Who's going to be the next nazi germany

Psychism said:
-the US government forced the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor in order to gain support from the US people who did not want to enter WWII the US government will goto ANY extreme to get what it wants from it's people

China also forced Japan to invade them as well.
Raziaar said:
This situation was very despicable, but was ENTIRELY different than what the nazi's were doing in europe. The reasons for containing the japanese americans wasn't malicious in the way of trying to exterminate them... it was because of the scared mentality of the americans thinking that their japanese neighbors could be spies from an enemy aggressor. The united states didn't gas and eradicate these people. They contained them in camps and later released them. ENTIRELY different than the nazi regime, so you can't even begin to compare them, except for the fact that they were both horrible. What the nazi's did however, was moreso.

It isn't that different. No, come on, it isn't. Total disenfranchisement and persecution of one particular race - it's pretty much the same thing thing, just they never went as far. The reasons were a little different - or were they? After all, the Nazi regime did its best to stir up hatred and above all fear of jews, and it's arguable that the original intention was not to exterminate them all, and that that was a later development. It's pretty much the same thing that happened between Americans and 'people who looked Japansese' - fear and someone to hate. Of course that's in the past, and the crimes of ancestors are not the crimes of people now.

Psychism said:
-the US government forced the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor in order to gain support from the US people who did not want to enter WWII the US government will goto ANY extreme to get what it wants from it's people

Err, no. There's a strong argument that the US government let the Japanese bomb pearl harbour (dismissal of huge radio signiture as 'a training exercise', all the aircraft carriers were elsewhere at the time, etc). But that's just ridiculous.
Iran gets my vote, but not because I think they are going to start another holocaust (though they would if they could, unfortunately for them, Israel is well-armed), but because they will trigger the next world war.
Iran won't trigger shit. If it gets really out of hand, NATO or Israel will finally bomb a load of targets. Iran might try and invade Israel, but Israel is completely capable of defending and probably counter-attacking. They don't have much in the way of alliances, though, so that's mute too. And even if they did, those allies would get defeated, and bombed to shit, just like Iran.

Nobody's going to be the "next Nazi Germany". Such a thing isn't possible today. I think it's way more likely that the West (the EU and the US) will be forced into trying to cripple China, because their economy is starting to crush "The West". It'd probably start with economic blockades, but end up with a few bombing campaigns. I doubt either side would try to land an army or nuke each other, as either way would work out bad for them (and invading army would be annihilated on the beaches because of modern robotics and such, and neither side would want to trigger the end of the world).
Err, no. There's a strong argument that the US government let the Japanese bomb pearl harbour (dismissal of huge radio signiture as 'a training exercise', all the aircraft carriers were elsewhere at the time, etc). But that's just ridiculous.

wow, even after all the documents were declassified people still don't know... the US blockaded all of Japan's oil and rubber imports with US warships we told all ships attempting to pass either direction that we would not hesitate to fire upon them this was all before during the peace talks Japan considered this an act of war as did everyother nation who knew about it US citizens were told we had no blockade we had done nothing to the Japanese the US government continued to deny any forcing of Japan's attack until 1996 when all documents regarding the matter were declassified we then mysteriously lost the entire Japanese pacific fleet despite close monitoring of the fleet and ignored all advisors who said they were planning a attack it would be a hard arguement to make if it was recent history but it's not with the government saying yes that is what happened but it's in the past now

want more evidence of the US going to any means required view the declassified documents from Vietnam you'll find some interesting ones that Kennedy's advisors put forth to him to gain support for the war they planned on bombing US monuments and getting a Viet Kong terrorist organization to claim responsibility for it hmm that sounds vaguely familiar luckily Kennedy refused that because he had a brain

need more? look up "operation northwoods" it was the US plan to assassinate Cuban leaders and refugees in the US and blame Castro for it to gain support for a invasion of Cuba isn't it amazing what an hour in your local archives will do I wonder what months of reading would uncover
Psychism said:
wow, even after all the documents were declassified people still don't know... the US blockaded all of Japan's oil and rubber imports with US warships we told all ships attempting to pass either direction that we would not hesitate to fire upon them this was all before during the peace talks Japan considered this an act of war as did everyother nation who knew about it US citizens were told we had no blockade we had done nothing to the Japanese the US government continued to deny any forcing of Japan's attack until 1996 when all documents regarding the matter were declassified we then mysteriously lost the entire Japanese pacific fleet despite close monitoring of the fleet and ignored all advisors who said they were planning a attack it would be a hard arguement to make if it was recent history but it's not with the government saying yes that is what happened but it's in the past now

want more evidence of the US going to any means required view the declassified documents from Vietnam you'll find some interesting ones that Kennedy's advisors put forth to him to gain support for the war they planned on bombing US monuments and getting a Viet Kong terrorist organization to claim responsibility for it hmm that sounds vaguely familiar luckily Kennedy refused that because he had a brain

need more? look up "operation northwoods" it was the US plan to assassinate Cuban leaders and refugees in the US and blame Castro for it to gain support for a invasion of Cuba isn't it amazing what an hour in your local archives will do I wonder what months of reading would uncover
After a quick google news search I came up with three results talking about "Operation Northwoods".


Sorry but none of those are what I would call legitimate, non-biased, news agencies. Half of what you find on the internet regarding the history of the US from a lot of sites are totally worthless conspiracy theories that don't have any bearing on reality.
it exists. Here's the actual document

/me loves freedom of information act

spend some time on the National security archives website ..you'd be surprised by what you'll find
don't suppose you checked any of the other 147,000 results to notice that the "National Security Archive" website is on the list with the exact document on file it's 15 pages. search this "Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba" at "http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/index.html" happy to do your research for you perhaps in the future you should do more research into sources before calling them unreliable
LOL thanks Stern you replied just before I posted my reply to the exact same place
Just read it and all I can say is that it really doesn't mean much.

The US always creates documents like these for just about every conceivable scenerio. Everything from alien invasions to dealing with a biological/chemical attack to finding a way to legitimizing an attack on another country. The US undoubtably has plans for attacking or beginning an attack on every country in almost every concievable way. Obviously almost all of them will never be used.

That is all this article is, none of these are plans that were likely to have ever been used. They are just there as a "just in case". It's like brainstorming, you come up with any idea you possibly can no matter how stupid or unbelievable it can be and write it down.
I agree with part of what you say the US does create thousands of documents like that one with many scenerios for how to gain support for wars they plan on waging I don't agree that they will never be used the US does enact most of it's plans as long as it thinks theres any possible way to get away with them the other thing the documents you are talking about that are brainstorming any idea no matter how stupid or unbelievable are edited multiple times before they reach the level that one did they have gone through dozens of people they start with hundreds even thousands of ideas and they get eliminated based on useability and practicality that document is at the highest level and still has those ideas on it
That is all this article is, none of these are plans that were likely to have ever been used. They are just there as a "just in case". It's like brainstorming, you come up with any idea you possibly can no matter how stupid or unbelievable it can be and write it down.
"Mr president sir ?"
"Yes Dick?"
"Me and the boys were just fooling around, you know , brainstorming and stuff"
"Watcha come up with Dick ?"
"Well we were looking at a map and we kinda came up with a wish list a countries to invade......"
"Really? Is one of them Iraq ? "
"..... but of course, its just in case of emergency. You know , national disaster , country under attack, low poll ratings, the usual. Its not like we`d actually use any of it"

"Sounds neat , lets have a look"

And the rest, as they say, is history.
CptStern said:
Well that just does it. If they aren't willing to accept us Canadians as anymore than "them" then I will be halting all maple syrup and hockey puck exports to the US.

Fellow Canadians let us prepare for the great trade war!! We shall fight in the snow, we shall fight in Toronto, and on the hiking trails! We shall fight with hockey sticks, we shall fight with syrup bombs. We shall fight in two official languages. For we shall never surrender!
a war between the US and Canada is dangerous with your crazy french secondary language you already have a widely spoken code that is unbreakable by americans.

that picture is great lol I love rummy my favorite quote from him is this
I believe what I said yesterday. I don't know what I said, but I know what I think, and, well, I assume it's what I said.-Donald "Rummy" Rumsfeld
The Mullinator said:
Well that just does it. If they aren't willing to accept us Canadians as anymore than "them" then I will be halting all maple syrup and hockey puck exports to the US.

Fellow Canadians let us prepare for the great trade war!! We shall fight in the snow, we shall fight in Toronto, and on the hiking trails! We shall fight with hockey sticks, we shall fight with syrup bombs. We shall fight in two official languages. For we shall never surrender!

You bastards, we need our maple syrup in the morning!
What will I cover my pancakes and waffles in? Well if I don't get my maple syrup I'll cover it in Canadian blood! I mean, 70% of it is beer and maple syrup anyway right :p.
DeusExMachinia said:
What will I cover my pancakes and waffles in? Well if I don't get my maple syrup I'll cover it in Canadian blood! I mean, 70% of it is beer and maple syrup anyway right :p.

actually it's 65% beer, 15% poutine, 5% maple syrup, and 15% blood
pvtbones said:
actually it's 65% beer, 15% poutine, 5% maple syrup, and 15% blood

Hmm...Actually, the beer thing would be going to Western Germany. But I'd place my guess around 50%?