who's going to win the presidency?

You guys, you need to realize that, come next year, World War 3 will be starting (according to John Titor). So, you should elect me.. I'll make America a super awesome place to be (of course, I'll run it STRAIGHT into the ground, since it doesn't matter anyway :))
Revisedsoul said:
so beacuse hes boring means hes going to be a bad leader? since when does the person leading the courtry have to be interesting to keep the coutnires best interest in mind.

and bush riding on the we keep the coutry safe. should be chaged to we keep it safe from the outside, as we kill each other from the inside

Actually, if you notice. The post doesnt say whether kerry will be good or bad, it just says hes not a good speaker. Thats what its about in elections, motivating people with your words.
Vote Green Party !!!!

Unfortunately Ralph Nader stepped out kase of all the fans asking him to, now it's David Cobb.....
Just so you know, when you guys vote for a president, you don't elect him, you elect his staff. Most presidents, and ESPECIALLY Bush are too stupid to run a country, so they have a mass of specialists and assistants who basically runs the country.
Shuzer for the Utterly Brilliant In Every Way (HL2.net residents) Party, obviously. Is there a US NAzi party by the way? We have one, f*cking racist savages, the lot of them. They want to keep anybody whos not completely British out, including Indians, Afro-Britons, Yugolsavian one-handed dwarfs, etc.
Kerry NEEDS to win.... Bush is just a dumb guy who hides behind his "I'm strong against terrorists!" slogan. I'd much rather have Kerry running the country than a guy who feels he needs to go to war without help, and totally ruining our international relations. Have you also noticed our national debt has skyrocketed and unemployment has increased while Bush has been in office? Doesn't anyone see a problem here?...