why again!?!?

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we been lied to again if you hate steam post your feelings here now!!
It happened because Valve is a lying sack of shit. Their physics system is bullshit too, I'm about to make a thread to inform the world.
Topic is 'HL2 Media Update -- ErikJ: They will not be released today. Sorry. We ran into a couple of bugs. There is a chance tomorrow.'
TheRocker, no, in fact Valve is NOT a "lying sack of shit." Obviously they're running into video and demo playback issues, so they're going to delay the videos until they're perfect. And when has Valve flat-out lied to us? The only thing they've missed a deadline on for HL2 is the videos, they've only been delayed what, a week now? And everyone is acting like they're bipolar* or have PMS*. Is waiting an extra week for high-res versions of videos you've probably already seem damaging your brain or giving you nerve damage? Everyone is acting like the world is ending soon, and all they want to do is watch the goddamn movies before they die. Please, just pass the time doing something other than waiting and complaining, all that does is fill the boards with crap about how "Valve sucks they lied!!1!" and "Steam sucks we dont have our vids yet". I'm impatient for the videos too, but they can wait a day or two, just like HL2 can wait three months.

* Not meant to offend anyone who actually does suffer from one or both of those
guinny, you've fooled absolutely no one. This is the THIRD time youve been banned and come back under a diff sockpuppet. And your argument makes no sense.
It kinda sucks the way they keep pushing it back. At least release the video on http. Or even with the bugs, then fix them later.
Well, I guess they might as well get the bugs out of the way now, because I know I for one would be even more dissapoionted if a bug kept me from getting the video when it becomes avaliable.
too bad valve is busy MAKING THE ****ING GAME or else I'm sure they would dispatch the slimy little haters trolling about these boards. Valve will punk your bitch asses come sept. 30. They can decieve me all they like if the game is going to be as good as i think it will.
If you guys think this is stressful, wait until you start experiencing d/l problems.
Some peple are complaining about this way to much. They are only releasing the vids out of respect for how much we all want to see them. If they had them ready they would release them. So i beleive them when they say they cant release it, im sure they have good reason. What if, heaven forbid, they are actaully more worried about making the game!???


PS. Valve is still the number 1 game company, anyone been watching the developments of BF1942 from EA/Dice, it shocking. Still no SDK or anything.
Originally posted by Fuzzy
PS. Valve is still the number 1 game company, anyone been watching the developments of BF1942 from EA/Dice, it shocking. Still no SDK or anything.

Yes, you're right. I'm going to have to say Dice Software is a bad company. They make expansion packs to cash in, and slump on support for their modification community. If they had any brains they'd realize modifications bring in the cash. I assume they don't own any copies of Half-Life. :devil:
May I say if you didnt' realize the wood had predetermined breakpoints you are umm.. not much of an intaker of details, when he was goin' thru the window after the radiator he hits both the boards and they both break exactly the same spots, i noticed that first time watching it, also in the tech demo segment
I think he's offended because Valve went to great lengths to shoot the wood in the same spot that it breaks.. giving the illusion that "where you shoot is where it breaks."

I'm a little disappointed too, but it's not really that bad.

It may be possible for a modification to set constraint points on the fly to where a bullet may have impacted. There's always hope in the mod community.
Originally posted by TheRocker132
It happened because Valve is a lying sack of shit. Their physics system is bullshit too, I'm about to make a thread to inform the world.

Can you post the link on who said the physics system is bullshit? I'm not calling you a liar but I've read a couple posts about people bitching about it but can't find where it originally came from.
Wow none of you who are complainging are Blizzard fans are you? Stuff like this happens all the time with them, delaying games and such, like Starcraft: Ghost which was just delayed till 2004, and they only release a vid at E3 once and that's it.

Yet every game they've had has been a hit and often bug-free (at least relatively) at launch. They don't do it to piss people off they do it because they want you to get your money's worth.

You complain if it's not here RIGHT NOW.

Yet you will complain if it's not what you expected nor worth your money.

And newsflash they don't get paid for releasing these vids. They get paid for a game. More than 80% of the people here will buy the game whether we get the vids now or never.

Why not leave them alone and let them work.
the physics system is not bullshit you all have seen the possibilities in the numerous videos. o yea...CALM DOWN AND WAIT FOR THE DAMN VIDEOS LIKE A MATURE HUMAN BEING.

i cant wait to see how many usless "wtf" threads there ar eonce (if) the game gets delayed a month, lol.

i dont know why you are all so excited anyways. its the same demo you saw already, just with a lot better quality. sure i guess better quality is good because now its a direct feed so we all know what the graphics could look like. but i mean seriously, weve all seen it so calm downz0rs
haha, you guys hate valve because of false information that wasn't even officially released.

rofl. steam isn't open for public use yet because of people like you all. it's a beta, beta's have bugs and problems and you can't expect them to work perfectly. if you don't want to see the bugs in steam, don't use it :\

I for one am going to buy my copy from gamestop, but for those of you who are going to buy it off steam should be glad they're trying to work out the bugs right now. Just think if they didn't give a shit and when they released HL2 on steam you get to 89% done and all of a sudden you get an error "Steam and Microsoft hate you" :P J/P. But in all honesty, I'm glad they're trying to get all the bugs worked out now, so when HL2 does launch it will be totally bug free download.
only the fools who dont know any better would get HL2 off steam...or if thier car is in the shop 0_o. im buying mine from EB ;)
"Steam and Microsoft hate you"

lol, if I ever became skilled or smart enough to make a game for true gamers (gamers that wouldn't take it seriously)...that's what my crazy error messages would be like.
Instead of the page fault error EO3856D83691K3956, mine would be
"Half-Life 2 has crashed because Valve thinks you are a silly chump."

or I'd at least be honest.
"Half-Life 2 has crashed because.....well, we don't know just yet, or else this wouldn't have just happened. We'll be patching soon hopefully :)"
Is it still possible to release videos on the week-end?
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
we been lied to again if you hate steam post your feelings here now!!
Quit your whining. This thread is useless and should be closed.
does anyone of u asked gabe or so, if the videos are exactly the same footage from e3(the old version) or is it redone with the newest version?
i don't mind waiting for the videos. what i hate is when people ask why do we care since the videos are the same as e3. and my answer is, the e3 videos sucked! you either had gamespot acid trip ones or the gamespy dark as hell big one. and whenever i've watched cams vs direct, cams always made games look more realistic than they actually were. sometimes even dissapointment set in when you finally saw the direct feeds. so now i want to see what it will really look like, and if it is in 1024x768 then all the better.

and off the subject instead of making new threads i'll also add things i noticed in the videos. the temporary hl 1 blood splat is definately temp, you can see it when gordon hits the little robotic fans when they attack him which is absurd. oh and did anyone notice how the soldier shooting through the window during the door / table kick in the one vid is shooting at the wall and not at gordon, i thought that was hilarious. he must really hate them walls.
Don't worry ppl, hopefully there will be new material which will turn those frowns upside down

Quit your whining. This thread is useless and should be closed.

stfu how can u not be the slightest upset. if you are would be point of this. we dont need your pointless bitchen answer sorry bye
I don't understand what people's problem is. All they're releasing is some higher res versions of videos that everyone's already seen. There will be nothing new to see there and I don't get why people are so upset about this stupid video thing.
Originally posted by Llevar
I don't understand what people's problem is. All they're releasing is some higher res versions of videos that everyone's already seen. There will be nothing new to see there and I don't get why people are so upset about this stupid video thing.

Yeah good point.

"Microsoft and steam hate u at 89%"

:P Pretty funny. hehehe.