who's going to win the presidency?


Sep 12, 2003
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What do you all think? I think bush will but by just a hair...as long as florida can keep in line :cheers:
I really hope bush won't. Frankly, I think we should get a non-politician for president, they're more sensible.
I vote Shuzer, :) then we can watch the president of the United states play HL2 all year

Seriously I dont want Bush and his Cronies to win,, there evil,, pure evil. that evil kind evil, you know?,, the oily black kind of evil , that oozes, from the ground. :x
unfortunately, it looks like bush will win to me. kerry just doesn't have much going for him, imo. it interesting, i was watching an old debate from the vietnam era between john kerry and john o'neill (i think), and he absolutely wiped the floor with o'neill. todays kerry seems to completely lack the energy he exhibited back then.
While I hate some of the stuff Bush has done (GAS PRICES), I can honestly say that he sure as hell beats the alternative. (This kinda stinks really, since I've been old enough to vote every election has been a choose the lesser of two evils....)

Kerry, I can list a number of reasons why I don't want him in office, but the main one is this.
If he manages to make good on his campagn promis to pull our troops out of Iraq, I guarentee that we will have many many MANY more deaths here in the states.

The day our troops pull out of Iraq, in it's current state, is the same day all these Islamic Extreamist groups say "Look at the American Infidel flee! Let us take the war to their nation and erradicate them from the face of the planet!"

You KNOW it would happen...

and then theres the whole "Lets raise taxes", lets "OK Abortion", etc etc etc...

so yea, lesser of two evils, but one I know will keep this nation a bit more secure, and that's worth an extra few bucks at the pump.
I bet Iraq's going to hell no matter what. I also don't see how forcing our way of life on a people (and accidentaly killing their families) is going to make them not want to kill us. All Bush has going for him is that he makes people feel safer and what not. I still haven't seen any evidence that he's made anybody else in the world safer.

On the other hand I did hear that a caertain presidential nominee, let's call him Mr. K, used to strangle newborn baby kittens in protest to the Vietnam War. Just something I heard.
fizzlephox said:
On the other hand I did hear that a caertain presidential nominee, let's call him Mr. K, used to strangle newborn baby kittens in protest to the Vietnam War. Just something I heard.
That pig.

That seals the deal right there. I'm voting for Bush...
By Mr. K I meant Bush. You see K is the 2nd letter in the series of alphabet letters J-K. J is kinda like G (juh and guh), and G-K backwards stands for King George (KG). The President is the person who took the place of a king after America's independence and the second letter of the alphabet is B. B as in second as in two as in bi (means two of something). The second letter of bi is an i which stands for incumbent. So you see it all makes sense now. Vote Shuzer!
Go here: http://www.dubyaspeak.com

Read some of that stuff and listen to the audio and tell me if you still think that you want President Bush to be re-elected. He has a small amount of manners and class, just read the "incidents" page. I don't think he is very smart. He has a terrible time remembering America's history, such as the war with Japan. He also has poor grammar skills and a lack of knowledge on how things work in the government.

I don't posess a huge knowledge either, but Bush once said that it is his decision whether or not we go to war. He obviously forgot about the whole congress approval thing. He says very stupid things, and I don't want him to be president anymore. I am not old enough to vote though...
One area where Kerry has been criticised (even by members in his own party), is his lack at defining himself early on. Bush has labelled Kerry as a "flip-flopper", and for some people the label is sticking because the Bush campaign threw it in early before Kerry was able to solidly define himself in front of the public.

Bush is going to stick to his "I keep America Safe" mantra, and with the way the media is going and how we hear about terror threats all the time it'll probably swing some voters his way.

It definitely looks close, we'll just have to wait. Although I am interested to see how the situation in Iraq will affect Bush's job approval rating further down the road. June 30th is a date to keep an eye on.

I will probably be voting, although seeing as how Bush didn't win the popular vote in 2000 and he is now our current president, I feel a little disenfranchised with politics right now.

Hey Shuzer, I have an idea for your campaign slogan - Anyone's better than Bush!
I think I have to go with the ol' Douglas Adams on this one. Nobody capable of being elected president should be allowed to do the job. In my book the only real difference between most of these guys is the skill of their public relations people, and very little else. (I also think this accounts for a lot of the negative images of Bush)
Here's a better Shuzer campaign motto. "Shuzer the bruiser, he'll beat up those maniacal muslim murderers!" or, "Shuzer, it what's for national leadership" or, "Got poor leadership? Try Shuzer instead!" or, "I'm against newborn baby strangulations!"

I think it's still to close to call. But Shuzer has a good chance of winning the online forum election poll that'll surely happen.
Shuzer: He doesn't murder innocent puppies and drink their blood. Probably.
G.W. Bush's motto: "I am the master of low expectations."
fizzlephox said:
I think it's still to close to call. But Shuzer has a good chance of winning the online forum election poll that'll surely happen.

I hope once a poll gets put up, I'm a choice! :)
Alan Keyes. He jumped into Michael Moore's mosh-pit.
Whoever has the fattest pockets wins... if you ever want to become a political figure, all you need is some $ and just buy yourself some power
Does the halflife2.net community have enough members to create its own political party? :D
what should we call it?
The Republicratic Society for the Ethical Treatment of Gamers or RSETG.
The united gamers federation of conservative demoractic republiconised liberals on crack.
Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or SCUBA for short :)
Six Three said:
Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or SCUBA for short :)

Man, I thought that you said Underwear for a second...
bush is going to win. good or bad, kerry is a lame speaker. im bored to tears everytime i watch him
gh0st said:
bush is going to win. good or bad, kerry is a lame speaker. im bored to tears everytime i watch him

anyone who actaully believes for certain that either will win is not very bright.

everything ive seen has said they are very close...i think this will be alot like the previous election.
gh0st said:
bush is going to win. good or bad, kerry is a lame speaker. im bored to tears everytime i watch him

so beacuse hes boring means hes going to be a bad leader? since when does the person leading the courtry have to be interesting to keep the coutnires best interest in mind.

and bush riding on the we keep the coutry safe. should be chaged to we keep it safe from the outside, as we kill each other from the inside
this'll be the second time i can vote, and just like last time when the candidates were utter crap, this time i think the same. i'll vote for a 3rd party. maybe green party or libertarian, or hell maybe even socialist*giggle* ... in any case, i'll find which ever party (not dem. or rep.) i agree with more. at least that way i can have a clear conscience about "well at least i voted for someone i thought was worth it" ... who cares if i'm "throwing my vote away" or "don't brush" oR "DON'T COMB MY HAIR" OR "DON'T WIPE AFTER I SHIT" ... uhh..

edit: i'd REALLY prefer if someone honorable ran ... like a scientist or some professor or someone along those lines that is actually trying to do some good instead of furthering the vested interests of a minority of powerful/rich individuals.

I VOTE SHUZER! tee hee
Bush will win, even though I dont want him to.
fizzlephox said:
I bet Iraq's going to hell no matter what. I also don't see how forcing our way of life on a people (and accidentaly killing their families) is going to make them not want to kill us. All Bush has going for him is that he makes people feel safer and what not. I still haven't seen any evidence that he's made anybody else in the world safer.

On the other hand I did hear that a caertain presidential nominee, let's call him Mr. K, used to strangle newborn baby kittens in protest to the Vietnam War. Just something I heard.

I heard John Kerry, presidential nominee, can't have an orgasm unless he kills a dog.

Thats just something I heard.
i'd agree on the bush winning... blah :(
well i heard in an article that kerry makes his wife dress up like a circus clown so he can "get his jollies off"...just what i heard
ugh, we need Kerry to win. I'm embarassed to be an American.

Democrats are very determined to get bush out of office now, never underestimate a grassroots movement.

Edit: 700 posts! hot damn!
I saw a kerry add that said bush likes to start wars for no reason so he can make a whole lot of people a whole lot of money.

...and get his rocks off to.