Who's going to be the next nazi germany

Sulkdodds said:
Well, we'll see won't we? Personally I don't have that kind of faith in humans of any nationality. Personally, I think using 'good natured human beings' to describe a large amount of people is an oxymoron. But then that's just me. Britain is fast becoming pretty bad as well. D:

Just my opinion... I think the likelyhood of the US being the nazi germany like aggressor, is about as likely as Switzerland launching nuclear weapons on all the countries of the world.
China is the country most likely to have it happen. However it probably couldn't occur for decades yet if it was to happen at all.

It is in my opinion the only country right now capable of being powerful enough and having an opinion of itself that would be akin to Nazi Germans. It is rising from a state of weakness to regain a lot of it's lost power, it has a long proud history, it is already a dictatorship, national pride is amazingly high. The only thing missing yet is an idea that that China is superior to all other nations and that China should spread it's rule to create a superior humanity.

The US might be the most powerful right now and it may have one of the worst governments at the moment but it is very far from ever being the next Nazi Germany, racism has been dropping for decades, national pride has been dropping even, American economic power has been dropping, R&D, and even the desire to further humanity has dropped significantly. To have a Nazi Germany you need a country on the rise.
Us in Canada will pick up our hockey sticks and lacross balls and take over mexico!! Then will invade south america! We won't invade the US..it's already screwed up as it is. :p J/k!!! IT'S A JOKE PEOPLE!! LOLOLOL!!

Ok...ya China or North Korea will start something..maybe both.
In this world gone mad, canada is the agressor!
Ennui said:
In this world gone mad, canada is the agressor!

Just don't mess with our politics or will set of a Nuke!! Right now its war in Canada with the Election going on. I think it's the most aggressive of the G8 countries when it comes to politics.
Wow, Stern, that was an excellent video. But yeah, I'd say US, China, or North Korea.
Canada should invade the US. Really. I mean, who the hell would see it coming. Even if somone knew the attack was coming, no one would believe them. We could be in Washington by nightfall.
these are dangerous times, it'd probably be wise to start building some lead lined bunkers if you have any intention on surviving long enough to drive around dune buggies armed with spear guns across deserted stretches of highways looking for gas
Flyingdebris said:
these are dangerous times, it'd probably be wise to start building some lead lined bunkers if you have any intention on surviving long enough to drive around dune buggies armed with spear guns across deserted stretches of highways looking for gas

Meh, bunkers don't protect you against underground driller-killers.
Llama said:
America will most probably start the next world war X_X

America has always started wars in the latter half of the 20th century, directly (i.e. Bush) or indirectly (i.e. Cheney)
Flyingdebris said:
these are dangerous times, it'd probably be wise to start building some lead lined bunkers if you have any intention on surviving long enough to drive around dune buggies armed with spear guns across deserted stretches of highways looking for gas
Someone wants to be the roadwarrior :p

Lead lined bunkers.......just don't lick the walls ;)

Nae, i shall have my post apocalyptic volvo battlecruiser (volvo 740 GLT)
Sainku said:
I used to know a guy in that group. I think he died.

Turkey will start the next world war I have inside sources.

huh? in Project for the New American Century? they're all people in positions of power like Don rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Here read this

US is already having massive buildup and invading countries.

China is the next combine. I hear plans for a really, really tall tower in HK, and i bet they're lowering the oceans too. And some people wear gasmasks. I swear.

North Korea is already nuking people, but they're doing it real quietlike.
I'd say the US, but the difference is that someone could actually stand up to Nazi Germany, and that's simply too big a difference to claim that the US will be like them. That and, well, I don't really believe that the US for all it's warmongering is going to start herding and gassing people they don't like. And Bush doesn't have a funky moustache either.

So instead i'm saying Wales. Oh the hilarity.
Bait said:
Canada should invade the US. Really. I mean, who the hell would see it coming. Even if somone knew the attack was coming, no one would believe them. We could be in Washington by nightfall.

Ya...but what the hell would we do?? Poor all the american beer down the drain and force them to drink Canadian beer? Kill the sport baseball and force them to tare all baseball fields down and replace them with hockey rinks? Force them to eat Canadian beef? Tell their children that santa claus lives in the north pole (which we lie about it being in Canada), and tell them if their government doesn't agree, no presents for anyone in the US? take back all Canadian actors and give them jobs at McDonalds?

Seriously..what the hell could we do?? It would be fun of course...but that's about it.

Oh ya...get all people living on the East cost of the US to say a-BOOT and not about.
Bring it. I live in MN so I will see you on the front lines!

I better muster the rest of the forces...well just Short Recoil so he can kick some canadian butt!
Glirk Dient said:
Bring it. I live in MN so I will see you on the front lines!

I better muster the rest of the forces...well just Short Recoil so he can kick some canadian butt!

Better remeber..if we win (and we will cause you'll drink Canadian beer which has 100% more alcohol than american beer), you'll pass out and will just walk in and tear down the baseball stadiums...and all the other stuff I said :)
The Mullinator said:
It is rising from a state of weakness to regain a lot of it's lost power, it has a long proud history, it is already a dictatorship, national pride is amazingly high. The only thing missing yet is an idea that that China is superior to all other nations and that China should spread it's rule to create a superior humanity.

The US might be the most powerful right now and it may have one of the worst governments at the moment but it is very far from ever being the next Nazi Germany, racism has been dropping for decades, national pride has been dropping even, American economic power has been dropping, R&D, and even the desire to further humanity has dropped significantly. To have a Nazi Germany you need a country on the rise.
Well, on the surface that sounds nice... but the Nazis started to gain power in Germany while it was in the biggest depression the world had ever seen. Imagine inflation so high that a dollar becomes worth a trillionth of what it is now. The bills were worth much more as paper than money. American cigarettes were used as currency in some regions. The success of the Nazis came from blaming all of the country's current troubles on the Jews... and that they would return to power if they cleansed the country of non-Aryan people. So, going down is more likely to make a breeding ground for corruption rather than going up. Once everything starts going well, the people are less likely to be pushed into supporting something stupid... because they're happy. Happy people don't want change. There has to be an enemy (either physical or abstract) for the people to unite against. For the Germans, it started off as poverty but was pushed toward the Jews.
for anyone doubting the US being capable of a Nazi regime I would suggest looking at what we did during and since the Nazi regime our list of warcrimes is second only to Japan's list. (both lists are more warcrimes than germany)

insane guys with nukes all over the world? the US dropped the 2 largest nukes, we are the only country to use nuclear weapons of any magnitude in war, beyond that we've used more tactical nukes than everyother nation on earth combined we are also the only nation on earth who uses depleted uranium shells despite knowing all the future problems they cause for birth defects in animals and people as well as making entire areas unfarmable

as for the herding comment thats exactly what we did to our own people during WWII all former Japanese citizens or US citizens of Japanese ancestry had their lives ruined they lost their homes, companies, possessions, dignity, they were stripped of their rights as US citizens and thrown into prison camps simply for their prior nationality. for reference this is the exact same thing the US did the Native Americans we have a history of breaking treaties and removing peoples rights.

looking at the history of the US I would say we are currently the most likely candidate to start the next Nazi style regime our defense budget matches everyone elses defense budget combined and I don't know any american over 18 who doesn't consider themselves superior to the rest of the world.

I've always expected Canada to take down the US though look at what happened last time the US attacked Canada the US not only didn't takeover Canada like we planned to but Canada burned down the Whitehouse...
Llama said:
America will most probably start the next world war X_X


We just keep pushing the limits of human patience. One day, one of these countries will just say "no", Bush will cry "BUT I WANT IT! I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT!", and we'll have something huge on our asses.
btw, people, if a world war happens, would you people fight?

I would be required to since I'm above the age of 15, so I don't count.
Hell no, I wouldn't fight!

Tell me one good reason why I should.

/me waits
because you're an American as a citizen you are required to defend your nation or be shot for high treason.
Question: In America, whats the age of conscription in wartime?

Here (In Korea) like I said, 15.
18 unless you lie about your age like most people did in the past then it's 15.
Psychism said:
because you're an American as a citizen you are required to defend your nation or be shot for high treason.

Wow. Our schools really do suck...
Top Secret said:
Wow. Our schools really do suck...

So, you mean you don't have to in the US or you just don't like the patriotism inducing education?
Psychism said:
because you're an American as a citizen you are required to defend your nation or be shot for high treason.

That's in times of national crisis.

IE We are out of enlisted men, the draft has failed, and the axis are about to invade the US. Then all men and women, regardless of age, can or will be enlisted.

Out of draft or national crisis, give me ONE good reason why I should enlist.
for the chics, or for the uber enlistment benefits like most people do.
sinkoman said:
That's in times of national crisis.

IE We are out of enlisted men, the draft has failed, and the axis are about to invade the US. Then all men and women, regardless of age, can or will be enlisted.

Out of draft or national crisis, give me ONE good reason why I should enlist.

Err, I/Austrailians/Japanese/UK people/George Bush might come to your house and throw you/your family out, waving a gun at your head?
Psychism said:
for anyone doubting the US being capable of a Nazi regime I would suggest looking at what we did during and since the Nazi regime our list of warcrimes is second only to Japan's list. (both lists are more warcrimes than germany)

insane guys with nukes all over the world? the US dropped the 2 largest nukes, we are the only country to use nuclear weapons of any magnitude in war, beyond that we've used more tactical nukes than everyother nation on earth combined we are also the only nation on earth who uses depleted uranium shells despite knowing all the future problems they cause for birth defects in animals and people as well as making entire areas unfarmable

I hope you're not serious? What you just said is pretty rediculous, that the US is a canidate to become the next nazi regime because they were the first country to drop nuclear weapons? If it wasn't the united states, it would have been germany or japan, which were both developing and intending on using nuclear weapons... BEFORE russia had the technology.

You probably didn't know that the japanese were also developing an atomic bomb at the same time, right?

The fact that the united states dropped the bombs first doesn't mean it was an evil act that resonates still today in the hearts of americans. It was a technology developed in combination with Canada and the united kingdom, and used as a way to end the war, not a way to ethnically cleanse... which is the goal of the nazi regime.

as for the herding comment thats exactly what we did to our own people during WWII all former Japanese citizens or US citizens of Japanese ancestry had their lives ruined they lost their homes, companies, possessions, dignity, they were stripped of their rights as US citizens and thrown into prison camps simply for their prior nationality. for reference this is the exact same thing the US did the Native Americans we have a history of breaking treaties and removing peoples rights.

This situation was very despicable, but was ENTIRELY different than what the nazi's were doing in europe. The reasons for containing the japanese americans wasn't malicious in the way of trying to exterminate them... it was because of the scared mentality of the americans thinking that their japanese neighbors could be spies from an enemy aggressor. The united states didn't gas and eradicate these people. They contained them in camps and later released them. ENTIRELY different than the nazi regime, so you can't even begin to compare them, except for the fact that they were both horrible. What the nazi's did however, was moreso.

looking at the history of the US I would say we are currently the most likely candidate to start the next Nazi style regime our defense budget matches everyone elses defense budget combined and I don't know any american over 18 who doesn't consider themselves superior to the rest of the world.

You need to have the support from the people, being much more misguided than they might be now. And i'm talking about a vast majority too. Thats simply not the case here in the united states. There's millions of people here that would never stand for such evil acts. There's already a great number of millions of people that don't stand for the stuff that bush is doing... which is incredibly light in comparison to what a nazi regime might do.

And as for the last half of that paragraph. You must not know any americans, huh? Either that, or you simply hang out with the worst of the worst. Americans generally tend to have some national pride, but I know it is certainly a minority that thinks themselves ultimately superior to other nations and cultures. Lot of the people I know are in awe of lots of cultures around the world, and appreciate their diversity and history.

I am led to believe that you're just 'saying' you know americans who are like that, to try to bolster your rediculous claims. Are you brainwashed by your media to think that americans are scum or something who think they are superior to everybody? America is one of the most culturally diverse nations on earth, if not THE most. This is a fact.

I've always expected Canada to take down the US though look at what happened last time the US attacked Canada the US not only didn't takeover Canada like we planned to but Canada burned down the Whitehouse...

The war of 1812 was officially a war with Great Britain, NOT Canda... even though more than half of the forces were comprised of Canadian Militia and incursions were made into Canadian provinces.

Plus... that was a MUCH different time then, when tensions were VERY high between America and its neighbors, especially Great Britain. If you remember, not long since before that war, the American Revolutionary War happened... which is a great part of why 1812 happened.

Times are different now, and you cannot compare that to today to prove a point, because it sounds very silly.
well I wrote a entire reply to your post but the forum said I need to log in again and deleted the reply... so I'll sum it up because I don't feel like rewriting it

-canada was a joke get off your soapbox
-america boasts about everything we have including our toilet paper with other nations flags on it thats considering yourself superior
-we imprisoned and tortured US citizens for looking Japanese how far of a leap is it between imprisoning and torturing thousands of your own people and simply killing them like we did with the natives.
-US has the largest small and large nuclear arsenal, we have used more small and large nuclear weapons than everyother nation on earth combined, we have imposed more nuclear control on everynation aside from our own to ensure we continue to maintain the largest nuclear arsenal, thats called a monopoly it gives us a easy advantage over everyone else sound like a control mechanism for people we don't feel like fighting?
-the US government forced the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor in order to gain support from the US people who did not want to enter WWII the US government will goto ANY extreme to get what it wants from it's people
Psychism said:
-the US government forced the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor in order to gain support from the US people who did not want to enter WWII the US government will goto ANY extreme to get what it wants from it's people


I'll get me tinfoil hat.
Psychism said:
-the US government forced the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor in order to gain support from the US people who did not want to enter WWII the US government will goto ANY extreme to get what it wants from it's people

..... What?