Who would you love to form an alliance with?

Who would you form an alliance with?

  • Darth Vader

    Votes: 18 24.0%
  • Predator, from Predator

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • The Federation (Star Trek)

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Serenity and her crew (Led my Malcolm Reynolds)

    Votes: 11 14.7%
  • The spiders from Arachnophobia

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Wolverine

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Captain Kirk

    Votes: 3 4.0%
  • The Old Man Adama and his Battlestar Galactica

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • King Triton from the little mermaid

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
I'm not too old to post a pic, I'm just too smart not to post one

and I wouldnt be so quick to judge urinal, nothing ages a man like children does
Oh no you didn't just call him urinal...raffle :laugh:
did peter parker still get bitten by a radioactive spider or was he visited by aliens from Xenu who gave him the spiderham suit?
It's both now. I shit you not, there's a galactic Spider-Man Corps. or something. Like the Green Lanterns, just with alien Spider-Men. On top of that they all have a connection to a mystical spider diety, and I think in one comic Peter Parker was visited by God. Like, actual God. I don't know, really, I don't even want to know. I heard they might kill Peter Parker anyway, or that he might be a skrull, or god forbid another clone.

I really think it's past point of Marvel caring. They just don't anymore. Or they have a bunch of people who grew up on the "What If..." books and decided, "Hey, those are good ideas to take literally and bring into canon!"

no, alpha flight made it's first appearance in x-men 109
Still, that was written after Wolverine's introduction in Hulk, so there wasn't an Alpha Flight at the time. Chronologically. They came back and called it Alpha Flight. It was originally just called Department H, wasn't it?

yes he was, he was Weapon Alpha before becoming Vindicator and later Guardian
Oh, THAT Vindicator. Guardian. Yeah I was thinking of the female Vindicator from Alpha Flight, Guardian's wife. I'm totally going to be honest with you, I didn't know he went by Vindicator before. I was thinking when I was reading your posts, "The only female member in Weapon X was Silver Fox."

And still, I'm sure he was never on the Weapon X team. I guess they called him a Weapon, but Team X were Wolvie, Sabertooth, Maverick, Silverfox, Mastodon, Deadpool...there were some others in there, I know the Weapon X program ended up churning out some more people, but those were the main people.

you said J Lee was the best selling x-men artist ever therefore the best artist ever ..and I pointed out that MJ's thriller is th ebest selling album of all time and according to your logic that would also make him hte best performer of all time
No, I said his X-Men was the best selling comic ever, and the best run of X-Men. Not best artist. Yes, I was saying that it sold the best because I think it's the best run on X-Men, but that can't be liberally applied to everything. I do not think Michael Jackson is THE best performer of all time.

That being said, he is the king of pop. Which I guess makes him the best pop performer of all time. I can't think of anyone better or more influential on the genre than he was. Too bad about the Peter Pan complex and all the pederasty.

I dont agree ..I have the entire run of Jim lee on x-men ..as well as his image comics Wildcats, deathblow and others ..I dont remember a single story he wrote, yet can remember details of most of the clairmont/byrne/Austin run ..he's just not a talented writer but who cares, his pencils were good (liked it better when he was inked by others) ..but the majority of fans agree with me, clairmont/byrne/austin were the definative x-men years
Ah man, you just made me remember Wild Cats. I bet my collection of those is sitting with that Alpha Flight #1 in the same dump, along with some New Avengers and old Spawns.

ya they gave all kinds of hints ...but chris clairmont developed the canon behind the x-men so I tend to listen to what he says before anyone else ..and they originally had him at around 50 or 60
Nobody cares about canon anymore. :(

it's the men in tights crap ..at the time I moved away from marvel I kept reading comics but all independent stuff ..everytthing from Stray Bullets, to Love and Rockets to Grendel to Sin City to anything by Moebius, Mignola, Bagge, eisner etc etc etc ..the superhereo genre is mostly one dimensional with only rare exceptions from people like Miller or Moore or Innis ..the majority isnt worth the paper they're printed on ..at least story wise
Trouble is that unless you are a big name like the ones you listed, the independent stuff gets the shaft on the rack. Only time I find out about independent stuff, or the foreign stuff is on that comics board I mentioned. I never actually glimpse these things at the comic stores because they're oversaturated with the mainstream stuff and all their spinoffs. Independent stuff's always pushed off into a little section at the back.
I'm glad I've never seen it. I can't picture you as anyone but the guy in your avatar.
It's both now. I shit you not, there's a galactic Spider-Man Corps. or something. Like the Green Lanterns, just with alien Spider-Men. On top of that they all have a connection to a mystical spider diety, and I think in one comic Peter Parker was visited by God. Like, actual God. I don't know, really, I don't even want to know. I heard they might kill Peter Parker anyway, or that he might be a skrull, or god forbid another clone.

so a comic that was made famous because it took real world situations and put them into superhero settings is stripped of what made it popular in the first place ..at this point it's just the name ..they could put anyone in that suit ..at least for the short term

I really think it's past point of Marvel caring. They just don't anymore. Or they have a bunch of people who grew up on the "What If..." books and decided, "Hey, those are good ideas to take literally and bring into canon!"

I loved the what if books ..but they sound tame in comparison

Still, that was written after Wolverine's introduction in Hulk, so there wasn't an Alpha Flight at the time. Chronologically. They came back and called it Alpha Flight. It was originally just called Department H, wasn't it?

well he's specifically called weapon alpha in the first appearance ..but by x-men 109 thers's the introduction of alpha flight ..which really if you look at the dates there's less than a year between them ..but then again John Byrne is canadian ..he certainly played some role in developing dept H, wolverine and alpha flight (which is why he retained creative rights)

Oh, THAT Vindicator. Guardian. Yeah I was thinking of the female Vindicator from Alpha Flight, Guardian's wife.

ya I think the name vindicator was more the suit than anything else ..she took over while guardian was either missing or dead for awhile, my memory fails me

I'm totally going to be honest with you, I didn't know he went by Vindicator before. I was thinking when I was reading your posts, "The only female member in Weapon X was Silver Fox."

And still, I'm sure he was never on the Weapon X team. I guess they called him a Weapon, but Team X were Wolvie, Sabertooth, Maverick, Silverfox, Mastodon, Deadpool...there were some others in there, I know the Weapon X program ended up churning out some more people, but those were the main people.

what? there was a weapon x team? weapon x is wolverine

No, I said his X-Men was the best selling comic ever, and the best run of X-Men. Not best artist. Yes, I was saying that it sold the best because I think it's the best run on X-Men, but that can't be liberally applied to everything. I do not think Michael Jackson is THE best performer of all time.

nah, beatles

Ah man, you just made me remember Wild Cats. I bet my collection of those is sitting with that Alpha Flight #1 in the same dump, along with some New Avengers and old Spawns.

ya well I found my copy of Wildcats #1 ..it was sitting on the floor with it's cover ripped off after my neice found it at my parents house...apparently she's been going through all my comics ..some are easily 30 years old

Nobody cares about canon anymore. :(


Trouble is that unless you are a big name like the ones you listed, the independent stuff gets the shaft on the rack. Only time I find out about independent stuff, or the foreign stuff is on that comics board I mentioned. I never actually glimpse these things at the comic stores because they're oversaturated with the mainstream stuff and all their spinoffs. Independent stuff's always pushed off into a little section at the back.

well you have to go to good comic ook stores ....the one I used to frequent had a very large independent section ..I usually skipped right over the marvel/dc stuff with a few exceptions ..you only get a very small picture of what comics are capable as an art form with superhero comics ..they're almost non existant in the rest of the world (besides american reprints)

I'm glad I've never seen it. I can't picture you as anyone but the guy in your avatar.

it's Stern you're talking about ..I wouldnt just post any old photo ..it's relevent to my personality at hl2.net
what? there was a weapon x team? weapon x is wolverine
Yeah, the Weapon X team. Wolverine himself was Weapon X, but he was on a team with similarly-powered people. They were originally called Team X, but then it was just "Weapon X." A lot of them had healing factor.

well you have to go to good comic book stores ....the one I used to frequent had a very large independent section ..I usually skipped right over the marvel/dc stuff with a few exceptions ..you only get a very small picture of what comics are capable as an art form with superhero comics ..they're almost non existant in the rest of the world (besides american reprints)
My selection of comic book stores is rather limited out where I am, unfortunately.
Yeah, the Weapon X team. Wolverine himself was Weapon X, but he was on a team with similarly-powered people. They were originally called Team X, but then it was just "Weapon X." A lot of them had healing factor.

like the Superfriends only not so gay ..and with gnarly healing powers ......jesus and his merry band of apostolites?
Wait, they're trying to kill off Bruce Wayne?

I knew they screwed the pooch with Cassandra Cain but this is ridiculous!