Whose getting oblivion

Are you getting TES4: Oblivion

  • I'm getting it

    Votes: 68 52.7%
  • I'll get it once I get some more cash

    Votes: 29 22.5%
  • Not getting it

    Votes: 32 24.8%

  • Total voters
I had pre-ordered the game before christmas. But when I found out that the CE will be released on the same day, I went back to the store and pre-ordered that version. That was during when I was buying GCII yesterday.

A friend of mine decided to pre-order too, so will be splitting my points 50:50 to get discounts on the game (Its the best thing I could of did, considering he just bought RF online and put it on my gamecard)
Pass, most likely not pick it up later either unless reviews are out of this world and I somehow get around to playing mirrowind or something.
No. I didn't like Morrowind at all. It made me very bored.
Which is what they basically fixed.....all of morrwinds evil fault..aka the stupid boring combat!

Pass, most likely not pick it up later either unless reviews are out of this world and I somehow get around to playing mirrowind or something.
The only thing Morrowind will give you is the feel of the open endness. Other than that it wont even touch what Oblivion is. Plus Morrowind's story has nothing to do with Oblivions. There indepenent from one another.
Pre-Ordered Collectors PC Ed. from Amazon :D
I definately am. I even started a new measurement of time because of how roxxors its gunna be. Today is 15 B.O.

Oh, and I preordered the PC CE from EB. I hate buying games off the net, something always messes up in shipping for me. I get it like 2 days late.
Krynn72 said:
I definately am. I even started a new measurement of time because of how roxxors its gunna be. Today is 15 B.O.

Oh, and I preordered the PC CE from EB. I hate buying games off the net, something always messes up in shipping for me. I get it like 2 days late.

EB games has nearly always come through for me, about 98% of the time.
Its not EB, they get it out asap. But the shipping services, or at least in my area like to take their damn time. Pretty much everything takes a day extra. 3 day shipping takes 4 days, 5-10 days takes 11 lol. I get especially pissed when I can track it. Its always in the town/state next to me for DAYS! So with games I always reserve from the actual store and I can pick it up myself.
I wonder if ESV(5) will have an even deeper Radiant AI, such as simulating the economy of the province, that'd be cool, like, one could go into a pub at night and steal a ton of beer kegs, then they'd have to make enough money to buy new beer kegs back.<3
I'll be getting the CE just like I did with Morrowind...TES is the only game franchise where I've gone for the CE...
Gargantou said:
I wonder if ESV(5) will have an even deeper Radiant AI, such as simulating the economy of the province, that'd be cool, like, one could go into a pub at night and steal a ton of beer kegs, then they'd have to make enough money to buy new beer kegs back.<3

Interesting concept. The AI will certainly be more complex, though I think the next step should at least have a multiplayer thing going on, even just co-op would do - real people are so much more fun to play with/against.
I don't.
Go play ES: Battlespire(iirc) if you wan't MP.
Albeit it'd be fine to have games like Battlespire(I.e.not the main game series) with MP, I want the main game series to focus solely on SP, seriously, even if it's just say co-op, it'll still take away precious development time they could rather use on the SP imo.

They've also said anyway that they dont intend to make the main games MP ever, and that ES have always been about SP and always will be.:p
most definately, xbox 360..... wish there was some coop/mp component though :(
Mr. Redundant said:
most definately, xbox 360..... wish there was some coop/mp component though :(

Hey buddy. :smoking:

Who knows, maybe some creative mod group will design something like that for it. Maybe, maybe not.

Fact is, there are some games that have had no multiplayer capability, such as Grand Theft Auto, and these groups designed network code, animation synchronization and everything.

Only time and fate can tell.
Raziaar, I doubt it, the engine in use for Oblivion is not really that open afaik, so it seems it'll be far far harder to code in an MP component for it.:)
DeusExMachinia, they are, but it doesn't allow you to rewrite the game to add MP etc afaik.
They've iirc said you won't be able to add in say new FORMS of weapons, like spears which were taken out.
If you can't even add in new FORMS of weapons, how would you be able to add in MP?xD
Don't take my word for it tho, I might be wrong.
I'm pretty sure that mp is not possible to implement. technical limitations to the way the game is build.
It was implemented with morrowind but it was very very very bad, couldn't save, how they did it was this:
-They created a mod with an extra character
-They would use a 3rd party program to send\receive packets and update where the character was and it's items.

It overall is pretty crappy and can only have 1 other person and it's not smooth at all.

The problem is the fact that you don't have access to the source code, the engine itself. You probably wont be able to get a better implemention than what was done in Morrowind in Oblivion.
Minerel said:
The problem is the fact that you don't have access to the source code, the engine itself. You probably wont be able to get a better implemention than what was done in Morrowind in Oblivion.
I.e. pretty much what I said :P
Gargantou said:
DeusExMachinia, they are, but it doesn't allow you to rewrite the game to add MP etc afaik.
They've iirc said you won't be able to add in say new FORMS of weapons, like spears which were taken out.
If you can't even add in new FORMS of weapons, how would you be able to add in MP?xD
Don't take my word for it tho, I might be wrong.

Wow, that sucks... Morrowind has a crap load of mods thanks to being able to alter nearly everything.
Hopefully they won't REALLY restrict the modder's freedom THAT much...
I don't believe the modding will be restricted anywhere

You sure about the forms of weapons Garg? Yes they took out spears but I'm pretty sure you would be able to add them in using decent coding.
Technically if they "wouldn't" allow you to you could easily bypass it by making the model and animation and putting it's form as a long sword or something.
I'm pretty sure they would allow you to add a new form of a weapon because all it is is a string and a bunch of variables being set. Of course that all depends on how it's set up. If the weapon class defines some attributes or if all attributes are directly linked to the weapon and then the weapon class is just there as a string.

Otherwise there just being extremely lazy...
spears were still in last I heard, they just didn't justify their own skill, so they were mixed in with piercing weapons...

not that that has anything to do with anything heh.
as for modding, I believe they are shooting for something like what they did in morrowind... strong, but constricted to the areas they want you to mod... unfortunately.

for instance you can create new swords, edit their stats, animations, models blah blah... but you cant create your own skills.... such as elemental weapon master (off the top of my head), you are constriced to "swords" if you catch my drift, that being said.... as was the case in Morrowind people of conviction will find ways to implement what they want and how they want it.
I'll buy it with a promise that it'll have a good storyline. I played around Morrowind Elder Scrolls wondering what the hell I was doing. If I had to recall the time I played the game, I'd swear I was drunk.
I'll buy it with a promise that it'll have a good storyline. I played around Morrowind Elder Scrolls wondering what the hell I was doing. If I had to recall the time I played the game, I'd swear I was drunk.
Don't worry in MOrrowind you were wondering where the hell do I go from here n shit, for quests and stuff Oblivion will mark the spot on where you gotta go on the map... they say that without them doing that you would spend hours trying to find stuff.
I hate it when game developers speak out about wanting to be open and available for the mod community, and in the process of their game development, they hardcode all sorts of stupid shit, the things people WANT to change about the game, or make better.

Example: In X3-Reunion, you cannot modify the boost-extension, because the mother****ing thing is hardcoded. HARDCODED for crying out loud!
Are there any reviews of the game out where people tested the game on mid range machines, rather than on the mamoths that the game designers provided?
Oblivion will be a scalable game, much MUCH MUCH more than morrowind. What you see like 3ghz, 7800GTX, 2gigs of ram is the absolute tops you'll need to run it.
Mr. Redundant said:
spears were still in last I heard, they just didn't justify their own skill, so they were mixed in with piercing weapons...

Spears, throwing knives, crossbows, and levitation have all been taken out. Two other spells were as well that escape the mind.
DeusExMachinia said:
Spears, throwing knives, crossbows, and levitation have all been taken out. Two other spells were as well that escape the mind.

What the ****, why the god damn do they take out shit like this!? No spears? No CROSSBOWS!? What the hell, are we expected to use swords and clubs and axes, and bows, and thats it?
Raziaar said:
What the ****, why the god damn do they take out shit like this!? No spears? No CROSSBOWS!? What the hell, are we expected to use swords and clubs and axes, and bows, and thats it?
tehy are bored, LOL. they did n0t wnat fer the intranets to have the funn, d00d. LOL!!111one LOL INTRANET!
There is no spoone... - The Matriks

They are lazy. They know there is more content that can be added to the game so they try to add it, and when there's a small problem they scrap the whole thing.
I had to Google it to find out what Oblivion was. My first impression is WOW! What an incredible waste of time and money you have discovered!

Quotes from the FAQ.

In Morrowind you can NOT add animations to the PLAYER. If you use "playgroup" on the Player Morrowind crashes. Will modders now be able to ADD new animations to the Player via the construction set?
Yes, though probably only idle animations. That is now an editor section and does not need heavy scripting.

Will it be possible to ADD new weapon types via the CS, defining new fight animations etc?

Will it be possible to ADD new skills via the CS?


Notice however I'm not familiar with Morrowind modding, so I dunno if you can add it easily without the CS, I'd like an answer on that Minerel, since you obviously do have alot of knowledge about Morrowind.
WaterMelon34 said:
They are lazy. They know there is more content that can be added to the game so they try to add it, and when there's a small problem they scrap the whole thing.

or they can release it *cough* for money *cough* as expansions/downloadable content for the pc and xbox live.

crossbows, spears and throwing knives are some pretty basic medieval weaponry....
Qonfused said:
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Agreed :) on both PC and 360