Who would you love to form an alliance with?

Who would you form an alliance with?

  • Darth Vader

    Votes: 18 24.0%
  • Predator, from Predator

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • The Federation (Star Trek)

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Serenity and her crew (Led my Malcolm Reynolds)

    Votes: 11 14.7%
  • The spiders from Arachnophobia

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Wolverine

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Captain Kirk

    Votes: 3 4.0%
  • The Old Man Adama and his Battlestar Galactica

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • King Triton from the little mermaid

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters

I also vote Batman.

A couple of images though...



Damnit, I can't find the "I'm the God-damned Batman" one.
King Triton, cos that made me lol so very very hard.

but srsly...king leonidas.
Master Chief, because he can blow everything to shit hell.
I mean, Darth Vader has a bad temper. So I wouldn't want to go with him..
but he does kill things nicely.
Darth Vader would lift Wolverine in the air, twist him into a pretzel, and trap him in a box with zero space to move around... Without touching him!
The mariner from Waterworld. He doesn't have a name so Death can't find him.
Yes, but he touched him With the force.

...That sounded wrong.
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the U.S.S Enterprise.

Well, since that's not an option, Serenity.
My apologies, but to Wolverine fans:
Is he portrayed differently in the comics than in the movies? The little I knew of him from comics when I was a kid (admittedly wasn't much of a comic fan) I always thought he was a huge bad ass. But the movies, while he certainly had the temper and maybe heart, I didn't see much ass kicking on his part, except when he was fighting humans. Mutant to mutant though he kind of came off as a dumb ox.

Not making any judgments so don't start going crazy or anything, but this is just my impression of how the character was portrayed in the movies. Thanks.

I know it's a bit old, but I always liked this "fan made" short of Batman. Even with terrible odds the dude just pulls another blade and gets ready.

Empire ftmfw.

Hmm, only if holy terra + imperial guard/whatever from Warhammar 40k was an option.
Serenity and crew. Doesn't matter who my enemy is, they can get out of any tight corner atleast partially intact. And if that fails they can talk to them using anachronisms for about half hour and bore them to death.
My apologies, but to Wolverine fans:
Is he portrayed differently in the comics than in the movies? The little I knew of him from comics when I was a kid (admittedly wasn't much of a comic fan) I always thought he was a huge bad ass. But the movies, while he certainly had the temper and maybe heart, I didn't see much ass kicking on his part, except when he was fighting humans. Mutant to mutant though he kind of came off as a dumb ox.
He does kick a lot more ass in the comics, even in the old days before he was his current crazy powerful self. The Wolverine in the movies...it's like a side of him. You never actually see him get down to his most feral. There are only two words you really need to know to understand Wolverine: berserker rage. He lacked that in the movies.

If you want to see the most accurate depiction of Wolverine, just watch the old cartoon from the 90's, the one modeled after Jim Lee's run on the X-Men comic. That's THE Wolverine, in all his ass-kickery. Also the voice many people would associate with Wolverine, to this day.

Oh and to people who picked Darth Vader: Batman has an anti-midichlorian spray. Adam West Batman is seriously god-tier because he's so ludicrous. Not only does he have any kind of exploit for any kind of weakness you might have, but on top of that, he is always carrying it around with him for the situation. Comic fans joke about Batman's "prep-time," that if Batman has ample time to prepare, he can solve any problem. Adam West Batman is almost precogniscent of what he needs...in effect, HE IS ALWAYS PREPARED.
If you want to see the most accurate depiction of Wolverine, just watch the old cartoon from the 90's, the one modeled after Jim Lee's run on the X-Men comic. That's THE Wolverine, in all his ass-kickery. Also the voice many people would associate with Wolverine, to this day.

not even close, wolverine was created by dave cockrum and chris clairmont ..the definative Wolverine is from the clairmont/cockrum/john byrne years ..all else is revionist pap ..anyways wolverine is supposed to be in his 50's and no taller than 5 foot 2 ..the only other depiction of Wolverine that I think is accurate is Frank Miller's from this series

btw wolverine was originally part of this team ..however without Puck and Marrina
No, Wolverine was CREATED by Len Wein, Herb Trimpe, and John Romita. FYI, Cockrum didn't give a SHIT about Wolverine back when he was doing X-Men. They put him in the background for most of the stories.

If you really want to credit anyone, credit John Byrne, who put him in Alpha Flight in the first place after X-Men.

And Jim Lee's X-Men was the BEST X-Men. Call it revisionist all you want, X-Men #1 by Jim Lee is THE BEST SELLING COMIC BOOK OF ALL TIME. Of ALL time. Jim Lee's X-Men is the definitive X-Men.

And Wolverine's like, 100 or so.
I know it's as old as Jesus' beard, but this thread seems like a good place for the ole Ultimate Showdown flash, for those Luddites that haven't ever seen it. Sadly missing King Triton.
King Triton's a puss, btw. I watched an episode of the Little Mermaid cartoon this morning and he was afraid of a shoe because he thought it had magical powers that rivaled his trident. Throw any kind of human instrument at him and he'll freak out.
No, Wolverine was CREATED by Len Wein, Herb Trimpe, and John Romita. FYI,

I'm aware he first debuted in the Hulk but that was just a 2 issues where they made him an evolutionary descendant of wolverines ..the animal ffs, he wasnt even human.. whereas Clairmont and cockburn fleshed out his character and yes he didnt come into the forefront till the byrne years but cockrum didnt stick around long enough anyways

If you really want to credit anyone, credit John Byrne, who put him in Alpha Flight in the first place after X-Men.

no, he was weapon x, the first alpha flight long before he was an x-man ..in fact Charles recruited him while he was still a member

And Jim Lee's X-Men was the BEST X-Men. Call it revisionist all you want, X-Men #1 by Jim Lee is THE BEST SELLING COMIC BOOK OF ALL TIME. Of ALL time. Jim Lee's X-Men is the definitive X-Men.

:upstare: Michael jackson's thriller is the best selling album of all time therefore according to your logic it is also the best album of al time ...you're a loon ..anyways while Lee was a talented artist he was a crap writer ..his image comics were laughable at best and his x-men stuff was just passable mostly because he had a good editor ..Lee is not a writer, and he should have kept it that way

And Wolverine's like, 100 or so.

no he was in his 50's when he first joined the x-men, he supposedly served in ww2
King Triton's a puss, btw. I watched an episode of the Little Mermaid cartoon this morning and he was afraid of a shoe because he thought it had magical powers that rivaled his trident. Throw any kind of human instrument at him and he'll freak out.
REVISIONIST TRIPE!! Everything from Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea onward has been untrue to the character, apart from the occasional moment of asskickery in games.
pre- horus heresy imperium.

20 legions of the emperors finest marines, horus e.c.t
I'm aware he first debuted in the Hulk but that was just a 2 issues where they made him an evolutionary descendant of wolverines ..the animal ffs, he wasnt even human.. whereas Clairmont and cockburn fleshed out his character and yes he didnt come into the forefront till the byrne years but cockrum didnt stick around long enough anyways
I think they've started going back to that retard explanation. I don't read X-Men, believe it or not...I just try to keep up on what's happening. So I don't know the whole story, but they've given Wolverine some kinda mystical "clan of the something-or-other" BS. Clan of the wolf I think? Or...the bear? No I think the bear was Sabertooth. Anyway, it's the same with Spider-Man and his powers connecting him to a mystic "Totem Spider." It's dumb.

Anyway yeah, Cockrum really wasn't around for long. You know who replaced him? Jim Lee. ;)

no, he was weapon x, the first alpha flight long before he was an x-man ..in fact Charles recruited him while he was still a member
That was revisionist too though, if you think about it. It's kind of a retcon. When he appeared in Hulk it was just "the Canadian government," then he went to the X-Men. But when Alpha Flight was formed, they went after him to get him to "rejoin" the team.

And the weapons weren't the Alpha Flight guys. The Weapons were made by the Canadian government, but they weren't Alpha Flight. They were guys like Wolverine, Sabertooth, Maverick...Deadpool. :D

But we're getting past the point. The point is, ALPHA FLIGHT SUCKS. Seriously, who wants to be on a team with losers like Sasquatch and Puck? Nobody, that's who.

:upstare: Michael jackson's thriller is the best selling album of all time therefore according to your logic it is also the best album of all time ...you're a loon ..anyways while Lee was a talented artist he was a crap writer ..his image comics were laughable at best and his x-men stuff was just passable mostly because he had a good editor ..Lee is not a writer, and he should have kept it that way
Things sell because they're good. If they were ass, they wouldn't sell. Best album of all time? No. GREAT album? Damn skippy. You know you can't say anything bad about Thriller, Stern. :p

Lee's stuff always just strikes me as who the X-Men are. The way their characters were written.

no he was in his 50's when he first joined the x-men, he supposedly served in ww2
And now, WW1 as well. He was born in late 18th century, early 19th century. Logan's not even his real name, his name's James Howlett. He's old.

Also, by stroke of sheer luck, someone on an imageboard I frequent (read: live on) posted this:


Yes, that's Wolverine. Coming out of a molten foundry. Once again, just like with the volcano, surviving boiling hot temperatures. Yes, he is JUST a skeleton. An ambulatory skeleton. Remember what you said earlier about good editors? I don't even think Marvel HAS editors any more.

Upon viewing this image, I decided I'm going to coin a new phrase in my daily life:

"Can't be stopped, bitch, WOLVERINE!"

And yes, there are many many opportunities for me to say that in the course of daily life.

Ninja edit: Wolverine broke forum's frames. Can't be stopped, bitch.

Also, Little Mermaid cartoon came before Little Mermaid 2, Laivasse.
Bet he wasn't scared of shoes in the early ep's... :hmph:
Even in the movie he's terrified of human things!

Ariel: "*Gasp* Daddy!"
Triton: "Ariel? What is all this? Have you been to the surface world?! Oh shit, FORKS!" D:

*blasts them with his trident*

Seriously, you could wave a sock at him and tell him it negates all his power and he'd believe it. King Triton doesn't know about socks.
I think they've started going back to that retard explanation. I don't read X-Men, believe it or not...I just try to keep up on what's happening. So I don't know the whole story, but they've given Wolverine some kinda mystical "clan of the something-or-other" BS. Clan of the wolf I think? Or...the bear? No I think the bear was Sabertooth. Anyway, it's the same with Spider-Man and his powers connecting him to a mystic "Totem Spider." It's dumb.

sabertooth is logan's father ..so they would be in the same clan, however that's completely stupid ..marvel sucks ass ..it's one of the reasons I stopped reading marvel comics in the late 80's ..they just steamrolled over continuity at every opportunity ..and I was a huge x-man fan, I still have from around issue 108 to 300 + sitting in mylar at my parents house

Anyway yeah, Cockrum really wasn't around for long. You know who replaced him? Jim Lee. ;)

umm no, there was 12 years between cokrum leaving and jim lee joining ..the best years are the Byrne, Clairmont, Terry Austin years ..death of phoenix, the botherhood of evil mutants, weapon x, Days of Future Past (best x-man comic ever written and winner of numerous prizes) ..in fact almost all the key points of the x-men originated during those years

That was revisionist too though, if you think about it. It's kind of a retcon. When he appeared in Hulk it was just "the Canadian government," then he went to the X-Men. But when Alpha Flight was formed, they went after him to get him to "rejoin" the team.

no, alpha flight, at least Vindicator was present when Wolverine jioned the x-men ..(in giant sized x-men 1)

And the weapons weren't the Alpha Flight guys. The Weapons were made by the Canadian government, but they weren't Alpha Flight. They were guys like Wolverine, Sabertooth, Maverick...Deadpool. :D

revisionist ..the first weapon x was wolverine, the second was Vindicator

But we're getting past the point. The point is, ALPHA FLIGHT SUCKS. Seriously, who wants to be on a team with losers like Sasquatch and Puck? Nobody, that's who.


Things sell because they're good. If they were ass, they wouldn't sell. Best album of all time? No. GREAT album? Damn skippy. You know you can't say anything bad about Thriller, Stern. :p

still it's not the best album of all time as you would have us believe

Lee's stuff always just strikes me as who the X-Men are. The way their characters were written.

Lee doesnt write, he draws splash pages then fills up some of the empty spaces with dialogue ...jim lee only briefly wrote the x-men and it was poor at best

And now, WW1 as well. He was born in late 18th century, early 19th century. Logan's not even his real name, his name's James Howlett. He's old.

another revision written in 2001 ..idiotic if you ask me

Also, by stroke of sheer luck, someone on an imageboard I frequent (read: live on) posted this:


Yes, that's Wolverine. Coming out of a molten foundry. Once again, just like with the volcano, surviving boiling hot temperatures. Yes, he is JUST a skeleton. An ambulatory skeleton. Remember what you said earlier about good editors? I don't even think Marvel HAS editors any more.

that's just hopelessly idiotic ..again the main reason I stopped reading marvel back in the late 80's ..the writing just became worse and now that their fan base is a fraction of what it was a decade ago they're desperate and will do anything to attract new readers ..pathetic if you ask me
Even in the movie he's terrified of human things!

Ariel: "*Gasp* Daddy!"
Triton: "Ariel? What is all this? Have you been to the surface world?! Oh shit, FORKS!" D:

*blasts them with his trident*

Seriously, you could wave a sock at him and tell him it negates all his power and he'd believe it. King Triton doesn't know about socks.
That's what the alliance with the spiders from arachnophobia is for, geez. They're sock masters.
sabertooth is logan's father ..so they would be in the same clan, however that's completely stupid ..marvel sucks ass ..it's one of the reasons I stopped reading marvel comics in the late 80's ..they just steamrolled over continuity at every opportunity ..and I was a huge x-man fan, I still have from around issue 108 to 300 + sitting in mylar at my parents house
Sabertooth ain't his daddy anymore. When Marvel did "Origins," they 'revealed' his real father might be either John Howlett, or Thomas Logan. Some people think that Dog Logan might be Sabertooth, making him Wolverine's brother, but I don't think so.

So as of now the only child Sabertooth ever fathered was Graydon Creed.

umm no, there was 12 years between cokrum leaving and jim lee joining ..the best years are the Byrne, Clairmont, Terry Austin years ..death of phoenix, the botherhood of evil mutants, weapon x, Days of Future Past (best x-man comic ever written and winner of numerous prizes) ..in fact almost all the key points of the x-men originated during those years
Hunh, yeah, you're right. My bad on that one.

And Days of Future Past was pretty awesome.

no, alpha flight, at least Vindicator was present when Wolverine joined the x-men ..(in giant sized x-men 1)
Alpha Flight wasn't written until way later though. They just went back in X-Men and called it Alpha Flight.

I remember having the first Alpha Flight comic. I do not know what happened to it. I don't remember what happened to a lot of my old comics...probably in a landfill somewhere. :(
revisionist ..the first weapon x was wolverine, the second was Vindicator
Vindicator was never in the Weapon project...just Alpha Flight. Weapon X was originally Wolverine, Sabertooth, and Maverick.

still it's not the best album of all time as you would have us believe
When'd I say that?

Lee doesnt write, he draws splash pages then fills up some of the empty spaces with dialogue ...jim lee only briefly wrote the x-men and it was poor at best
More like iconic at best.

another revision written in 2001 ..idiotic if you ask me
They kept hinting that he was older than Xavier though, for a long time. At least since the early 90's. They just decided to go ahead and make him really old, because HEALING FACTOR. :rolleyes:

that's just hopelessly idiotic ..again the main reason I stopped reading marvel back in the late 80's ..the writing just became worse and now that their fan base is a fraction of what it was a decade ago they're desperate and will do anything to attract new readers ..pathetic if you ask me
Marvel AND DC lately. I think they're trying to out-stupid each other. The only thing I'm reading now is World War Hulk, which was pretty good...Planet Hulk, it's precursor, was really well-written. WWH started out pretty good but it's degenerating.

And I know Marvel's got their Thor vs. Iron Man thing coming up.

And DC said they're going to kill Bruce Wayne, but not before they go back and change every one of his villains' origins and personalities.

Man, I barely read anything now that's not one-shots or little serials. The stuff that's long-running is getting too in the crapper.
Sabertooth ain't his daddy anymore. When Marvel did "Origins," they 'revealed' his real father might be either John Howlett, or Thomas Logan. Some people think that Dog Logan might be Sabertooth, making him Wolverine's brother, but I don't think so.

So as of now the only child Sabertooth ever fathered was Graydon Creed.

sigh ..you'd think they'd at least try to wrangle in the various origins ..it's really become pathetic ...did peter parker still get bitten by a radioactive spider or was he visited by aliens from Xenu who gave him the spiderham suit?

Alpha Flight wasn't written until way later though. They just went back in X-Men and called it Alpha Flight.

no, alpha flight made it's first appearance in x-men 109


Vindicator was never in the Weapon project...just Alpha Flight. Weapon X was originally Wolverine, Sabertooth, and Maverick.

yes he was, he was Weapon Alpha before becoming Vindicator and later Guardian

When'd I say that?

you said J Lee was the best selling x-men artist ever therefore the best artist ever ..and I pointed out that MJ's thriller is th ebest selling album of all time and according to your logic that would also make him hte best performer of all time

More like iconic at best.

I dont agree ..I have the entire run of Jim lee on x-men ..as well as his image comics Wildcats, deathblow and others ..I dont remember a single story he wrote, yet can remember details of most of the clairmont/byrne/Austin run ..he's just not a talented writer but who cares, his pencils were good (liked it better when he was inked by others) ..but the majority of fans agree with me, clairmont/byrne/austin were the definative x-men years

They kept hinting that he was older than Xavier though, for a long time. At least since the early 90's. They just decided to go ahead and make him really old, because HEALING FACTOR. :rolleyes:

ya they gave all kinds of hints ...but chris clairmont debveloped the canon behind the x-men so I tend to listen to what he says before anyone else ..and they originally had him at around 50 or 60

Marvel AND DC lately. I think they're trying to out-stupid each other. The only thing I'm reading now is World War Hulk, which was pretty good...Planet Hulk, it's precursor, was really well-written. WWH started out pretty good but it's degenerating.

And I know Marvel's got their Thor vs. Iron Man thing coming up.

And DC said they're going to kill Bruce Wayne, but not before they go back and change every one of his villains' origins and personalities.

Man, I barely read anything now that's not one-shots or little serials. The stuff that's long-running is getting too in the crapper.

it's the men in tights crap ..at the time I moved away from marvel I kept reading comics but all independent stuff ..everytthing from Stray Bullets, to Love and Rockets to Grendel to Sin City to anything by Moebius, Mignola, Bagge, eisner etc etc etc ..the superhereo genre is mostly one dimensional with only rare exceptions from people like Miller or Moore or Innis ..the majority isnt worth the paper they're printed on ..at least story wise
Arguing about comic books with a man too old to post his picture = loliness