Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

Looks like the game was already leaked. What a shame.
I'll definitely be trying out the female Shepherd before the male one.
I'll definitely be trying out the female Shepherd before the male one.

Because you will be fantasicing about having Lesbo Sex with Miranda :p

I'll be using Shepard from the first game, only because I heard you character also transfers credits over too (*cough* 3,000,000*cough*)

Would be funny though if the Intergalactic Stock Market crashed and all I was left with was 300 Credits :x
Look forward to Pimpin my Armor too

Doing a 100% everything complete Paragon playthrough now I started a few days ago to hit 60 and almost done. Jesus christ I'm finding quests and stuff I never knew was in the game.

I know how you feel

I wonder if the Illusive Man was behind the silencing of Admiral Kahoku, or if IM is in fact a new player of Cerberus. I'm hoping he is the latter as I find him oddly friendly
Any reviews posted yet? Don't feel like looking through this thread.
OXM gave it a 9.5/10, and two other sources gave it 10/10 (cant remember their names).
God bless razor1911...still planning on buying just like I did with Dagon Age

ninja edit: Is anyone else buying Dr.Pepper it has dlc codes on the bottle not sure items we get though I'll try to find out and maybe I'll be giving some away in a few days.
I get Dr.Pepper bottles for $0.89
ninja edit: Is anyone else buying Dr.Pepper it has dlc codes on the bottle not sure items we get though


Dr Pepper Armor, "Whats the worse that could happen?"
Because you will be fantasicing about having Lesbo Sex with Miranda :p

I'll be using Shepard from the first game, only because I heard you character also transfers credits over too (*cough* 3,000,000*cough*)

Would be funny though if the Intergalactic Stock Market crashed and all I was left with was 300 Credits :x
Look forward to Pimpin my Armor too

I know how you feel

I wonder if the Illusive Man was behind the silencing of Admiral Kahoku, or if IM is in fact a new player of Cerberus. I'm hoping he is the latter as I find him oddly friendly
Yeah. I'm wondering if the Cerberus missions in ME1 will have any affect on ME2.

How do pre-orders work at bestbuy? I drove out there today after work and pre-ordered the PC Collectors Edition, and they give you a DVD box and a reciept. Do I just bring them to the registers and they hand me one of the copies they have there behind the counter, or do I go and pick up the actual game off the shelves and then bring it to the registers?

I dont want them to sell out of the CE before I get mine, and most places (or at least, gamestop) will hold your copy for a few days behind the register or something until you show up to pick it up, that way they dont run out for people who pre-ordered.
They have a list of the quantity of games that were pre-ordered
They take pre-order copies to Customer Service and they sit there til you pick them up.
Since this is a big title I would go there on release day and not wait for a few days because they might decide to put them back on the floor.
Yeah, I took the day off from work so I'll be getting it early. Thats good to know, I probably would have just gone up to the normal registers. Thanks for the quick reply, was kinda fretting over it.
Gamestop waits 48 hours for you to pick it up before placing making your copy available to anyone.

Just watched the launch trailer- it looks incredible.
So apparently Tali, Thane, Miranda, SuZe, and possibly Jacob are the romance options. Hot damn.
No Liara but frikken Subject Zero???

Screw that :hmph:

I dont see why they would let you build a relationship with Liara only to not be able to continue it in the sequel.
No Liara but frikken Subject Zero???

Screw that :hmph:

I dont see why they would let you build a relationship with Liara only to not be able to continue it in the sequel.

well, according to the wikipedia entry for ME2, she IS in the game... just not as a party member
No Liara but frikken Subject Zero???

Screw that :hmph:

I dont see why they would let you build a relationship with Liara only to not be able to continue it in the sequel.

There's a reason for that. If you don't mind heavy spoilers from the ME comic, I can continue.
A beast ate her legs, so that all she can do now is slither around like a slug?
There's a reason for that. If you don't mind heavy spoilers from the ME comic, I can continue.

Hm, the trailer hinted at her

getting stung by the collector wasp things

All the more reason for Shepard to say, 'this time... it's personal!'... if he needed a reason before.
I have already set my sights on Miranda, but Tali? I'll have to make an extra save.

How does that even.....?
6 hour marathon,my fingers hurt damn I wish didn't have to go to work tomorrow.
Please guys, can you spoiler tag your posts where you reveal the romance options?

Anyway, not getting my copy until early Feb(production got ****ed up so all Scandinavians who have CE pre-orders wont get theirs until early Feb)

And probably then not even gonna get around to playing it til like March due to the amount of games I have laying around!

Plus I still need to 1000g Mass Effect 1 first..
I have already set my sights on Miranda, but Tali? I'll have to make an extra save.

How does that even.....?

Well Quarians appear to be mammals (Tali has boobs afterall) with a humanoid layout so it really shouldn't be that complex an issue. The only problem is the Quarian weakened immune system... However, if the act were to be conducted in a controlled environment (such as a starship like the Normandy) she could remove her environmental suit without risk of infection (presuming that Shepard doesn't have the space AIDS. Well asuming that the human version of the space AIDS could be transmitted to a quarian what with thier different biology. But if it is, she'd be pretty boned, if you'll excuse the pun.). You'll even get to see her face, one would imagine.

But yeah, in ME2 is clearly all about the quarian. Now the key questions remains - Is tali a lesbian and if not, can I be bothered to do another playthough with a male shepard?
Female>Male Character in Mass Effect.
Well duh. It's like that outside the game too.
I dont see why they would let you build a relationship with Liara only to not be able to continue it in the sequel.
Because there are two sequels. The original romance characters will apparently have more significant roles in the third part (though they're supposed to appear briefly in the second). Mass Effect 2 is set up as a
suicide mission where the cast is basically expendable, so it's unlikely your ME2 crew, possibly romance partner, will be that important in ME3.

There's an achievement for cheating on your partner as well :P

Haven't seen this posted, will post because I think everyone wants to know how it works: Character Import Tutorial (not that it reveals all that much, but you get an idea).
There's a reason for that. If you don't mind heavy spoilers from the ME comic, I can continue.

Where can one buy/find this ME comic?

And extra saves suck, more fun to do the different romances via multiple playthroughs, because it also lets you experiment with other story choices and see totally different endings.

Pretty sick.

I need to quickly finish up the first Mass Effect so that I could get started on the second. Though I'll probably run through with the canon character of Mass Effect 2 so that I know what I'm doing when I port my character, since Bioware claimed the imported characters are one and done.

I have lots of respect for Bioware, I wished they were not part of the devil that is EA.
since Bioware claimed the imported characters are one and done.
I'm not seeing how that wouldn't be very easy to get around (by keeping duplicate versions of your Mass Effect 1 saves, uninstalling Mass Effect 2 perhaps doing both). It also doesn't seem consistent with the fact that you can take any Mass Effect 2 character back through the new game plus.

edit: That and to me, by far the most fun way of getting through Mass Effect 1 was just choosing what I felt was the correct course of action, instead of thinking 'what would the utter arsehole do?' or 'what would the doormat holier than thou arsehole do?' when trying to roleplay. On that point, I'm hoping that though my character was mainly a Paragon, that her half-full Renegade bar won't be ignored as well. 'Pure' alignment characters are so dull.
I need to finish my Steam copy of ME. I finished the 360 version a handful of times, but I will be continuing my journeys on the PC. Would NOT getting the Steam version of ME2 screw things up? Would it know where to look for all of the save data?
I need to finish my Steam copy of ME. I finished the 360 version a handful of times, but I will be continuing my journeys on the PC. Would NOT getting the Steam version of ME2 screw things up? Would it know where to look for all of the save data?
The Steam version of Mass Effect 1 dumps your saves in your My Documents folder. I can't imagine why it wouldn't be the same for all PC versions. (besides, if the detection is so basic, there's probably an INI path you can find and change to get it to work. Unreal Engine is usually pretty good about that stuff).
I'm not seeing how that wouldn't be very easy to get around (by keeping duplicate versions of your Mass Effect 1 saves, uninstalling Mass Effect 2 perhaps doing both). It also doesn't seem consistent with the fact that you can take any Mass Effect 2 character back through the new game plus.

edit: That and to me, by far the most fun way of getting through Mass Effect 1 was just choosing what I felt was the correct course of action, instead of thinking 'what would the utter arsehole do?' or 'what would the doormat holier than thou arsehole do?' when trying to roleplay. On that point, I'm hoping that though my character was mainly a Paragon, that her half-full Renegade bar won't be ignored as well. 'Pure' alignment characters are so dull.

You're right, it should be pretty simple to get around the problem by keeping duplicate saves. Though I don't plan to risk that just yet just in case there could be some duplicating file errors when importing. Afterall, Mass Effect is the first game to take advantage of this importing system, it could be buggy for all we know (Don't forget Bioware is still part of EA).
I wished they were not part of the devil that is EA.

Oh please, EA's been doing quite a good job with their games recently, since their switch of CEO.

I'd say there's far worse big gaming corporations out there, like Activision-Blizzard.

Anyway, does anyone know what the bonuses are for carrying over a maxed level and max difficulty completed savegame from 1 to 2?

Since BioWare said in an interview a while back that whilst your level would of course not carry over, there would be "bonuses" ingame for having a (level) maxed out Shepard from ME1.

Also, do we even know if there is a 'canon' Shepard, since when you start a new Mass Effect 2 game without a previous save you're allowed to make some choices like whether or not you saved Wrex etc, i.e. you're let to customize your ME1 story, at least that's what I've read on the forums out there.
Kinda off-topic, but how long is the ME1 story, I just started and feel kind far into it. Already got Spectre status...
edit: That and to me, by far the most fun way of getting through Mass Effect 1 was just choosing what I felt was the correct course of action, instead of thinking 'what would the utter arsehole do?' or 'what would the doormat holier than thou arsehole do?' when trying to roleplay. On that point, I'm hoping that though my character was mainly a Paragon, that her half-full Renegade bar won't be ignored as well. 'Pure' alignment characters are so dull.

I used to do that, but sometimes it's a bad way to go. Because like, if I always do what I feel is the correct course of action, I'll generally try to be rational and reasonable because that's how I think; which can make for really boring gameplay.

So sometimes it's more fun to be a dick.

Like, I wouldnt normally do something evil that will make me become Cyborg Femshep, but maybe I want to be a Cyborg Femshep that is kinda evil-er this time around.
Kinda off-topic, but how long is the ME1 story, I just started and feel kind far into it. Already got Spectre status...

It depends how many side-quests you can endure, but I shouldn't think you'll be there much longer than 10 hours.
It depends how many side-quests you can endure, but I shouldn't think you'll be there much longer than 10 hours.

I plan on playing this game till its death, doing every sidequest, trying to find all of the weapons etc...