of it handy, but recently they literally threw him into a volcano and he came out of it. He was even growling and yelling and shit. FFS, it was just a metal skeleton. Growling and yelling. Coming out of a volcano. That's the NEW Wolverine.

bah just flash a photo of his mom and he'll fall apart into a hysterical sobbing mass whimpering "mommy" ..that's when you take a brick to his head, step on his neck and finish the job
Batman has had prep-time coming to terms with his parents death by staring at a photo of them for no less than three years, four months, twenty-five days, and sixteen hours. Without sleep. He is now completely unaffected.

(Actually, in a comic Ra's Al Ghul actually gave him some kinda weird potion that made him visit the spirits of his dead parents [read: wtf] and they totally disapproved of him. But then he was like, "Well f*ck you then, I love you but I'm the goddamned Batman. Tough shit.")
Seriously, Batman could take everyone on. And if he teamed up with King Triton, wow. Don't get on their bad side...
As it should be. But no, I don't have a picture of it handy, but recently they literally threw him into a volcano and he came out of it. He was even growling and yelling and shit. FFS, it was just a metal skeleton. Growling and yelling. Coming out of a volcano. That's the NEW Wolverine.

Batman has had prep-time coming to terms with his parents death by staring at a photo of them for no less than three years, four months, twenty-five days, and sixteen hours. Without sleep. He is now completely unaffected.

(Actually, in a comic Ra's Al Ghul actually gave him some kinda weird potion that made him visit the spirits of his dead parents [read: wtf] and they totally disapproved of him. But then he was like, "Well f*ck you then, I love you but I'm the goddamned Batman. Tough shit.")

meh I'll take my chances with a brick to his head ..works every time
there's no "anti-step on the neck" spray ..oh and batman is too much of a wuss to have invented an "anti-curb stomp/teeth breaker" spray
batman is too much of a wuss
Wh...what? Batman? Wuss? Same sentence?

I cannot understand this. We must be thinking of someone different when we're talking about Batman. This is a misunderstanding of Three's Company proportions.
nope ...wuss ..fruity cape, fruity villians (penguin? the riddler?) fruity pedo relationship with underage partner etc ..and he's not even banging Batgirl = ghey

if you look at the totality of Batman ..the entire history the overwhelming evidence is that batman is gay


queerer than a three dollar bill


where's your anti-gay spray now? ;)
Nein choices. The Thing from another world or the Lawnmower Man.

Batman played by Christian Bale is simply unbeatable. Same with Batman by Michael Keaton.

Unless, it was against Indiana Jones, but even then it would be a close match.

Or the Space Marine from DOOM, he a goody too.
As much as I like Battlestar Galactica and predator, the federation could take on all of these.
Why am I the only one to choose the Arachnophobia spiders? They were great.

King Triton is a close second. I love that bit where Ariel's all like 'but I want to have legs' and he's like '...IS TRITON GONNA HAVE TO CHOKE A BITCH?'
Him and the spiders would **** up any Batman/Kirk/Wolverine/Vader formation you care to mention.