Who's making a MOD ?


Aug 30, 2004
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who's making a MOD... and what's the name of youre MOD?
whats the url to the MOD's site ? (Resonance)
Looks good by the way! I like the style.
Me too, it's currently untitled, and it's a full-RTS. No website yet.

-Angry Lawyer
Stupid mods, I hate them.....I wanna break them all RRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant resist the rage AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I think we'd all like to see more WW2 mods.
As soon as I finish the design document, I'll start trying to map it out.

Since I got no interest, I'll have to it myself.
I'm working on something. It's not a mod, and I can't tell you anything about it. Bet you're glad you asked now.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'm working on something. It's not a mod, and I can't tell you anything about it. Bet you're glad you asked now.

:O The doomsday device!! RUN! :p
god i like that Insurgency, i like a lot
Half-Life 2: Ashes

Singleplayer MOD with no website or ModDB entry; I'm keeping everything under wraps until I have something more than concrete to show.


I have exactly nothing to show for this. (;() It's also what's going to keep me sane for the next few years.

The same as 2 posts above but add to the mix:

- An ModDB Listing (Archived until Website's up)
- A website in the works and temp this month for sure
- Cell-shading (to be confirmed as a definite)
- Multiple character-class system
...and more that I can't think of because I'm 6 minutes away from finishing my graveyard shift at work. :bonce:

Check the sig.
A coder's just posted an ad in the hep wanted section. Go, go, GO!
I've been working on Dystopia so long, i don't know if i'm making it or it's making me! Alls i know is i need more coffee, brb
Teddy said:
I've been working on Dystopia so long, i don't know if i'm making it or it's making me! Alls i know is i need more coffee, brb

lol coffee is good. I have afew concept piece's and a bit of a story but i'm not even going to bother to show yet :p