who you think gman is



At the end of HL where Ninthlian talks to Freeman, one of his lines is " You are a man....he is not man" :eek:
Maybe he is referring to the G-Man and saying he is not a human. Cause the fact he also says "You are the last one" so he must mean that he will defeat him and meet The Gman.
I dunno thats just my option :stare:
I think he's either Gabe Newell, The Government Man, an alien, Gordon from the Future, or any number of the other theories that have already been thoroughly discussed.
I think that the G-Man is an alien (taking human form) who works for an intergalactic "government" that is fighting against the Combine. Remember, we still don't know who the G-Man's "employers" are.
I have aboustley no idea, and dont generally want to speculate about it because i dont believe there is enough evidence to come to any half decent theory/conclusion.
I think the g-man is a magical pixy fairie who follows Gordon around with magical dust that gives him 200 HEV Suit Power...
I think the Gman is a fictional character in a video game... :(
Sid Burn said:
Hmm... I think he is an all powerful alien.

Just because he can stop time doesn't mean he's all powerful .
i think the gman is a generic mysterious character that was added into half life 1 just to make it more mysterious, i dont think valve ever planned on making a sequel, until half life did so well in sales that it would be economically feasible.
Just because he can stop time doesn't mean he's all powerful .

Theres no evidence to him stopping time. it was most likley the singularity collapse, that slows down tiem for those near it.
G-man may be human but is being at least controled by aliens
The G-man is Johnathan Johanson, former redneck-turned mysterious man who can teleport and stuff.

I was told this by gabe newell.
There is a big difference between “very powerful” and “all powerful.” Anything that is all powerful (omnipotent) is God with a capital G, because by definition only one being can be all powerful. Otherwise you would get into asking meaningless questions like “what happens when 2 all powerful beings compete?” If there were 2 of them then neither one would be all powerful. I don’t buy that G-Man is God however, so I assume that he is very powerful. Not Omnipotent. Although he does appear act omniscient and omnipresent, but we don’t know if that is only in relation to Gordon or if that applies to other characters.
Samon said:
Theres no evidence to him stopping time. it was most likley the singularity collapse, that slows down tiem for those near it.

Except for the fact that he can appear out of thin air, walk around, and talk freely. . . all the while Alyx and the explosion are frozen, and you and he are not.
If G-man could control time he wouldn't need to recrute a rouge physisist
if g-man is all powerful then why does he need other to do the dirty work. Maybe he just lazy
The gman is gonna be the bad guy in the end, of that i'm sure.

"The borderworld - Xen - is under *our* control for the time being, thanks to you"

You're freeing planets from one evil bunch of aliens, and handing them to another one. HE'S USING YOU!!!!
well, he's using you to free worlds... and gain alliance to other alien species to bring the combines down. I dont think it's bad. :rolleyes:
sfc_hoot said:
I think that the G-Man is an alien (taking human form) who works for an intergalactic "government" that is fighting against the Combine. Remember, we still don't know who the G-Man's "employers" are.
Hmmmm, I think your on to somthing....
Danimal said:
I think the Gman is a fictional character in a video game... :(
TST_Devgru Seal said:
I think the g-man is a magical pixy fairie who follows Gordon around with magical dust that gives him 200 HEV Suit Power...
While there is inconclusive evidence indicating who the G-Man is, I think it is possible that the G-Man is, indeed, Gordon Freeman. Think about it, G-Man never seems to be able to interact with the environment, only with Freeman himself. Also, when time stops at the end of the game, only G-Man and Freeman can still move and speak.

I think it's entirely possible that after all of his adventures, Freeman teleports into the future and acquires the technology to transport himself back into the past to interact with himself.

G-Man even looks a little like Freeman, only about 55 years old, instead of 30 (or however old GF is). We never heard Gordon's voice (or even see his face) during the game, so who knows?
Hes Garland Manstrufle of germany, he was bored one day and desided to hack the half life 1 engine, he was successful and changed the game throwing in his created character meant to represent himself which ultimatley had no importance to the story and further confused gamers playing half life1. His character was so largely liked that valve desided to throw him in the next incarnation of half life and sell merchendise based on the G-man. Garland Manstufle recieved no recognition for his creation of the G-man, he bacame incredibly mad and vowed to get back at valve for not giving him money ..or a hat. So half-life2 was announced Garland desided to hack that and change the new plot into showing the real creator behind the G-man and to reveal that Gordon Freeman was really luke Skywalker. he then made the mistake of releasing the engine on Napster, which soon led to his demise via rocket launcher from valve
Wraith said:
i think the gman is a generic mysterious character that was added into half life 1 just to make it more mysterious, i dont think valve ever planned on making a sequel, until half life did so well in sales that it would be economically feasible.

This was bascially stated in "Raising the Bar", but the real question is: did the writer have any idea who the gman was during the development of HL2?. And also, I remember reading somewhere that gman's blood changed from yellow (in HL1) to red in HL2. So, I think there is some inconsistencies, which kinda sucks because half the fun of playing the game was analyizing all the little details, especially in the first. Oh well, time will tell...
the G-Man have 3498 exactly identical brothers. They are all insane.
They all have a wide selection of knives in their suitcases.
twad said:
the G-Man have 3498 exactly identical brothers. They are all insane.
They all have a wide selection of knives in their suitcases.
lol... :LOL:
Oh, it's so nice to see the g-man being stabbed by a strider. Anyone tried it?

Btw, who is Ninthlian? or do you mean Nhilanth? and when does he say that?

Personally, I think the G-man is a human employed by increadible-tech race, whether they are humans or not. And I don't think that time slowed down. I think that it was just a flash of what Gordan has seen last. You know the g-man. that's what he did in the end of HL1. He kept creating illusionary images of what Gordan did.

I don't think that the g-man is evil. Just a bit crazy, maybe.
G-man is the final boss of HL3, when Gordon rebels to him!!!! :sniper: .
hes an alein thats in control of everything and is testing how well gordon can survive
G-man's people and the Combine are two rivaling interdemensial races who use very different tactics.
I think G-man's race took control of the World's governments while the Combine went for a more direct route, i.e. asimilation.
I believe that Valve most likely don't know how this character is going to pan out even now. The story of the G-Man is something that's obviously going to be very important for HL3. I reckon it's still wide open to interpretation by Valve. They going to enjoy keeping us guessing ;)
A big MORON who goes everywhere Gordon goes , never explain anything in his speech ...... This guy is ****.
g-man is actually all in Gordon's head. Only Gordon can see him, and he appears & dissappears at times of major stress. Sort of like the Max, except Gordon doesn't think he turns into a bunny rabbit..Atleast I hope he doesn't :). G-man is Gordon's subconcious trying to deal with the current situation....

not really, but hey, why not.... :frog: