Who's for some over-analysis, then? Coastline vid...

Sep 27, 2003
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Okay... I'm not sure anyone's noticed this... not even too sure it's worth starting a thread about... buuuut...

Play the coastline vid. When Gordon drives up the ramp, watch very carefully around the upper-left-hand corner of the screen, and you'll see what looks like some sort of missile trail or contrail, produced by a moving object... what could it be?

Also, has anyone else noticed that the HUD in the Coastline vid seems to be entirely missing?
I think that they took out the hud so that people would focus on the graphics. They did the same thing on the docks video.

As for the missile, I'll have to go watch the vid again.
The docks vid is the video that shows the graphics in hl2 best.
Nextime you look at the docks take a close look at the water and hear the sounds, i almost peed in my pants when i saw that vid.
Yeah, that water is sweet. Makes me feel sorry for all those people with no pixel shaders... ;(
Mechagodzilla said:
I think that they took out the hud so that people would focus on the graphics. They did the same thing on the docks video.

As for the missile, I'll have to go watch the vid again.

The HUD is most likely gone because Gordon's not in the HEV suit at the time. No suit = no HUD I imagine just like in HL1. But as for why, ya you might be right about wanting to focus more on the graphics.
Yeah, there is something that looks like a missile or a fighter. Or maybe it's another alien gunship which has been hit and now it's coming down.
Erm... actually, I think we can see that he's in the HEV suit, via his hands when holding any weapon except the crowbar. They're wearing the HEV gloves.
I saw it too! But, the funny thing is, it fades in, looks exactly like an RPG or missile (big one) then fades out of existence again. That fading shit is weird.
I think you're misjudging the distance of that smoke. It's perhaps a small puff of smoke from a ricochet on the buggy's frame but its out of place. Watching that vid again has raised a few questions tho.

I've heard people say that the combine ship isn't firing bullets but some plasma bolts or something. I dunno what its firing, but a thing of its size could easily be firing some huge-ass shells so it could be bullets.

Plus, anyone notice how the tail-rotor of the combine ship looks similar to the helicopter we've seen in the screenshot? Perhaps they're related vehicles in some way.
Nope, just watched it again, definitely not a ricochet
Well whatever it is shooting at you, it has enough force to move cars.
Going to love fight those, and those strider i gonna **** up with the manipulator.
Well I played it with the bink player in advanced options (various resolutions and pausing it at the right times). It definitely is not a ricochet of the buggy. It's way too high up in the sky for that.

Maybe it's some sort of warning flare/smoke signal that a combine gave, on the leftside of the ramp you see a crane in the distance, he could have sat there and saw the combine gunship attacking someone/something and decided to warn the others?

However the smoke trail seems to be going horizontally in the air instead of coming from the ground (it would go vertically obviously) so that blows my theory
Maybe the gunship fired it. Ignoring the fact that it never fires another one in the whole vid...
the coastline vid is by my fav, I only have 2 itches with it: I hate the sound of the gunship's bullets/lazers/plasma (w/e it is) and also when the buggy goes up the ramp, and kills the second combine, the buggy hits half and half of the shipping crate, sending the combine flying into the barrels, but the crate doesnt move :( I also LOVE the sound of the rocket launcher...
Six Three said:
the coastline vid is by my fav, I only have 2 itches with it: I hate the sound of the gunship's bullets/lazers/plasma (w/e it is) and also when the buggy goes up the ramp, and kills the second combine, the buggy hits half and half of the shipping crate, sending the combine flying into the barrels, but the crate doesnt move :( I also LOVE the sound of the rocket launcher...

You mean the large blue crate? Those things are pretty huge and heavy. I didn't expect it to move.
No I know what you mean. I noticed that - it really kinda make you stop being amazed and just go "oh...that again". The fact that it hit the container on its corner, surely if the buggy had enough momentum (which it appeared to have), the back would swing round and the front would pivot around the corner. Even if the front hit too much of the container to do that, the front would dip down and back end of the buggy bounce up and come back down quite hard. Instead it just...stops. Hmm.
I didn't expect it to move but it did shout out to me that the buddy's rear should of dwung around - it kinda ruined it for me then :|.

Oh and I saw the random smoke trail.....
still, the video was amazing. As far as I can tell the gauss on the buggy has 2 functions, one quick fire mode and a second, more-powerful charge-up mode (you can see it when it shoots at the gunship, the barrel spins arround and "charges" imo)
So... I wasn't just hallucinating then?

Anyone care to check the newer 1024x768 Coastline vid?
Brian Damage said:
Anyone care to check the newer 1024x768 Coastline vid?

The Bink video ?

I have it and that's the one I used to check, but it's not even near 1024x768.
You mean this little thing?

That's odd. I never noticed it without the high resolution version.
I want HL2.
That's the bunny. Every time I watch the vid, it just jumps out at me. I seems such an insignificant little thing, but I'd just love to know what it is...
its a cruise missile fired from the resistance...
its a resistance missile fired from a cruise...

Actually, it could be the smoke trail from an OICW grenade. They gave off smoke in that one video.
an OICW grenade moving that high and fast?
Sorry to divert the thread, but I'd never seen the "Northern Petrol" writing before Moto-X's screenshot - I'd been wondering what the NP logo was for - I googled Northern Petrol and it turns out it's a real company, but the only result seems to be a stock rating.
Anyone think this detail has any significance?
I emailed Gabe Newell about the smoke trail but he didn't answer. Should I email one of the other developers? Which one?

p.s. Games like HL2 are getting so realistic now that in movies and pictures there are UFO sightings! :eek: haha
Perhaps it is the fabled easter egg?
Or the majestic and rare flying headcrab?
An easter egg actually has substance, it's not just a wisp of smoke.

It really looks like something teleporting, because it fades so unusually.
Im just wondering whats inside that building where you can see the open door. Its on that screenshot.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Im just wondering whats inside that building where you can see the open door. Its on that screenshot.

Hehe I was wondering that too! :)
Makes you wonder what the mission structure of HL2 is, is going into all open buildings just bonus or required?

Don't know for the smoke trail though, could be a rocket from the gunship, that's the most likely I think. We know the chopper has rockets.
You know what it looks like to me? A vehicle bullet impact from BF Vietnam. I don't think it's anything more than a slightly glitchy impact graphic from the buggy...